Monday 10th January 2011

Darling Jim!

Thank you for the virtual flowers! How did you know that delphiniums were my favorites?! It does so often feel like we’ve known each other for much longer than a few weeks, don’t you agree? I am searching the Internet for something to send you in return, so watch this space. And thank you for the new photo! You are a handsome beast! I must say that even at my age I do still have an eye for the men, I’m always subconsciously “eyeing up the talent” wherever I go and I must tell you that were I to pass you on the street I would give you a very prolonged double take! I didn’t see how much hair you had in your original photo, all those lovely silver locks, gorgeous!

So, now I think I have a crush on you. Argh! Is that okay? Do you mind?!

So, you asked about my partner. Well, “he” was actually a “she.” Vicky was her name. And no, before you ask, I would not describe myself as a lesbian. I would not, I think, like to describe myself as anything, other than a Lorelei. smiley

But certainly, for the years I was with Vicky, I did not really think about men in that way. It was all-consuming and lovely. She was my next-door neighbor and she happened to be here when we found Rhys, the night he killed himself. We got very close very quickly and then one day she kissed me and that was that really. I adored her. Unconditionally. Like everyone else who loves me, she couldn’t hack living with me. She moved out after a few years, we stopped sleeping together but we remained best of friends. Passionately good friends. She really was absolutely the best sort of person. I wish she was still here.

So, there you go, another e-mail, another revelation! I haven’t looked at another woman since Vicky. Which is why I can’t call myself a lesbian. It was, I suspect, a wonderful, beautiful one-off.

All of which means that yes, the father of my children is still alive! Dear Colin! A wonderful man! NOT. Oh, dear. Well, he used to be, and gosh, probably still is in many respects. He was a wonderful father to our children but he fell out of love with me and I never really forgave him. I’m afraid I’m quite high-maintenance in that way. If I’m with someone then it really does have to be all or nothing. I’m a terrible romantic. So he kind of left the door ajar for what happened between me and Vicky. And now . . . oh, dear, how much more can you take?! . . . he lives with my son’s ex-girlfriend and her child. Who is—are you ready for this???—his granddaughter. He is sixty-six years old! She is thirty-eight! Oh, dear, it’s quite disgusting. Really. I haven’t spoken to him in years. Not since I found out. I mean, I should know better than most that love can often be found in the most unexpected places. But not there. No. Absolutely not there. And worse than that is HER! Kayleigh! At least Vicky was a wonderful person. Kayleigh is just an utter bitch. Honestly. A spiteful, terrible person. It was her, in the end, who really rent my family apart. It was her who ruined everything.


Another tale of woe for another day, I think.

Until then, lovely man, I send you a passionate kiss, virtual, but heartfelt.

Yours, with love,



April 2011

“Hello, Dad.” Meg had sat down in the chair next to him before he’d spotted her walking across the plush reception hall of the boutique hotel in Mickleton.

“Oh. Darling.” He got to his feet, still bouncy and nimble at sixty-six. “Meg.” He leaned in towards her and tried to embrace her but Meg’s body would not allow it and the gesture turned into a kind of teenage fumble.

“You look wonderful, Meg, really amazing. You’ve lost a lot of weight.”

“Well, yes,” she muttered. “Funnily enough it all fell off me after the last time I saw you.”

“Vicky’s funeral,” he murmured, as though Meg had not just spoken. “Has it really been that long?”

“It most certainly has.”

Colin sat back down in the plush armchair and looked around. “This place is nice,” he said. “Used to be a shoe shop, I think, once upon a time. Wide Fittings if I recall.” He winked and laughed and Meg stared at him blankly. “Where’s Molly?”

“She’s in our room,” said Meg, “watching endless reruns of Come Dine with Me and texting her friends.” Her voice was dry as dust.

Colin nodded and smiled. “So,” he said, “how are you feeling?”

“About what?”

Colin let his jolly demeanor deflate a little. “Your mother, of course,” he said. “How are you feeling about your mother?”

“Well,” said Meg, “you know. Pretty much exactly how any daughter would feel upon losing her mother. Who has starved herself to death inside a house so full of filthy shit that it is going to take her daughter two weeks to clear it out and even then there will probably be another two weeks’ worth of crap still left in there. That’s how I’m feeling. Thank you.”

Meg flopped crossly into the back of the armchair and folded her arms across her chest.

Colin stared at her and then leaned towards her and touched her arm. Meg pulled her arm away from him and said, “No, thank you. I don’t want sympathy. Or affection, okay? I just want help.”

