Among the many professionals and organizations who assisted with the historical research that was required to verify and clarify an American combat veteran’s memories of the war years, 1936–1945, the following were especially generous with their time and expertise: Jack A. Green, Public Affairs Officer, The Naval Historical Center; Robert Clark, Supervisory Archivist, FDR Presidential Library; staff at USO World Headquarters; Joe Leather, Docent Supervisor, Aircraft Carrier Hornet (CV 12); James Simard, Research Librarian, Alaska State Library; Michiko Takaoka, Director, Japanese Cultural Center, Mukogawa Fort Wright Institute; Stan Roth and Ray Riches of the future Armed Forces and Aerospace Museum in Spokane, Washington.
The following relatives and friends also helped with the historical research and/or contributed materials and photographs from their personal collections: Glenn “the Good” Edgemon; Charles “Chuck” Edgemon; the late Warren “Ike” Edgemon; Brian G. Hipperson; N. A. “Stretch” Brown; Ivan Urnovitz; Larry Elsom; Dick and Misako Egner; Nicholas Hopper; Irene Ripley;
C. E. “Ted” and Marie T. Wigton; Robert and Janet Young; the late Karl “Bill” Mote; Tina McGovern; Jerry Schneider; Tim Stromberger; Angela V. Daves Boyette. Pat Culleton, Bob Brunkow, and Jerry Gleesing proofread the manuscript, caught errors, and suggested significant improvements.
In addition to loaning photos and research materials, the following members of the Lilac City Chapter of Pearl Harbor Survivors helped to identify and select the most commonly shared memories among the men and women of the World War II generation: Charles and Irene Boyer; Debbie Fockler; Jean Flechel; John S. “Sid” and Dorothea Kennedy; Evi Kohler; the late Helen McMillan; Robert Ohnemus; William and Eleanor Paulukonis; Warren and Betty Schott; James and Millie Sinnott; Pat Stone; Joseph and Ruth Wagner; the late Irv Lissy; Pat Lissy; Denis and Vina Mikkelsen; Hoyt “Bud” and Coral Colburn.
Ray Daves is the Pearl Harbor Survivor who consented to the difficult and often painful process of remembering the war years. Had his wife, Adeline, and their daughter Rayma not encouraged him, Daves would have kept his silence and the uneasy peace that came from a lifetime of refusing to talk about the war.
I must also acknowledge the contribution of my husband, Brian G. Hipperson. Without his tolerance and forgiveness of my work habits, I would have been unable to finish a project of this magnitude. Nor can I fail to express my personal and professional gratitude to those who understood and shared my vision: my agent, Marlene Stringer, my editor, Ruth Cavin, her assistant, Toni Plummer, and the production editor, David Stanford Burr.
As a person of faith, I know that most of the praise and credit for Radioman belongs to God. Only a series of miracles and answered prayers could have prompted all of the above individuals to come forward and assist at precisely the moment they were needed. Luck played no part in the success of this mission.