Abbreviations and Acronyms

AAA American Arbitration Association
ACJUSER Advisory Council on Japan–U.S. Economic Relations
ACSA Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
AJS America–Japan Society
ANZUS Australia, New Zealand, United States of America
APEC Asia–Pacific Economic Cooperation
ASDF Air Self-Defense Force
ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations
CART Common Agenda Roundtable
CULCON U.S.–Japan Conference on Cultural and Educational Interchange
DIC Defense Industry Commission
EAEC East Asia Economic Caucus
EAEG East Asia Economic Grouping
EIBUS Export–Import Bank of the United States
EROA Economic Rehabilitation in Occupied Area
ESB Economic Stabilization Board
FSX Fighter Support X
GARIOA Government Aid and Relief in Occupied Area
GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GHQ General Headquarters
GS Government Section
IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency
IFSEC Industry Forum for Security Cooperation
IMF International Monetary Fund
IMTFE International Military Tribunal for the Far East
JAIF Japan Atomic Industrial Forum
JAS Japan America Society
JASC Japan-America Student Conference
JBF Japan Business Federation
JCAA Japan Commercial Arbitration Association
JET Japan Exchange and Teaching
JPC Japan Productivity Center
JSDF Japanese Self-Defense Force
JSP Japan Socialist Party
JUSBC Japan–U.S. Business Council
JUSWPC Japan–U.S. Wise Persons Committee
Keidanren Japan Federation of Economic Organizations
LDP Liberal Democratic Party
MITI Ministry of International Trade and Industry
MSA Mutual Security Agreement
MSDF Maritime Self-Defense Force
NAJAS National Association of Japan-America Societies
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NDC National Defense Council
NDIA National Defense Industrial Association
NGO non-governmental organization
NPR National Police Reserve
P-3 Common Agenda Public Private Partnership
PRC People's Republic of China
RFB Reconstruction Finance Bank
ROC Republic of China
SCAP Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
SCAPIN Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Instruction Note
SCC Japan–U.S. Security Consultative Committee
SEATO Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SII Structural Impediments Initiative
SOFA Japan–U.S. Status-of-Forces Agreement
USJBC U.S.–Japan Business Council
USTR United States Trade Representative
YMCA Young Men's Christian Association