“Good,” said Colin, removing his hand from her arm. “Yes. Good. Absolutely. That’s what I’m here for. To help. How bad is it?”

Meg sighed and let her shoulders soften. “It’s even worse than the worst nightmares I’d been having about it. I mean, seriously, it’s . . . it’s . . .” She noticed with some surprise that she had begun to cry. Colin touched her arm again and once more she shook it off. She was not sure she would ever accept her father’s touch again. She pulled in her tears and continued. “It’s absolutely shocking. Particularly downstairs. I mean, there’s literally no daylight down there. It’s all piled to the ceiling. There’s like, like, this corridor. You know. Through the piles. Like walls. And it smells”—she put her hand over her mouth—“it smells disgusting. And then there’s her place, her armchair, in the middle of all of this and it’s all stained and shabby and that was where she lived.” She widened her eyes at her father, finally feeling able to make eye contact with him. “She lived on that chair. Slept on that chair. Ate on that chair.” She shuddered and lowered her gaze to the floor. “It’s all so fucking tragic.”

Colin sighed and put his fingers against his mouth. “I feel awful,” he said. “I feel—”

“Don’t make this all about you, Dad. This is nothing to do with you. It’s all of us. It’s everything. It’s, Christ, I was telling you she was sick decades ago. She’s always been sick. This . . .” She paused. “This was always going to happen.”

Colin shook his head. “Do you really, really believe that?”

Meg nodded.

“No,” he said, “I don’t agree with you. I think there was a moment. A moment when all this could have ended differently. When Mum might have found a less screwed-up way through life.”

“And when was that, exactly?”

Colin shrugged. “Rhys,” he said in a small voice. “I suppose it must have been Rhys.”

Meg nodded. “But how could we have stopped that happening? How could any of us have done anything differently? I mean, there was no buildup to it, no signs, no warning. And then afterwards—there was no note, no explanation. It was just like this utterly unconnected thing.”

“I think we could have done more. To help Mum. Afterwards.”

“But Mum didn’t want help!” snapped Meg. “That was the whole crazy thing about it. She was fine!” She imitated Lorelei’s birdlike trill. “Absolutely fine! My son’s dead! La-la-la! No.” She shook her head. “I honestly don’t think there’s anything we could have done. How can you help someone who thinks, who believes, that they’re perfectly fine?”

Colin nodded and smiled sadly. “I still, more than any other regret, wish I could have understood. Why he did it. What he was thinking. Maybe that’s it. You know. Maybe if there’d been an explanation we could all have moved on. Found closure. But there wasn’t and we didn’t and we’ve all gone off at tangents—”

I haven’t,” Meg interjected brusquely.

“Well, no, you haven’t. Although that’s not to say you haven’t had your own demons. But the rest of us and, my God, your poor blessed mother more than anyone. It’s almost like . . .” He paused. “As though we all blamed each other. Because we didn’t know who else to blame. And then we just carried on blaming each other for everything.” He sighed and a silence fell between them.

“Well,” said Meg eventually. “You must be hungry. Shall we go up to the room? Maybe we could have tea?”

Colin’s face lit up. “Yes,” he said. “That would be lovely. Thank you.”

March 2005

“You’re such an angel, Lorrie, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Vicky turned round in her wheelchair and squeezed Lorrie’s scrawny hand where it sat upon the handles.

“Don’t be silly, love,” Lorelei replied. “It’s nothing.”

“No,” said Vicky, “it’s not nothing. I know how much of an ordeal this is for you. I know you’d rather be at home and not ferrying me about all over the place.”

“Well, darling, my car is an extension of my home, so it doesn’t feel like an ordeal. And anything to get you better, Vick, that’s all that matters now. Getting you better. For the girls. And for me.”

Lorelei squeezed her shoulder and carried on pushing her up the corridor. Out in the car park it was a bright and breezy day; lacy clouds danced across the sky and the trees shimmered and whispered. Such a stark contrast to what had come before. Three hours of chemo in a dark hospital ward, flicking mindlessly through the old copies of Sunday supplements that Lorelei had brought for her, delighted to finally have some use for her hoard beyond the inexplicable sense of calm it brought to her existence, drinking room-temperature juice out of plastic cups, the time passing so slowly, even with Lorelei’s running commentary and soothing touch.

