The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below
abdominal (stomach) pain
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
acidification, of oceans
additive effect, of chemical toxins
Adriatic Sea (Italy), PAHs and
ALA (alpha-linolenic acid)
Alaska, contaminants found in
albacore tuna, as omega-3 fatty acid source
Aleutians/Aleutian Island waters (AK), contaminants in
algae. See also specific types of alkylphenols
allergies, sushi parasites and
alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
ALS (amyotrophic lateral disease)
Alzheimer’s disease
BMAA and
fish oil and
marine algae/sea vegetables for
omega-3 fatty acids and
seafood and
Amazon, DDT/mercury exposure in
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
American Journal of Cardiology
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, The
American Journal of Epidemiology
American Journal of Preventive Medicine
American monkfish, mercury in
amyotrophic lateral disease (ALS)
Anarctic ice sheet melting
anemia, from parasite
animal-based fat/foods
animals (fauna)
anisakid nematodes
Annals of Internal Medicine
Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism
Annie, Lake (FL), fish advisories for
Apalachicola-Flint-Chattahoochee River Basin, PCBs in
AquaBounty Technologies
aquaculture (aqua farming/fish farming)
abuses in, preventing with diet choice
facts about
Nature and
overfishing and
safety of, warning about
viruses and
wild fish vs.
aquarium fish
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
Arctic Sea ice decrease
arterial disease/inflammation
Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition
asthma, sushi parasites and
atherosclerosis, fish oil and
athletic performance, fish oil and
Atlantic mackerel, PAHs and
Atlantic Ocean, radioactive waste in
Atlantic salmon
contaminants in
genetically engineered (GE) fish and
labeling of
PAHs and
Australian Capital Territory
Australian studies
autoimmune disorders, overconsumption of fish and
avocados, as omega-3 fatty acid source
B12 vitamin, parasite’s effect on
bacteria. See also cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Baltic Sea, BMAA in
barracuda, ciguatera poisoning and
bass. See also specific types of
Battle of the Atlantic
Baylor University
behavioral issues, PBDEs and
Bejiing University (China)
Bermuda, mercury study in
beta-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA)
bigeye tuna/bigeye tuna sushi
of aldrin
of DDT
of dieldrin
of dinoflagellates
of endocrine disruptors
of farm-raised salmon
of mercury
of methylmercury
of mirex
of ocean-caught vs. farm-raised fish
of omega-3 fatty acids, in fish
of oxybenzone, from sunscreens
of PAHs
of PCBs
of synthetic chemicals
of toxaphene
Biological Letters
Biology Letters
biotoxins, food poisoning and
bipolar disorders, omega-3 fatty acids and
birth control pills
birth defects, organic pollutants and
bisphenol A (BPA)
black bass
black crappie, Florida fish advisory about
blindness, mercury and
blood pressure, spirulina to reduce
blue crabs, BMAA in
bluefin tuna
bluefish, mercury in
blue-green algae (cyanobacteria)
blue whiting, PAHs and
BMAA (beta-methylamino-L-alanine)
BMC Cancer
body burden
body weight, PCBs affecting
bonito, scromboid food poisoning and
Boston (MA), contaminated salmon in
Boulder (CO) wastewater treatment outfall, endocrine disruptors in
bowfin, Florida fish advisory about
BPA (bisphenol A)
BP oil spill, contaminants and
Brazil nuts, as omega-3 fatty acid source
breast cancer
fish consumption as risk to
PCBs as risk for
walnuts to reduce risk of
breast feeding
contraceptive pill studies
fish oil supplement studies
lost ships and, in deep seas
sarpa salpa migration to
British Journal of Nutrition
British Medical Journal
brown trout, in Donner Lake (CA)
buffalo carp, PCBs in
burden of proof, for oceans’ health
buying decisions, about diet
contaminated salmon in
Department of Health Services
Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment
oxybenzone study in
waterways, mercury contamination in
California sushi rolls
Arctic/subarctic regions, mercury in
BPA in
Canadian Rivers Institute
contaminated salmon in
endocrine disruptor studies
farm-raised salmon contaminated in
fish advisories
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
fish farms
marine algae study
mercury in tuna and
overfishing research
SSRI studies
Cancer Detection and Prevention Journal
DDE and
DDT and
DHA and
dioxins and
farm-raised salmon as risk for
fish consumption and
fish oil supplements and
heptachlor and
marine algae/sea vegetables and
mercury consumption and
organic pollutants and
overconsumption of fish and
PAHs and
PCBs and
salmon/farm-raised salmon as risk for
Singaporean seafood study and
smoked fish consumption as risk to
spinach to reduce risk of
sushi consumption and
toxaphene and
treatments for, as waste, in deep seas
vegetable consumption, as protective of
vegetarianism and
walnuts to reduce risk of
canned tuna
carbon dioxide, oceans’ health and
carbonic acid, oceans’ health and
Environmental Research study about
fish oil and
smoked foods and
Cardigan Bay (Wales), jellyfish vs. mackerel in
cardiovascular disease. See heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery) disease
Cardiovascular Research
BPA in
human activities affecting
PCBs in
pesticides in
Carpenter, David O.
