Brian Clement, PhD, NMD, LN, has spent more than four decades researching and practicing nutrition and progressive health care. He has graduate degrees in both naturopathic medicine and nutritional science. He has guided the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Florida, since 1980.
In his role as an educator, Dr. Clement has conducted countless seminars, lectures, and educational programs in more than forty countries. His ideas on natural health, along with his vast theoretical and practical scientific experience, have earned him a reputation as a leading expert in advancing the fields of preventive medicine and natural health. He has been commissioned by government-supported organizations to establish, organize, and direct health programs in Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, Greece, and India.
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Brian R. Clement
Killer Chlothes
How Seemingly Innocent Clothing
Choices Endanger Your Health . . .
and How to Protect Yourself!
978-1-57067-263-7 $14.95
Hippocrates Health Program
A Proven Guide to Healthful Living
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Hippocrates LifeForce
Superior Health and Longevity
978-1-57067-249-1 $14.95
Food IS Medicine
The Scientific Evidence
978-1-57067-274-3 $29.95
Healthful Cuisine
2nd Edition
978-1-57067-175-3 $17.95
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