Two more days of this and then she was done. Well, for now at least. Until the next time. Which was more or less inevitable given the way the wretched cancer was rampaging around her body as if it was on a whistle-stop sightseeing tour. From a pea-sized lump in her right breast to telltale aches and pains in her chest as it passed into her lymph nodes (they’d whipped the lot out like a tangle of seaweed, and taken off the tit too). And then it had shown up like a bad smell in her other boob. They did keep managing to get it and nipping the bugger in the bud. But Christ, it was insistent. It had no respect for these men and women of medicine and their superlative ways with a chemo needle and a radiography machine. But still, as everyone kept telling her, she was as strong as an ox (she wasn’t sure she appreciated the analogy, but she could kind of see where they were coming from) and she was a fighter. And yes, that much was true. She always had been, all her life. Never a person just to fold up and roll over. But still, this really was pushing it now. Three lots of cancer, three bouts of treatment, the tits gone, the hair gone, the body gone (no, she did not, as she’d always assumed, have the figure of Pamela Anderson hiding beneath her excess weight, just a slightly deflated old bag of bones, as it turned out). She was tired now, and done with it all. Her fighting spirit, she feared, was ebbing away.

But still, on the up, her being ill really had done a world of good for Lorelei. She had risen to the challenge quite magnificently. She’d taken Vicky to all her appointments, passed her tissues, held her hand, bought her chocolate bars when she wasn’t feeling sick and ginger tea when she was. She’d even taken on the role of receptacle of doctors’ words. Vicky always felt she was on show during these meetings with consultants, as though she was supposed to smile at just the right moment and nod at the appropriate juncture, like someone being judged by Simon Cowell on The X Factor. Or make that The C Factor. Anyway, she could never remember a bloody thing they said to her and thank God for Lorelei, taking it all in, even making notes in a little notepad with her jumbo multicolored biro.

Vicky wasn’t daft. She knew why Lorrie was being so strong. She knew now that she was all Lorrie had left. Megan, pregnant again down in London, pretty much pegged to the ground she stood on by the sheer weight of all her bloody children. Beth busy being remote and unattainable in Australia. Rory pimping his soul away in Thailand and Colin, urgh, God, Colin. She could barely bring herself to think about that utterly revolting can of worms.

So really, Vicky was it. The tattered remnants of Lorelei’s once-dazzling family. And she needed Vicky more than life itself. So of course she would pull herself out of her comfort zone to do the right thing. She was so often her own worst enemy. But not now.

Even sweet Lorelei wasn’t that bloody stupid.

Lorelei, sensing that this was not, for once, her Easter, spent the day with Vicky and her girls in their little flat around the corner.

She arrived at midday, buried under a deadweight of Easter eggs and daffodils. Vicky and Maddy had made a lamb tagine with couscous and roasted vegetables and thick yogurt sauce sprinkled with pumpkin seeds, and they gave each other knowing looks across the table as they watched Lorelei picking at it uncertainly, trying her hardest to accept the untraditional Easter fare, trying her hardest not to say something snippy like “This is all very nice, but I really don’t see how you can improve upon a simple leg of lamb.”

“Yummy!” she said, instead. “Really, you two should have your own cookery show or something. You’re both so incredibly clever in the kitchen.”

“Not me,” said Vicky. “It’s all down to Maddy. She’s the gastronomic genius in this house.”

She smiled warmly at Maddy, who returned her smile with just a hint of long-suffering. Since Vicky had sided with Maddy 100 percent over what they all referred to in private as the “little shit incident” and taken them out of the Bird House and into this cute little flat around the corner, her relationship with her eldest daughter had flourished. And it was such a tiresome cliché to say that your daughter was like your best friend, but really, with her and Maddy it was true. It was almost as if the aftermath of the “little shit incident” had somehow taken them on a different route through these potentially tricky teenage years, a bypass around the hell that Vicky had been expecting ever since she’d first been presented with a baby daughter fourteen years previously. Never a cross word, never a dramatic sigh, never a slammed door. Just companionship. Vicky felt truly blessed. And in this last year, since her initial diagnosis, that bond had grown even deeper. She mouthed the words “I love you” across the table at her daughter, who rolled her eyes and smiled.

“How amazing,” said Lorelei, oblivious, as ever, to undercurrents. “None of mine can cook. Well, not that I’m aware of, at least.” She let out a brittle laugh and pushed some grains of couscous around her plate.

“Meg makes a nice stir-fry,” said Vicky, trying to leverage some positivity into the conversation before it got too bogged down in poor old me.

Anyone can make a nice stir-fry,” Lorelei responded.

“Well, no, that’s not strictly true. It does take a certain knack.”

“I did think that at least one of them might end up with some flair in the kitchen.”