Catalonia/Catalonia region (Spain)
contaminants in
DDT in
diazepam in
omega-3/6 fatty acids and
pesticides in
Census of Marine Life
Center for Aquaculture and Environmental Research (Canada)
Centre for Food Safety and Quality
cerebral palsy, mercury and
ceviche, diphyllobothrium in
channel catfish
Chasing Molecules (Grossman)
chemical poisoning consequences
chemical synergies
Chesapeake Bay, BMAA in
chia seeds, as fish oil supplement alternative
Chicago (IL) wastewater treatment plants/waterways, endocrine disruptors in
chickens, fish meal fed to
fish oil and
mercury contamination and
PCBs and
tuna consumption warnings and
Chilean sea bass
Chilton, Floyd
chronic fatigue syndrome, ciguatera poisoning and
chum, contaminants in
ciguatera poisoning
cleansing, for bacteria/parasites
Clement, Brian R.
Edible Plant Foods, Fruits, and Spices from A to Z: Evidence for Their Healing Properties (Clement)
Food IS Medicine: The Scientific Evidence
climate change
cognitive decline/problems
coho, contaminants in
cold-water fish, as omega-3 fatty acid source
colitis, fish oil and
collard greens, as omega-3 fatty acid source
colon cancer
colonic cleanse, for bacteria/parasites
Colorado River Basin, pesticides and
colorectal cancer
Columbia University
commercial fishing industry
Commission of the European Communities
common carp, PCBs in
consumer education
consumer products, as endocrine disruptors. See also specific types of
contraceptive EE2 (17alpha-ethinylestradiol)
cooked fish
Cornell University
coronary artery disease. See heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery) disease
cosmetic chemicals, as endocrine disruptors
crab, in sushi rolls
C-reactive protein (CRP)
Crohn’s disease, mimicking of, from parasites
CRP (C-reactive protein)
Current Atherosclerosis Reports
cyanobacteria (blue-green algae)
Daily Mail (London)
dairy products
cancer and
dioxins in
PCBs in
Dallas (TX), contaminants in
Danube Delta (Romania), contaminants in
DDD (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane)
in Aleutian Island waters (AK)
in medaka fish
neurological problems and
in sockeye salmon
in South African fish
synergy of, with PCBs
as traveler
DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
in Aleutian Island waters (AK)
in Amazon
cancer risk and
in Dallas (TX) food samples
in Danube Delta (Romania)
as endocrine disruptor
in farm-raised fish
in seafood
in Singaporean seafood study
in South African fish
as traveler
deafness, mercury and
decline of fish populations. See also overfishing
deep seas
Deepwater Horizon well
dementia, omega-3 fatty acids and
Department of Environmental Protection
Department of Health fish advisories
desmethylsertraline, as endocrine disruptor
developmental problems, PBDEs and
Devlin, Robert
DHA (docsahexaenoic acid)
ALA and
Alzheimer’s disease and
cancer and
fish oil supplements and
heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery) disease and
in marine algae
PEOs and
pregnancy and
DDE and
fish oil supplements and
heart disease/fish oil supplements and
marine algae/sea vegetables and
omega-3 fatty acids and
PCBs and
spinach and
spirulina and
vegetarianism and
diazepam, as endocrine disruptor
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD)
dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE). See DDE (dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene)
dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). See DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
bioaccumulation of
as endocrine disruptor
in farm-raised fish
as traveler
dietary recommendations
dioxin(s). See also in specific types of fish
cancer risk and
in fish oil supplements
Florida advisory about
as health threat
industry as source of
JAMA reports about
in Japanese studies
as POP
study about
synergy of, with HCB
triclosan and
as waste, in deep seas
diphyllobothrium (tapeworm)
“dirty dozen” chemicals
DNA damage, PAHs and
docsahexaenoic acid (DHA). See DHA (docsahexaenoic acid)
Donner Lake (CA), contaminants in
Do Not Eat warnings
Dutch endocrine disruptor study
dysarthria, mercury and
E. coli
Eating Animals (Foer)
eating habits
antidepressants’ effect on
carp and
contaminants affecting
decisions affecting
extinction and
human activities affecting
intersex fish in
lost ships as threat to
overfishing and
synergy and
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety
Edible Plant Foods, Fruits, and Spices from A to Z: Evidence for Their Healing Properties (Clement)
