STONE GOT THE CALL from Cilla and told her to take the elevator to the top floor, then he pressed the button on his iPhone that opened the garage door. It would close automatically when her car left.

He was standing next to the elevator when the door opened and took her bag.

“Where would you like to sleep?” he asked, kissing her.

“Wherever you’re sleeping,” she replied.

He walked her down the hall and put her bag in the second dressing room. “Unpack, freshen up, then come down to the study for drinks. Dinner is at seven.”

STONE WENT DOWN to the study and called Fred on the house phone.

“Yes, sir?”

“Fred, I’d like you to have a look around the neighborhood again for our previous visitor.”

“Yes, sir.”

“If you find him, don’t approach. He knows what you look like now, and he will be armed. Just come back here, and we’ll let the police deal with him.”

“Yes, sir.”

Stone called Jimbo on his cell phone.

“Yes, sir?”

“Where are you, Jimbo?”

“In her sitting room, watching TV.”

“Is she down for the night?”

“Hard to say. She’s impulsive.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Sylvia comes on at ten. I’ll be right here until then.”

“If she doesn’t want to go out, call Helene in the kitchen, and she’ll bring dinner to you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Barrington.”

STONE LOOKED UP TO FIND Cilla standing in the doorway.

“Knock, knock,” she said.

“Come in and have a seat. Martini?”

“Oh, please, yes.”

He mixed the drink, handed it to her, and poured himself a Knob Creek.

“Did you have a good day?” he asked.

“I can’t remember a better one in about two years. Herb reached a settlement with Donald’s attorney, and we’ve both signed, and I’ve signed a new will and let him know it. I feel off the hook.”

“That’s because you are.”

“Also, I’ve found an apartment. Margot is delivering an offer and a very large check as we speak.”

“Closing date later?”

“After the final decree, but Herb is optimistic we can get that soon. I’m going to keep the Greenwich house for the time being, and Margot is going to sell the Carlyle apartment for me.”

“Well, then, Margot’s having a good day, too, isn’t she?”

“She is. I can’t thank you enough for all your help. A few days ago I couldn’t walk; had an out-of-control, estranged husband; and was scared to death. And now . . .”

“I’m glad it’s all better.”

“Something occurred to me,” she said.

“What’s that?”

“I’ve signed a new will, so Donald has no reason to want me dead, but . . .”

“But what?”

“That doesn’t mean that Donald feels any better about you. It troubles me that he went out and bought a gun, when he has half a dozen in the safe in Greenwich.”

“Sounds rather like he had an immediate reason to do so, doesn’t it?”

“It does, so please, please, watch your ass.”

Stone laughed. “That’s Fred’s job,” he said, “and he’s good at it.”

“How did you ever find that dear little man?”

“I didn’t. He was sent to me by my French friend Marcel duBois, the same one who designed the Blaise. He gave me a year of Fred’s time as a gift. I hired him after a month, then to seal the deal, he and Helene fell madly in love and moved in together.”

“How convenient for you.”

“Very much so.”

A veal roast arrived. Fred served them and poured the wine Stone had chosen.

“So,” Stone said, “what are your plans while you’re here?”

“If my offer is accepted, I’m going to take a decorator over there and start measuring things, then start placing orders.”

“Orders for what?”

“Orders for everything: furniture, beds, kitchenware, china, silverware, everything I need to get established. I have all that in Greenwich, of course, but since I’m keeping the house, I’ll need to start afresh.” Her cell phone rang. “It’s Margot, please excuse me. Hello? Yes, Margot? That’s wonderful! Can we gain immediate access? I want to take a decorator over there tomorrow. Let me know, and thank you!” She hung up. “They’ve accepted my offer, closing date and all.”

“Congratulations.” Stone’s phone rang, and he looked at the caller ID. “It’s Herb Fisher,” he said, “excuse me. Herb?”

“Stone, can you get a message to Cilla for me?”

“I believe I can do that.”

“Write this down.”

Stone produced a pen and paper. “Okay.”

“Cilla is to be in the chambers of Judge Mabel Watney tomorrow morning at eleven o’clock.” He gave Stone the address.

“Okay, what for?”

“The judge is Terry Barnes’s sister. She’s agreed to issue a final decree, but both Cilla and Trask have to be there to swear that they both accept the property settlement.”

“I promise, she’ll be there.” Stone hung up. “You are a very lucky woman,” he said. “Donald’s attorney has a sister who is a family court judge. She’s going to sign your decree tomorrow morning at eleven, and you have to be there.”

“Is that even possible?”

“It’s unheard of, but a judge can do what she wants to do.”

“I’m stunned. This means I can close immediately on the apartment.”

“Let Herb know, and he’ll do the legal work. It’ll take a few days.”

“Can you put up with me for that long?”

“I’ll force myself,” Stone replied.