Vicky and Maddy exchanged another look, another pair of suctioned-in smiles. Just the way Lorrie’s children always used to. Those looks that had so angered Vicky when she was crazy in love with her. But she was no longer crazy in love with her. That illusion had been well and truly shattered.

“Says the woman who subsists on rice cakes and Krispy Kremes,” she said affectionately.

“Well, really, there’s hardly any point cooking when it’s just you. I used to be a good cook. When I was younger. When the kiddos were about. I was always in the kitchen. I just don’t see the point anymore.” She had joined her knife and fork together in the center of her plate, although she’d eaten barely half. Vicky, too, had eaten only a handful of food, just to be polite, just to keep it all ticking along. Her poor poisoned stomach could not have taken any more. The girls were still eating, in that delicate, birdlike way of young girls, as though there were no pleasure to be had from it at all. And maybe there wasn’t, thought Vicky sadly. Maybe there wasn’t. This time last year she’d been well, Megan and the kids had been here, they’d been high with the euphoria of clearing out Lorrie’s kitchen, nobody knew about Colin and Kayleigh, nobody knew about Rory and his sleazy lifestyle. And surely, yes, the food must have tasted better that day. So much better.

“Lovely lunch,” said Lorrie, a film of tears over her eyes. “Really lovely lunch.”

“Thank you, darling,” said Vicky, squeezing her bony hand across the table. “You are sweet.”

From: Colin.bird@hotmail.com

To: MeganRoseLiddingtonBird@yahoo.co.uk; RoryBird2@hotmail.com; Bethanbabybird@arthouseframing.co.au

27th March 2005

Hello, my dearest darling children,

I’m writing this from a café in Madrid. I’ve decided to spend a few weeks away from the community, I think all of us needed some space. It’s been getting a bit messy. Well, messier than usual, let’s put it that way. Adie, that’s the guy who Kayleigh lives with, he’s having some kind of breakdown, or God, I don’t know, a manic thing. I’m not really sure, but there’s medication involved and he’s refusing to take it and yadda, yadda, yadda, he doesn’t seem to be quite so relaxed about our “arrangement” anymore and doesn’t really want me around. And to be perfectly frank, it’s come at a good time. I had hoped that given time the three of you might have accepted the choice I made a year ago but that clearly isn’t the case and I’m half-mad with despair and longing for you all. I feel like we’re at opposite sides of some warped mirror, like I can see you all, but when I go to touch you you’re not there. I realize I’m going through something, something mad and ridiculous, but then I think all of us, in different ways, have made some not-so-great choices over the years. I think all of us have baggage that we didn’t ask for. I wanted you all to understand and to give me the time and the freedom to make my own mistakes, but I cannot blame you for not doing that. You are my children. I am your father. I should be better than that. I understand. If my own lovely dad, God rest his precious soul, had done something along the lines of what I have done, I would have had terrible trouble accepting it.

So now, I have two choices: a) go back to the community, see it through, whatever it is (and I know none of you want to hear this, but God, I love her, I really, really do) and hope that you will all come round to the idea but accept that maybe you never will or b) give her up, go home, pretend none of it ever happened and wait for you all to forgive me.

Talk about Sophie’s Choice . . .

In the meantime, here is a recent photo of Tia. She’s five and a half now, bright as a button, so clever. She calls me Papa, in case you’re wondering, and she is desperate to meet you all one day, her aunties and her cousins. We took her back to Ireland for Christmas, it was a perfect joy to see her with all her cousins over there, but joy tinged with sadness because she’s not yet met the ones who really matter to me.

So, I’ll be here for a while, until Adie is either better or gone, and hopefully while I’m here I can reach some kind of resolution with everything. And quite apart from me and my own issues and ruminations, remember to speak to your mother over the Easter weekend. She’s spending it with Vicky and as you probably all know, it may well be the last for the pair of them. Make sure they feel loved.

I love you all so much. You can’t ever imagine the physical pain I feel not being with you all, knowing what my actions have caused. Happy Easter, my beautiful glorious children.

Love, hugs, kisses, from your



Megan looked around the table. It was, as they kept telling each other, a bumper day of celebrations. Alfie’s eighth birthday. Easter Sunday. And the return of Molly from her first stay away from home after a week on a PGL camp with the rest of year five. And so, arranged around the table in no particular order were all three of her children; Bill; Bill’s brother Frank; his girlfriend Sonia; their son Frank Jr.; Bill’s recently widowed dad, Bobby; and Meg’s recently divorced best friend Charlotte, who also happened to be the mother of Alfie’s best friend at school, James.