Edinburgh (Scotland), contaminated salmon in
EE2 (17alpha-ethinylestradiol)
eggs, recommendation about
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). See EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
EMBO (European Molecular Biology Organization)
EMBO Reports
emotional problems, sushi parasites and
endocrine disorders/disrupting chemicals
amounts of
contraceptive EE2
farm-raised salmon and
gender-bender fish and
increase in
oceans’ health and
overconsumption of fish and
as common
fat-solubility of
industry and
Sanita Pubblica and, study in
in US waterways
warning about, in 1991
English Channel, endocrine disruptors in
English walnuts
environmental disasters
environmental health. See also oceans’ health
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
Environmental Research
cancer risk and
dioxin study
mercury and
PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate), Inuit and
salmon contamination report in
Environmental Science & Technology
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Environmental Working Group (EWG)
Environment International
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid)
ALA and
fish oil supplements and
heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery)
disease and
PEOs and
EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
arsenic and
cancer and
canned tuna/mercury and
DDT and
endocrine disruptor screening program
farm-raised salmon and
fish advisories
heptachlor and
mercury consumption/contamination/testing
Aleutians’ study about
in California
JAMA reports about
Mahaffey, Kate, and
safety levels and
in Spain
in Sweden
Taiwanese study about
PCBs and
sushi and
Epstein, Samuel
Erie, Lake, mercury in
Escherichia coli
essential fatty acids
estrogen, endocrine disruptors and
contraceptive EE2
studies about
sunscreens and
ethics, of eating fish
Commission of the European Communities
contaminated salmon distributed from
diphyllobothrium in
endocrine disruptors in
European Commission
European Journal of Cancer
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)--Potsdam Study
European Union, endocrine disruptors and
European Union, mercury in tuna and
fish farms in
Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
salmon studies in
EWG (Environmental Working Group)
extinction of fauna/fish
accelerating rate of
carp and
climate change and
deep-sea disturbances and
genetically engineered fish vs. wild fish
global extinction events
habitat loss and
human-caused pollution and
Mediterranean fish
overfishing and
FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization)
farm-raised fish
antibiotics in
bigeye tuna
bioaccumulation in
dioxins in
flame retardants in
PBDEs in
PCBs in
pesticides in
rainbow trout, PAHs in
aldrin in
cancer risk and
dangers of
dieldrin in
dioxins in
Carpenter, David O., and
as common
Environmental Health Perspectives and
Environmental Research and
furans in
genetically engineered (GE) fish and
mirex in
overfishing and
PBDEs in
PCBs in
cancer and
as common
distribution chain and
fish skin and
research about
vs. wild salmon
pesticides in
as tainted
toxaphene in
wild-caught vs.
shrimp, overfishing and
toxaphene in
wild-caught fish vs.
fat (dietary)
fat cells, chemical accumulation in
fatigue, from parasite
fauna (animals)
FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
BPA and
fish consumption advisories and
genetically engineered fish and
mercury and
bluefin akami
contamination guidelines
in tuna
Office of Biotechnology
PCBs and
salmon consumption and
sushi and
Fenton, Jennifer
fertility issues
fibrocystic disease, fish consumption and
fibromyalgia, marine algae/sea vegetables for
Fingers (MD), mercury in monkfish and
Finland, studies in
Fish and Fisheries
Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
fish ear bones, harm to
aquaculture’s effect on
Atlantic salmon and
decline in fish population and
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
recommendations for
World Review of Fisheries and Aquaculture
fish farming. See aquaculture (aqua farming/fish farming)
fish-free diet
fish meal
fish migratory patterns
fish oil/fish oil supplements
Alzheimer’s disease and
artery inflammation and
athletic performance and
cancer and
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) in
farm-raised fish and
heart (cardiovascular/coronary) disease and
immune system and
overfishing and
plants vs.
