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2004 Image of Japan Study In the United States

American Chamber of Commerce in Japan

Completion of the review of the guidelines for U.S.–Japan defense cooperation New York, 23 September 1997

Constitution of Japan

Embassy of Japan–Washington, D.C.

Embassy of the United States–Tokyo

Fulbright—Japan–United States Education Commission

JGuide-Stanford Guide to Japan Information Resources

Japan America Society of Hawaii

Japan Exchange and Teaching Program (JET)

Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)

Japan Policy Research Institute

Japanese American Citizens League

Japanese American Internment

Japanese American National Museum (Los Angeles)

Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii

Joint Statement U.S.–Japan Security Consultative Committee Completion of the Review of the Guidelines for U.S.–Japan Defense Cooperation New York, 23 September 1997

Manjiro Society for International Exchange

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

National Association of Japan America Societies

National Clearinghouse for U.S.–Japan Studies, East Asia Studies Center, Indiana University

National Japanese American Historical Society

People to People International

Sister Cities International

United States Department of State, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Japan

United States Diplomatic History Resources Index

United States [Military] Forces, Japan

World War Two, BBC History