Extra chairs had been commandeered from other parts of the house and Charlotte had brought four extra place settings. There’d been oysters and shell-on prawns with garlic mayonnaise for starters and now they were clearing their plates of roasted lamb and vegetables with a red-wine gravy. She’d had to do it all from cookery books; she wasn’t a natural-born chef and had been up at seven, apron on, everything arranged on the counter, a preprinted timings sheet Sellotaped to the tiled wall, hair tied back, ready to go. She didn’t cut any corners the way she normally did; no expensive, shop-bought gravy or ready-to-cook roast potatoes. All from scratch. This was their first Easter at home in four years and Megan was pregnant with what was categorically going to be her last child and she wanted this day to be perfect. In every single way.

Bill smiled at her across the table. “Good work,” he said. And Megan smiled and felt the compliment warm her up from the inside out. They’d had some awful times the last few years; she’d even kicked him out two years ago, told him she couldn’t live with a man who had two mobile phones and slept in his office every night, a man who shouted at his children and answered all her questions with a grunt. She knew he’d been sleeping with someone else. Possibly even a whole procession of someone elses. She honestly hadn’t cared. She’d lain alone in bed at night, picturing him in boutique hotel rooms, slamming himself into some tiny blonde from behind, with wild eyes and his tongue hanging out, and had not been able to rustle up even an iota of upset. She’d imagined him lying on a blanket on a starry London night with someone small and feminine, caressing her face with his fingertips and staring lovingly into her eyes, and she’d simply shrugged to herself and thought, Well, you know, at least someone’s making him happy.

But that was the problem: they weren’t making him happy. Whoever he was sleeping with or romancing or fucking or falling in love with or whatever, was making him miserable. And that was why she’d kicked him out. He’d come back three days later with a tiny gold bird on a chain in a Liberty’s box and said, “Please, can you let me try again?

And crazy as it sounds, everything had changed. No more shouting, no more nights away, no more monosyllables. And after a year, once she truly believed that this was it, that they’d broken the cycle and found a better way of being together, she’d suggested a last baby. And he’d smiled and said, “Well, I was going to suggest a wedding, but if you’d prefer a baby . . . ” And she’d smiled and said, “Baby first, maybe a wedding later?” Six months later she was pregnant.

She waited for a lull in the chatter and then she said, “By the way. We had the gender scan on Thursday.”

Charlotte and Sonia let out little gasps of excitement. After two virtually identical boys (Alf and Stan were almost impossible to tell apart when they were sitting down) and a six-year gap, there was a tangible and rather irritating bias towards a girl from most quarters. And really, honestly, Megan did not mind. Her mother had managed the neat little two boys/two girls combination and look how that had ended. Just a happy child, that was what she wanted. A happy bonny child with a winning smile and a sunny disposition.

“It’s going to be . . .” She dragged out the suspense, almost spitefully, knowing that she would not be giving her guests what they were looking for. “Another boy!”

She heard the disappointment buried in the noises of glee and delight that emanated from her guests. And she smiled. Her fourth child. Her last baby. She could not wait to meet him. She would make sure he was at the center of everything, the axis around which they all spun. She would keep him there, fully integrated, if she had to pull muscles doing it. This boy would never miss an Easter lunch, unnoticed, unremarked upon. She held her hand soft against her stomach and thought, My special boy, my lovely special boy.

She called her mother after lunch, taking her mobile into the quietest corner of the house and shutting the door. She sighed as she waited for Lorelei to pick up the call. It had been nearly two months since her last visit to the Bird House and she was racked with guilt. Here she was, in the bosom of her family, warm and loved, her future unrolling in front of her like a feel-good movie, another baby on the way, surrounded, completely surrounded, while her mother sat a hundred miles away and ate food with her dying lover. She should have been there. She knew that. It was probably Vicky’s last Easter. It would have taken everyone’s minds off everything, the chaos and clatter of her unruly family. But she’d looked at the day from every angle and seen objectively that she had to be selfish. Alfie wanted his friend here on his birthday and Molly had only just got back from a trip away; she did not want to have to pack up and sit on motorways again, sleep in someone else’s bed. Bill’s dad couldn’t be alone today, his first Easter without his wife. She’d invited Lorelei, but purely to ease her guilt. Which it hadn’t. In the least.

“Hello!” she said when Lorelei finally picked up after ten rings.

“Oh, hello, darling. How lovely to hear from you. How’s things?”

“Good,” she said circumspectly. “It’s been a nice day. How about you?”

“Ah, well, you know. It’s been perfectly nice.”