pregnancy and
Fitzgerald, Randall (The Hundred Year Lie)
flame retardants
in farm-raised fish
as health threat
in Oregon rivers
sushi and
as travelers
flatfish, endocrine disruptors in
flaxseeds/flaxseed oil, as fish oil supplement alternative
Florida, BP oil spill contaminants and
Florida Department of Health fish advisories
fluoxetine, as endocrine disruptor
Foer, Jonathan Safran (Eating Animals)
follicular cancer, fish consumption and
Food Additives & Contaminants
Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
food chain
Food IS Medicine: The Scientific Evidence (Clement)
food poisoning
forage fish
contaminated salmon in
dioxin study and
fish oil supplement study and
PCB study and
sarpa salpa hallucinogenic poisoning in
sushi diphyllobothrium in
Frankfurt (Germany), contaminated salmon in
Franklin Swell (MA), mercury in monkfish and
freshwater fish
contraceptive EE2 in
mercury/methylmercury in
pesticides in
selenium in
furans, in salmon
gar, Florida fish advisory about
gas & oil exploration, oceans’ health and
gastric cancer, fish consumption and
GE (genetically engineered) fish
“gender-bender” fish
genetic abnormalities/alterations, to fish
genetically engineered (GE) fish
genetically modified animals/crops/plants
genetic diversity, loss of
genital deformities, endocrine disruptors and
global outcomes, oceans’ health and
global warming
Gochfeld, Michael
gold mining, mercury contamination and
government subsidies, for fishing
gray prawns
Great Lakes
carp and
mercury contamination in
PCBs and
toxaphene in
Greenland ice sheet melting
green mussels
grilled fish, PAHs and
Grossman, Elizabeth (Chasing Molecules)
grouper, mercury in
Guadiana River (Portugal), endocrine disruptors in
Guardian (London)
hair spray chemicals, as endocrine disruptors
hake, PAHs in
hallucinations/hallucinogenic poison
Hamilton Harbour (Canada), SSRIs in
Harvard Medical School
Harvard School of Public Health
HCB (hexachlorobenzene)
HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane)
Health Canada
Health Department fish advisories
heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery) disease
bioaccumulation and
canned tuna as risk for
DHA and
EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and
farm-raised fish and
fish oil and
mercury consumption and
high intake and
increased risk and
JAMA report about
methylmercury and
omega-3 fatty acids and
overconsumption of fish and
PCBs and
physician recommendations about eating fish and
tilapia and
vegetarianism and
walnuts to reduce risk of
heart rate problems, from parasites
hempseeds, as fish oil supplement alternative
herbs, for bacteria/parasite cleansing
herring/smoked herring
hexachlorobenzene (HCB), as traveler
hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), as traveler
Hg (mercury). See mercury (Hg)
high blood pressure
high cholesterol, marine algae/sea vegetables for
Holland, anisakid nematode poisoning in
hormone-disrupting chemicals
horse mackerel, contaminants in
human activities/human-caused disruptions
Hundred Year Lie, The (Fitzgerald)
Hunters Lake (FL), fish advisories for
Huron, Lake, organochlorines in
Hurricane Floyd
hyperactivity, PBDEs/PCBs and
hypoxia (oxygen loss), oceans’ health and
IBC Library Series
immune system/immune system disorders
bioaccumulation and
BP oil spill and
dioxins and
farm-raised salmon and
fish oil and
marine algae and
organic pollutants and
from parasite
PCBs and
sushi consumption and
industrial chemicals/pollutants. See also specific types of
fliers, swimmers, and hoppers in
Frankenfish and
increase in
in sushi
Industrial Revolution
infectious salmon anemia
inflammation of the arteries, fish oil and
insecticides. See also specific types of
Institute for Food Quality and Food Safety
Institute for Health and the Environment
Institute of Environmental Medicine
Institute of Human Nutrition
insulin levels
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health
International Journal of Food Microbiology
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
International Programme on the State of the Ocean
International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids conference
International Union for Conservation of Nature
intersex fish/organs
alkylphenol/phthalates and
BPA and
contraceptive EE2 and
endocrine disruptors and
genetically engineered (GE) fish and
insecticides/pesticides and
PCBs and
pharmaceutical/prescription drugs and
in South Africa
Inuit, PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate) and
invasive species, deep seas and
IQ problems
Iranian pregnancy/mercury consumption study
Ireland, endocrine disruptors in
Irish Sea
irritable bowel syndrome, marine algae/sea vegetables for
irritableness, from parasites
Israel, jellyfish in
Italian PAH studies
Italy, endocrine disruptors in
JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
fish contamination/human health report/study in
fish oil/Alzheimer’s disease study in
mercury finding reported in
SSRIs’ study in
anisakid nematode poisoning in
coastal study
dioxins and
earthquake/tsunami, radioactivity and
fish oil study findings and
mercury and
pesticide study and
Java Sea, overfishing in
jellyfish population
Jourdois, Benedicte
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Journal of Food Protection
Journal of Medicinal Food
Journal of Neuroscience
Journal of the American Dietetic Association
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). See JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association)
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health
kale, as omega-3 fatty acid source
Kidd, Karen
king mackerel, mercury in
Knuth, Barbara
Korean fish consumption/contamination
krill/krill oil
Kristof, Nicholas D.
