Brett stared at the monster tree strapped to the roof of his dad’s truck. “It seems a bit big.”

Derrick laughed. “I think Mom went a little overboard this year.”

Their father frowned. “A few weeks ago, she asked about the ceiling clearance in the great room. I should’ve been suspicious.”

Carter walked up, shaking his head. “Any chance we can decorate it on the truck and call it good?”

Dad ignored the question. “Untie it. I’ll open the doors and clear the path.”

With their father gone, Derrick elbowed Brett. “How’s it going with Regan?”

Brett shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I mean, some stuff is really good, other stuff is a bit strained.”

“Strained how?” Carter asked, working on a knot.

“We’re both walking on eggshells. It’s not like we can have a come to Jesus moment while she’s immobile in Mom and Dad’s basement.”

Derrick climbed into the back of the truck and pulled the rope Carter had untied. The top of the tree sprung free, suggesting the entire thing was at least fifteen feet tall. “Didn’t you have a come to Jesus with her prior to the accident?”

“We had many conversations, and yet, I have no idea where we stand.”

“Did you ask her?” Carter asked.

“What’s he going to ask her?” Derrick interjected. “My big bro doesn’t know what he wants yet, do you?”

Brett blew out a breath. “I think I want her, but what if I’m wrong?”

Carter crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the truck. “Do you still love her?”


“Then you want her to stay,” Carter said matter-of-factly.

Derrick scoffed. “Is it really that easy?”

Carter narrowed his eyes. “Yeah, it is.”

Brett shook his head. “If she did stay, how would I trust her to not take off again? How would I believe she’s telling me everything going on in her head?”

“That is a different problem.” Carter shrugged and walked around the truck.

His father walked up behind him. “You communicate, constantly. Ask questions, put some thought into your answers, be willing to have the tough conversations, and always remind your partner you love them even when you’re annoyed they bought a tree bigger than the space it’s to be displayed.”

Carter laughed. “So, no decorating the truck, huh?”

“Boy, after thirty-three years of marriage, I know better than to ask.”

It took twenty minutes to get the tree in the house, and another fifteen to get it standing upright, but the excitement on his mother’s face made it worth it.

“It’s going to be so beautiful.” His mom clapped her hands before throwing them around his father’s neck and giving him a kiss.

Derrick’s fiancée, Jessica, came up to stand between them. “That’s a really big tree,” she whispered.

Derrick nodded and motioned to their parents. “But that right there makes it worth it.”

Jessica crinkled her nose. “You have sap all over you.”

“Now you know why I wore the oversized flannel.”

Smiling, she batted her eyelashes. “I thought you were acting out a lumberjack fantasy for me.”

“Lumberjack fantasy?” Brett shook his head. “Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

“Where is this Regan I’ve heard so much about?” Jessica asked, giving him a reprieve from their playful banter.

“Downstairs with Alisha.”

Derrick sucked his breath in. “You left her alone with Lish?”

“I know, and yes, I’m going to rescue her right now.” Brett unbuttoned his oversized flannel and slipped it off as he descended the stairs. At the base, he turned the corner to find Alisha standing behind Regan, running a brush and curling iron through her hair.

“I already did her hair.”

Alisha shrugged. “You did a crappy job. And what do you know about hair?”

He locked eyes with Regan. “Did I do a crappy job?”

“Not at all, but we heard you guys struggling up top and figured we better stay out of the way for as long as possible. This was a good time waster.”

“Mom ordered a monster tree again, didn’t she?” Alisha grinned.

“It gets bigger every year.”

Putting down the curling iron, Alisha did a final spritz of hairspray on the back of Regan’s head. “All done. I’ll go check on Mom and see what she needs. I assume everyone is here?”

“All present and accounted for.”

“Awesome. Let the craziness begin.” Alisha sprinted up the stairs, leaving Brett and Regan alone.

“Are you all right?” He gave her a once over, noting her eyes were dry and smudge free.

“Come here.” Regan crooked her finger and gave him a sassy smile.

He knew that come-hither look, and he was helpless to resist it. Placing his hands on the chair’s armrests, he leaned down and put his nose inches from hers. “You beckoned?”

She leaned forward and kissed him gently. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Sharing this moment with me. I know how important today is to the Grayson family, and I’m thankful to be here again.”

He stroked her cheek, running a stand of curled hair through his fingers. “You and I still have a lot to discuss, but I’m glad you’re here, albeit the circumstances could be better. You ready to go up?”

“Hard part is already over.”

He scoffed. “Wait until you meet the next generation.”

Regan felt all eyes on her as the entire room stopped what they were doing when she and Brett entered the great room. Held carefully in his arms, because he seemed to prefer transporting her between floors this way, he set her down at one end of the couch. She wore an oversized fuzzy sweater she’d borrowed from Julia and a pair of cotton knit leggings they’d slid up and over her cast.