“Where are you?”

“I’m at Vick’s. We’re just about to have tea and a cake.”

“One of yours?”

Her mother laughed wryly. “Oh, no, darling. Not today. Apparently we’ve got a lovely shop-bought one from Waitrose.”

“You mean you’ve covered over the Aga again?” She tried to keep her voice soft and kind, but even she could hear the strand of annoyance running through it.

Lorelei sighed and Megan felt awful.

“How’s Vicky?” She changed the subject.

“Oh, trooping on. You know. She looks absolutely dreadful. But the girls are being amazing. So supportive. They never leave her side.”

Megan said nothing. The comment sounded innocent in Lorelei’s singsong tones but was as loaded as a double-barreled gun.

“If it was you, Mummy . . . ,” she began patiently.

“Yes, yes. I do know that. Of course I know that. But still.”

“Still what?”

“Oh, I don’t know. It’s all such a terrible shame. All of it. What happened to us. We used to be such a tight-knit little bunch. And now we’re like a bunch of raggle-taggle gypsies.”

Megan thought briefly of the heinous e-mail from her father this morning, that she had both read and deleted in roughly thirty-five seconds. “Well, you know, that’s life, isn’t it? Families aren’t all the same.”

“I wonder . . .”


“Oh, gosh, I don’t know. I do sometimes wonder how different things would have been for us all, if Rhys hadn’t . . . well.”

“Hanged himself?” Meg winced. So harsh, but really, her mother was nearly sixty. Rhys had killed himself fourteen years ago. She had to find some words for it. She had to have processed it by now. Surely.

“No!” said Lorelei. “Well, yes. I suppose. But do you think, Meggy, do you think we might all have been a bit closer now? If Rhys was still here?”

Meg absentmindedly rubbed her stomach with her spare hand. She sighed. “That’s something we’ll never know.”

“I do sometimes think it’s quite amazing, how I’ve dealt with it. You know. I do sometimes think . . . well, I honestly . . . I barely grieved. Isn’t that remarkable?”

Megan took in a sharp breath, felt it bruise against her ribs.

“I mean, I was terribly sad, obviously. But I never felt . . .”

Megan let the silence play out towards her mother’s next words with a terrible sense of dread.

“I never felt devastated. Isn’t that strange? And he was my baby. My littlest one. And I didn’t feel devastated.”

The next silence was weighed down with the sense of Lorelei’s own surprise. It was clear to Megan that she’d only just acknowledged this fact, that it had just this very minute presented itself to her and that she did not know quite what to make of it.

“It is strange, Mum. Really strange and it’s . . .” She rubbed her bump again, her baby, her littlest one, and she chose her next words carefully, realizing that this was the first time she had ever had a window into her mother’s mind and an opportunity to climb in and change something. “I think it’s got a lot to do with your habits. Your . . . collecting of things. I think it’s a coping strategy. I think that’s why you can’t let go of things, because they stop you thinking too much, protect you from your own emotions. I think—”

“Oh, Meggy!” Her mother cut in suddenly, her voice lilting and full of delight. “The girls have just brought in the cake! It’s simply beautiful—all covered over in yellow royal icing and baby chicks and pastel-colored eggs. I wish you could see it! It’s the most beautiful Easter cake I’ve ever seen! And look, even a little chocolate nest in the middle. How completely adorable.”

Megan sighed and brushed her hair away from her face. Less of a window, then, and more of a pinhole. She wrapped up the phone call and made her way back to her party.

Beth sat on the terrace of her Sydney apartment, a book open and unread upon her lap, staring thoughtlessly into space. She had been sitting this way for nearly three minutes. It was something she did more and more these days, almost like blacking out, like fainting with her eyes open. After another moment she came round and shook the blankness from her head. She looked from side to side, trying to remember what she’d been doing, who she was with. She remembered that it was Sunday afternoon, that she was alone, that she was due at her boyfriend Richard’s place in an hour, that she needed to have a shower and get changed. She pulled her hair from her face, closed her book and got to her feet.

She should probably see someone about these blackouts. Supposing it happened while she was driving? It had happened at work the other day, while she was in a meeting. Her boss had said, “Beth? Beth? Earth calling Beth?” and everyone had laughed and she’d smiled nervously and said, “Sorry, sorry, miles away.” But miles away was not accurate. Nowhere at all was more like it.