labeling of fish
lake fish, PCBs in
lake trout
land/river catchment management
largemouth bass
Las, Vegas (NV), canned tuna/mercury study in
Latin America, sushi diphyllobothrium in
learning impairment, PCBs and
leukemia study, smoked fish and
Lexapro, as endocrine disruptor
LifeGive Par-A-Gon
Linus Pauling Institute
Listeria monocytogenes
litter and waste, in deep seas
liver disease
lobster/lobster die-off
Long Island Sound, lobster die-off in
Los Angeles County (CA) wastewater falls, endocrine disruptors in
lost ships, pollution decay from
Lou Gehrig’s disease, seafood and
Louisiana, BP oil spill contaminants and
lung disease, BP oil spill and
Luvuhu River (South Africa), endocrine disruptors in
mackerel. See also specific types of
jellyfish vs., in Cardigan Bay (Wales)
mercury in
PAHs in
scromboid food poisoning and
Mahaffey, Kate
mahi mahi, scromboid food poisoning and
marine algae
ALA in
as alternative to eating fish
food chain and
health benefits of
as omega-3 fatty acid source
marine environment, protecting
Marine Environmental Research Institute
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Maryland, contaminated monkfish in
Massachusetts, contaminated fish in
meat consumption/meat-eating diet
cancer and
diabetes and
dioxins and
heart disease and
high blood pressure and
leukemia risk and
vegetarian diet vs.
medaka fish
Mediterranean fish
MeHg (methylmercury). See methylmercury (MeHg)
memory impairment, PCBs and
mental retardation, mercury and
mercury (Hg). See also in specific types of fish
in Amazon
biomagnification and
in Canadian Arctic/subarctic regions
cooking’s effect on
in Donner Lake (CA)
in fish oil supplements
gold mining and
as health threat
increase in emissions of
omega-3 fatty acids and
pregnancy and
in California
findings/reports about
Archives of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Science & Technology
warning labels about, lack of
“safe” consumption of
study about
Taiwanese study about
testing, lack of
as toxic
as traveler
in United States
body burden and
Frankenfish and
in monkfish
poisoning from
in Singaporean seafood study
in sushi
as waste, in deep seas
methane, from sea beds
methylmercury (MeHg)
in Catalonia (Spain)
as common contaminant
in freshwater fish
heart (cardiovascular/coronary artery) disease and
mercury and
in Moroccan coastal community
neurological problems and
as neurotoxicant
pregnancy and
fish advisories and
JAMA reports/studies about
neurobehavioral function and
Spanish study
Swedish study
transference and
Spanish study about
as traveler
Mexico, Gulf of
Mexico City (Mexico), gastric cancer study in
Michigan, Lake
Michigan PCB study
Michigan State University
migration, of carp
Mila (company)
Miller, Henry I.
mining waste/deep-sea mining
minnows, endocrine disruptors in
in Aleutian Island waters (AK)
bioaccumulation of
in farm-raised fish
Mississippi River, carp as invasive species in
Mississippi State Chemical Laboratory
Mobile River Basin (AL), PCBs in
Mohawk Indian disease/PCBs’ study
Monbiot, George
monkfish, arsenic/mercury in
Montreal (Canada), studies in
moray eel, ciguatera poisoning and
Morocco, mercury in fish and
Mud Hole (NJ), mercury in monkfish and
multiple sclerosis misdiagnosis, ciguatera poisoning and
muscle aches, ciguatera poisoning and
muscle weakness, from parasites
mustard oil, as omega-3 fatty acid source
National Breast Screening Study
National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program
National Geographic
National Geographic News
National Institute on Aging
National Marine Fishery Service
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Native American diabetes’/PCBs’ study
negative synergies, human diet and
nervous system disorders, bioaccumulation and
neurological development/disorders/problems
ciguatera poisoning and
farm-raised salmon and
mercury consumption and
Biology Letters report about
EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) and
JAMA report about
Marine Pollution Bulletin report about
tuna sushi and
methylmercury and
omega-3 fatty acids and
overconsumption of fish and
PCBs and
as common
fat tissues and
Michigan, Lake, study and
Toxicology Letters report about
spinach and
Nevada, canned tuna/mercury study in
New England
New Jersey
New York/New York City
food poisoning outbreaks in
mercury testing in
metals in fish samples in
New York City Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
sushi testing in
New York Times articles
endocrine disruptors
lobster die-off
Nigerian smoked fish, PAHs and