She couldn’t help but notice that Carter grasped onto Evelyn’s hand, gave it a kiss, and then pulled her toward Regan.

“That was a hell of an accident. Glad to see you healthy.” Carter bent down and kissed her cheek.

“Thanks. Besides walking, I’m perfectly fine.”

Evelyn dropped to her knees beside her and pulled her in for a hug. “You scared the crap out of us.”

Regan wrapped her arms around her, squeezing back despite the aches and pains from the crash. “I hear you have three gorgeous children running around.”

As if they knew they were being called, two little boys came stomping up the stairs with a little girl hollering after them.

“Uncle Bwett!” The little girl dove into Brett’s waiting arms. The sight of her ex-husband swinging the little girl around caused a lump to rise in Regan’s throat. She’d never seen him with a child before, and a vision of him playing with their child caused her stomach to tighten up.

“This is Hillary, and she has both of my brother’s wrapped around her little fingers.” Evelyn smirked. “Come here, boys.”

Two boys ran to Evelyn’s side, both with cookies in hand. Evelyn brushed her hand over the short hair on the taller boy’s head. “This is Frankie. He just turned eight.” Then she rubbed the back of the shorter boy who clung to her leg. “And this shy guy is Gerry. He’s five and a half. Boys, this is Miss Regan. She’s...” Evelyn paused.

Regan smiled, saving Evelyn from the awkward introduction. “Hi guys. I’m a friend of your uncle’s.”

“What happened to your leg?” Frankie stared, mesmerized by her cast.

“I was in a car accident.”

“Did it hurt?”

“A little bit, but luckily your grandparents and Uncle Brett are taking care of me, so I feel much better.”

Hillary stared down at her from Brett’s arms. “Are you Uncle Bwett’s girl?”

Both boys looked up at her expectantly.


“You know, kids, if you are really nice to Miss Regan, she might let you draw pictures on her cast.” Brett shrugged, but at least his suggestion quickly diverted their attention.

“Really?” Both boys exclaimed.

Regan nodded. “Sure.”

“Sorry,” Evelyn mouthed.

Carter clapped his hands. “Okay, guys, time to go downstairs so we can get the ladders out. You know the drill. You can draw on Regan’s leg later.”

Hillary pouted, “I want to stay with Miss Wegan.”

“Sweetheart, it’s almost time for your nap,” Evelyn chided.

Regan shrugged. “She can stay with me. It’s not like I’m going anywhere.”

“Uncle Dewick!” Hillary wiggled out of Brett’s arms as her other favorite uncle entered the room, immediately forgetting all about Brett.

“Princess.” Derrick scooped her up in his arms.

“See what I mean?” Evelyn said to Regan and smirked.

“Oh yes, I see they are completely unaffected by her charms.” Regan laughed. Next to Derrick walked in a gorgeous blonde with bright blue eyes and the biggest Rottweiler she’d had ever seen.

The terrifying dog pushed through the kids and walked right up to her, sniffing her leg. He growled low in his throat.

Wide-eyed, Regan tried to scoot back. “I don’t think your dog likes me.”

The pretty blonde stepped forward. “Barney. Knock it off.”

Barney glanced back at his master, sat down, and put his paw on the couch next to Regan’s hand.

The blonde rolled her eyes and put her hand out. “Hi. I’m Jessica, and this is Barney. He’s totally friendly, but he’s never seen a cast before, and must not like the smell of it.”

“My fiancée and her beast.” Derrick smiled from behind Jessica.

Regan shook her hand, noticing the huge diamond on the other hand. “Congratulations. When’s the big day?”

Jessica smiled. “Mid-summer.”

Derrick interjected. “Tomorrow, if she would agree.”

Regan smiled at Brett who hung back behind them. “Impatient. A true male Grayson trait.”

Julia clapped her hands from behind the crowd at the same time Hillary reached for her from Derrick’s arms. “Let’s get started so we can eat.”

Alisha came up the flight of stairs with another tote and set it down near the dining room table, which was currently covered with ornaments.

Regan tucked a sleepy Hillary onto her lap, resting the sweet child’s head against her shoulder. Barney nudged her leg and then laid down on the floor by her side. Brett walked up and draped a light blanket over her and Hillary.

He kissed her forehead. “That’s quite the sight.”

Meeting his eye, she saw pain and confusion, but also wistful hope behind his gaze. “I thought the same thing when I watched you swing her around in your arms.”

Kissing her once, Brett lingered for several seconds, his lips parting as if he had something to say. Instead, he kissed her once more and then straightened, leaving her to watch the holiday madness descend upon the Grayson family great room.