She showered and changed, fixed a clip to her fringe, buckled up her black-and-white cork-soled Mary Janes, glanced at herself in the mirror, smiled wanly and drove to Richard’s. He met her at his front door in his customary uniform of short-sleeved shirt and jeans. Not a man of style. He wasn’t fussed about clothes. She sometimes thought they looked like an odd couple, her all bedecked in girlie clutter, him all straight-up and mannish. He pulled her to him and smelled her, as he always did, like a mother to a baby.

“Mmm,” he said. “Yum.”

She wore a scent she’d bought in a local boutique, a brand she’d never heard of before, something new to cover over the aroma of her old persona. She was all about signatures these days: signature scent, signature side parting with a single diamante clip, signature Mary Janes in zingy colors, signature pinky-red lipstick. She was instantly recognizable these days. To everyone but herself. To herself, she was still a stranger.

“Look what I’ve got for us,” said Richard, leading her to his kitchen counter and opening up a drawer. He pulled out a pair of Creme Eggs and handed one to her. “Four dollars a pop. Happy Easter!”

She held the Creme Egg in the palm of her hand and stared at it. They always threw her off kilter, these little chunks of home. Richard loved them, knew all the best places to get hold of Anglo stuff. But Beth found them unsettling. She spoke with an Antipodean twang, she used Australian slang, she was assimilated. One hundred percent. She didn’t need “little chunks of home.” They were like slightly sinister postcards from old enemies.

“Thank you!” she said, and hugged Richard to her. “And happy Easter to you, too. Sorry, I didn’t get you anything . . .”

“That’s okay,” he said. “Wasn’t expecting anything. And I know Easter is a strange time for you, so . . .”

She shrugged and smiled. She’d told him early on about Rhys. She had to. You couldn’t really get to know someone without having the inevitable “So have you got any brothers and sisters?” conversation. And she could have lied, or at least, omitted any mention of Rhys. But she wasn’t able to do that. She would never be able to do that.

“Do you do anything,” he continued, “at home? To, you know, commemorate the day?”

At home. She shuddered at his words. This was home. “No,” she said quietly, “not really. I mean, it was fourteen years ago, it all seems so distant now. I think we’ve all moved on.”

He nodded sagely, as if this was somehow a satisfactory response. When it clearly wasn’t. He poured her a coffee and they sat together on his sofa. He slung his arm around her shoulders and picked up the remote control. The window was wide open, his light curtains billowing in the early-evening breeze. The sun was still high and she could hear the sound of the ocean from here, the reassuring whisper of the ebb and flow, the calls of children on the beach, the hum of the traffic that flowed in between.

“New shoes?” he said, eyeing up her sandals.

She eyed them too, smiled and said, “No, I’ve had these awhile.”

“They’re nice,” he said. “Pretty. Although I’d still give a hundred dollars to see you in a pair of flip-flops.”

She nudged him with her elbow. It was a standing joke.

She stared at the Creme Egg on the table in front of her. Just the merest glance at it filled her head with a dozen childhood memories. And as these tiny vignettes danced around her head, she could not help but think of England, of her mother, of poor Vicky, of pregnant Megan. And then she thought of the pathetic e-mail from her father that had been sitting there in her inbox this morning like a big festering boil. She’d skimmed it, barely taken in a word, had let the cursor hover above the link to the photo of Tia for a second or two before changing her mind—too early for that, far too early—and then shut it down, shuddering delicately. But her father had been right about one thing. Her family. She should phone them all. If she was normal, really, truly normal, not this arty-crafty, hand-stitched semblance of normal she’d made out of the warm, sweet, thin air of Sydney, Australia, that is exactly what she would do. She would phone them all and say, “Happy Easter! How are you? How are the kids? How are you doing? What are you eating? I miss you all so much! I love you too.” It would take ten minutes. It would make everyone happy. But she couldn’t do it. And she had no idea why.

Instead she buried her head into the crook of Richard’s shoulder, his strong, unquestioning shoulder that smelled of right here and now, and thought herself, hard, back into the moment and away from the past.

Rory opened the e-mail again and reread it. He didn’t know why he kept doing it; it was as though he was fiddling with the edges of a plaster that sat over a particularly revolting and infected wound. It almost didn’t make sense. The content seemed so far-fetched. This time last year he and his dad had been bonding in a tattoo studio. Now his dad was living with the mother of his child on a hippy commune. The e-mail needed to be reread, just to see if it contained some missed word or phrase that would stop it sounding so unlikely. But no. There it was. In black and white. The love triangle from hell. Or, God, even worse, a love square if he included himself in the shape.

He saw them every day, men like his dad, old and tired and scared of the women at home, terrified of being like their friends, incapable of allowing themselves to be rejected. They came here, to the other side of the world, and they found women who made them feel as though it was okay to be a loser.