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
Nobel Prize
norfluoxetine, as endocrine disruptor
North America
consumption of fish in
contaminated salmon distributed from
diphyllobothrium in
salmon studies in
North Pacific Ocean, genetically engineered (GE) fish in
North Sea (Europe)
Nunavik Inuit, PFOS and
Nutrition and Cancer
Nutrition Review
obesity, marine algae/sea vegetables for
ocean (saltwater) fish/ocean-caught fish
oceans’ health. See also overfishing
climate change and
deep seas
Census of Marine Life and
deep-sea mining and
dredge in
industrial chemicals in
litter and waste in
lost ship pollution decay in
mining waste in
oil & gas exploration and
pharmaceuticals in
radioactive waste in
sewage in
global outcomes and
human activities and
hypoxia and
invasive species and
scientists’ recommendations about
tax subsidies and
octyl-methoxycinnamate, as endocrine disruptor
oil & gas exploration, oceans’ health and
Ojibwa tribe
omega-3 fatty acids. See also specific types of
cancer and
fish oil supplements and
government agencies and
as “healthy”
heart (cardiovascular/coronary) disease and
mercury negating benefit of
PEOs and
as alternative to eating fish
chia seeds
fish oil vs.
fish vs.
health risks and, lack of
marine algae
in salmon
tilapia and
types of
omega-6 fatty acids
Oncology Reports
Ontario, Lake
Orange Country (CA) wastewater falls, endocrine disruptors in
orange roughy, mercury in
Oregon, endocrine disruptors in
Oregon State University
Oreogchromis mossambicus, endocrine disruptors in
organochlorines. See also specific types of
in Colorado River Basin
in Dallas (TX) food samples
in Danube Delta (Romania)
in farm-raised salmon
in freshwater fish
in Japanese study
in Upper Great Lakes region
in wild Pacific salmon
Orlando (FL) wastewater treatment plants/waterways, endocrine disruptors in
Oslo (Norway), contaminated salmon in
osteoporosis, marine algae/sea vegetables for
ovarian cancer, PCBs as risk for
overconsumption of fish
aquaculture and
extinction of fish and
jellyfish population and
ocean’s health and
synergy and
tax subsidies and
oxygen loss (hypoxia), oceans’ health and
Pacific bluefin tuna, radioactivity in
Pacific cod, arsenic/mercury in
Pacific Ocean
Pacific salmon, consumption warnings about
PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
bioaccumulation of
cancer and
DNA damage and
in grilled fish
as health threat
IQ problems and
in smoked fish
painkillers, as waste, in deep seas
Papua New Guinea, mining waste in deep seas of
parasites (worms)
parent essential oils (PEOs)
Paris (France), contaminated salmon in
Parkinson’s disease
pathogens, in farm-raised fish
Paxil, as endocrine disruptor
PBDEs (polybrominated diphenylethers)
in Canada
in Catalonia region (Spain)
in Danube Delta (Romania)
in farm-raised fish
as health threat
in salmon
study about
sushi and
as travelers
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls). See also in specific types of fish
in Aleutian Island waters (AK)
body weight affected by
cancer risk and
in Dallas (TX) food samples
in Danube Delta (Romania)
in Donner Lake (CA)
as endocrine disruptor
FDA and
Florida advisory about
as health threat
industry as source of
JAMA reports about
in Japanese studies
neurological problems and
as neurotoxicant
in Oregon rivers
pregnancy and
studies about
synergy of, with DDE
as toxic
in Upper Great Lakes region
PCDDs, in studies
PCDFs, in Japanese study
PCNS, neurological problems and
Pee Dee River Basin, PCBs in
Penman, Danny
PEOs (parent essential oils)
perch, diphyllobothrium in
perfluorinated compounds (PFCs)
perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS), Inuit and
persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
Peskin, Brian
pesticides. See also in specific types of fish
in Aleutian Island waters (AK)
in Dallas (TX) food samples
in Danube Delta (Romania)
as endocrine disruptors
Environmental Health Perspectives’ report about
Florida advisory about
industry as source of
in Japanese study
organochlorines as
study about
as travelers
in US freshwater fish
as waste, in deep seas
PFCs (perfluorinated compounds)
PFOS (perfluorooctanesulfonate), Inuit and
pharmaceutical/prescription drugs
dangers of
as endocrine disruptors
in US waterways
as waste, in deep seas
Philadelphia (PA) wastewater treatment plants, endocrine disruptors in
Phoenix (AZ) wastewater treatment plants/waterways, endocrine disruptors in
physical deformities, BP oil spill and
pigs, fish meal fed to
pink shrimp, BMAA in
piscivorous wildlife
choosing, in diet
genetically engineered
as source for omega-3 fatty acids
plastics, as waste, in deep seas
pollutants. See specific types of
polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs). See PBDEs (polybrominated diphenylethers)
polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). See PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls)
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
POPs (persistent organic pollutants)
Po River (Italy), endocrine disruptors in
Portland (OR), endocrine disruptors in
Portland Oregonian
Portuguese endocrine disruptor study
positive synergies, human diet and
postpartum depression, fish oil and
Potomac River, endocrine disruptors in
prawns, contaminants in
precautionary principle, for oceans’ health
fish oil and
mercury/methylmercury and
in California
fish advisories and
Raj, Roshini, warning about
reports/studies about
Archives of Environmental
Contamination and Toxicology
Environmental Health Perspectives
Environmental Research
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Food Additives & Contaminants
Nutrition Review
Science of the Total Environment
in sushi
in tuna
PCBs and
pesticides and
sunscreen chemicals and, as endocrine
tuna consumption warnings and
prescription drugs. See pharmaceutical/prescription drugs
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
prostate cancer, PCBs as risk for
Prozac, as endocrine disruptor
Puerto Rico, pharmaceuticals in deep seas and
Queensland, Australia, salmonella poisoning in
radioactivity/radioactive waste
rainbow trout (farmed), PAHs and
Raj, Roshini
rashes, ciguatera poisoning and
raspberry seeds, as omega-3 fatty acid source
raw fish/foods
dioxins in
eating, as dangerous
PAHs and
PBDEs in
PCBs in
red mullet, PAHs in
red shrimp, dioxins in
red snapper, PCBs in
reef fish, ciguatera poisoning and
regulation, of oceans
reproduction, of fish
reproductive disorders
Reviews of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology
Reviews on Environmental Health
rheumatoid arthritis, omega-3 fatty acids and
river/land catchment management
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
rock sole, PCBs in
rolled sushi
Romanian Danube Delta, contaminants found in
Rowen, Robert
Royal Victoria Hospital (Canada)
Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta (CA), mercury in
safety of eating fish
salmon. See also specific types of
anisakid nematodes and
aquaculture of
cancer risk and
chlordane in
consumption increase in
DDT in
dioxins in
diphyllobothrium in
endocrine disruptors in
furans in
government subsidies and
heavy metals in
mercury in
omega-3 fatty acid and
PAHs in
parasites in
PBDEs in
PCBs in
cancer and
in Dallas (TX)
Singaporean study about
wild salmon vs. farm-raised salmon
pesticides in
pollutants in
POPs in
sushi/sushi rolls
toxaphene and
salted seafood, mercury in
saltwater (ocean) fish/ocean-caught fish
San Diego (CA) wastewater falls, endocrine disruptors in
San Francisco (CA), contaminated salmon in
San Francisco Bay (CA), mercury in
Sanita Pubblica
anisakid nematodes and
dioxins in
marine algae and
PAHs in
parasites in
scromboid food poisoning and
sarpa salpa, hallucinogenic poison from
Sauvé, Sébastien
Savannah River Basin, PCBs in
saxitoxin, Florida advisory about
schizophrenia, omega-3 fatty acids and
Science Daily
Science News
Science of the Total Environment
scientists’ recommendations, about oceans’ health
scombroid poisoning
sea bass
seafood. See also specific types of
dioxins in
metals in
PCBs in
in Singaporean study
sea level, rising of
sea vegetables
Second Opinion
Seeliger, Bruce
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), as endocrine disruptors
selenium, in US freshwater fish
sensory-motor problems, mercury and
sertraline, as endocrine disruptor
sesame seeds, as omega-3 fatty acid source
17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2)
sewage, in deep seas
sexual changes
sexual intercourse, ciguatera poisoning and
shampoo chemicals, as endocrine disruptors
Shannon International River Basin District (Ireland)
dioxins in
food poisoning and
mercury in
PBDEs in
PCBs in
shrimp. See also specific types of
biomagnification and
omega-3 fatty acids in
PAHs and
PAHs in
Sierra Nevada Mountains, mercury contamination and
Singaporean seafood studies
skinned fish, contaminants “reduced” by
smallmouth bass
smoked fish/meat
cancer and
sockeye salmon
Sohmer, Paul
sole, PAHs in
South Africa
South America
soybean oil, as omega-3 fatty acid source