And now his dad was one of them.


Did he honestly, truly believe that Kayleigh was interested in him for his mind? For his body? For his sexual prowess?

Rory shivered involuntarily.

Of course she wasn’t. She was with him to ensure her connection with Rory’s family. To maintain her connection with Rory.

He read the e-mail one more time, and then he shut it down.

He’d first found out about his dad and Kayleigh a few months ago. Beth had e-mailed him. Sheepishly. She’d known since before it had even happened. But his dad hadn’t got in touch with him. He’d not heard from his father until now. And then it was in a joint e-mail, addressed to all three of his children.

Rory shrugged to himself.


He didn’t care anymore. He’d come so far unraveled from the few remaining bonds that had tied him to his family that, really, who cared? Who gave a shit? Who gave a shit about Meg and all her bloody children? Who gave a shit about his weird mum and her sick girlfriend? Who gave a shit about vacuous Beth and her boring new boyfriend? Who gave a shit about Kayleigh and her kid and his dad and who gave a shit who called who Dad or Granddad or whatever? Who gave a shit about any of it? Seriously.

Rory left the Internet café and pulled his phone out of his pocket. It was Owen.


“Mate, where are you?”

“I’m on Moo 2. Just heading back.”

“What the fuck are you doing there?”

“Nothing, just sending some e-mails.”

“Seriously, you need to get back here, like, right now. Right this fucking minute.”

Rory’s heart rate picked up and he started walking faster. “What? What’s going on?”

“Just get here. And make sure there’s nobody following you.”

“Oh, what?” Rory spun round as he walked. He didn’t know what he was looking for but assumed he’d recognize a threat if he saw one.

“Should I chuck it out, Owen? Should I dump it?”

But Owen had already hung up. Adrenaline blasted through him. He half walked, half ran, looking over his shoulder. It took him twenty minutes to get back to the club. By the time he burst through the doors and into the back room he was soaked with sweat. Owen sat behind his desk. A plug-in fan blew his paperwork about in front of him. He looked cool and collected. On the chairs in front of him sat two Thai men wearing short-sleeved shirts and trousers. As he entered the room they both turned and appraised him. Rory vaguely recognized one of them. Had seen him around.

“This is the man,” he heard Owen saying. “This is the man who brings the drugs into my bar. Please arrest him.”

Both men nodded and one of them stood up and bent Rory over Owen’s desk while the other clipped a pair of handcuffs around his wrists. Hands rifled through his pockets, came out clutching little bags of pills and powder, the currency of his work.

“Owen?” Rory breathed out, looking up at his friend from where his head rested against the warm wood of his desk. “Mate?”

“You’re not my mate, mate. You’re a drug dealer.”

Owen stood up and held the door open for the two policemen. Rory stared beseechingly at his friend over his shoulder, struggling against the pressure of the men’s hands against his body. “Seriously, Owen, what is this shit? What the fuck is going on, what are you doing?” He was shouting now through a closed door. His heels were dragging against the floor of the club. Girls and customers were staring at him in horror. “Jesus! For fuck’s sake! Someone help me! Owen! Jesus!”

Somehow the two policemen had got him onto the pavement. They were shouting at him urgently in Thai, with occasional words of English. “Stop moving! Just come!” A police van sat outside. Rory hadn’t even noticed it before. He was pushed into the back and the doors slammed shut behind him. He was on a hot metal floor. The van smelled of sweat and cigarettes. Then they were moving, slowly through the midday traffic. Rory closed his eyes and saw Owen’s face again. That cool, hard expression of professional disappointment. The satisfaction buried beneath it of having swerved a curveball, dealt with a problem, sorted it. Taken care of business.

Rory let his face fall onto his chest. He’d almost believed that he was Owen’s friend. Voices in his head had told him time and time again, “Don’t trust him. He’s only out for his own interests. He doesn’t care about you.” But he’d ignored the voices and fooled himself that he was the special one in Owen’s tightly controlled, sordid little world. He bashed his elbows together against his ribs with frustration.

“Fuck!” he shouted to himself. He kicked the sides of the van with the soles of his feet. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

He breathed back the tears that threatened to fall. He kicked the side of the van again. And then he breathed out. Fine, he thought, good. Here it is. The thing. The thing that had been hanging over him ever since he’d left Kayleigh alone in Spain with an eight-month-old baby. The cartoon anvil above his head. Here it was. It had fallen on him.

Fine, he thought again, good.