Spain/Spanish Catalonian region
SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), as endocrine disruptors
St. Lawrence River (Canada), endocrine disruptors in
staph infections
Staphylococcus aureus
state fish advisories
State University of New York at Albany
Stockholm (Sweden), methylmercury study and
stomach (abdominal) pain
striped bass, mercury in
sturgeon, mercury in
subsidies, for fishing
Sukhdev, Pavan
sunscreens, as endocrine disruptor
Super Blue-Green Algae
Superior, Lake, toxaphene in
bacteria in
dioxins and
eating, as dangerous
as “healthy” alternative
mercury in
parasites in
PCBs in
pesticides in
radioactivity in
wasabi and, as antimicrobial for
sustainability, of fisheries/marine environment
methylmercury studies
overfishing research
PCBs as environmental danger and
biomagnification in
mercury in
omega-3 fatty acids in
PAHs in
of chemical toxins
of ecosystems
human diet and
synthetic chemicals
Taipei Medical University
Taiwanese mercury study
tapeworm (diphyllobothrium)
tartare maison, diphyllobothrium in
tax subsidies, for fishing
Telegraph (United Kingdom)
TEQ (toxic equivalent)
testicular cancer, PCBs as risk for
Texas Southern University
Thailand, Gulf of, overfishing in
thyroid cancer/disorders
tilefish, mercury in
Torness Nuclear Power Station (Scotland)
Toronto (Canada), contaminated salmon in
bioaccumulation of
as endocrine disruptor
in farm-raised fish
in the Great Lakes
synergy of, with chlordane
as traveler
toxic equivalent (TEQ)
Toxicology Letters
toxins. See specific types of
transgenic/transgenic fish
trash fish
triglycerides, omega-3 fatty acids and
trout. See also specific types of
diphyllobothrium in
endocrine disruptors and
mercury in
omega-3 fatty acids in
Tualatin River (OR), endocrine disruptors in
tuna. See also specific types of
government subsidies and
mercury in
amounts of
cooking’s effect on
FDA and
freshwater fish vs.
neurological problems and
research about
warning labels about, lack of
omega-3 fatty acids in
overconsumption of
PAHs in
scromboid food poisoning and
United Kingdom, endocrine disruptors and
United Nations/United Nations Environment Programme
United States
endocrine disruptors in
farm-raised shrimp imported to
fish consumption/heart disease study in
lost ships and, in deep seas
mercury in
overfishing and
pesticides in freshwater fish and
salmon and
selenium in
sewage in eastern deep seas of
tax subsidies in
transgenic fish and
University of California (Riverside)
University of Genoa (Italy)
University of Miami
University of New Brunswick (Canada)
University of Oxford (United Kingdom)
University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
University of South Florida
University of Tasmania
University of Texas Medical Branch
University of Wales College of Medicine
Upper Great Lakes region, contaminants in
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
US Congress
USDA (US Department of Agriculture)
US Department of Agriculture (USDA)
US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). See EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency)
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). See FDA (US Food and Drug Administration)
US Geological Survey
uterine cancer, PCBs as risk for
Valium, as endocrine disruptor
vascular disease, fish oil and
vegan diet recommendation
vegetarian diet
vision development, omega-3 fatty acids and
Wake Forest University School of Medicine
walnuts/walnut oil
health benefits of
as omega-3 fatty acid source
Washington Post
Washington (DC) rivers, endocrine disruptors in
waste and litter, in deep seas
wastewater treatment plants, endocrine
disruptors and
contraceptive EE2
weight, body, PCBs affecting
weight loss, from parasite
West Chester (PA) water treatment plants, endocrine disruptors in
West Nile virus
West Virginia rivers, endocrine disruptors in
whitefish, organochlorines in
white suckerfish, alkylphenols in
WHO (World Health Organization)
wild-caught fish
farm-raised fish vs.
genetically engineered (GE) fish and
mercury in
overfishing and
Pacific salmon, contamination of
roach, contraceptive EE2 in
cancer and
contaminants in
genetically engineered (GE) fish and
HCB in
PBDEs in
PCBs in
Willamette River (OR), endocrine disruptors in
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)
World Review of Fisheries and Aquaculture 2008
World War II
World Wildlife Fund
worms (parasites)
Yampa River (CO), pesticides and
yellowfin tuna sushi, mercury testing in
zebra fish
Zoloft, as endocrine disruptor