Tyson let himself be fitted for a tuxedo with little complaint, though it was not what he would call a pleasant experience. Tuxes were tight and constricting, and so hot on the tropical island of Shanrea. None of his options were light in material.
“This is fancy,” Ethan said as he looked himself over in a mirror nearby.
“It's a grand affair. Of course it is,” Tyson said, and adjusted the jacket.
“So your meeting yesterday was weird? That's what Dani was telling me when I asked her about it.”
“Lord Bolton is weird in general,” Tyson explained. “Dad says the guy has always had a little obscure version of the world. I know he upset her, but he was being a jerk. Even I was insulted by some of the comments he made. And I still don't understand the importance of all this. The way he talks about us, it's like we're tools.”
Ethan shrugged. “You are. You're political tools.”
“What do you think would happen if we decided to not do it?” Tyson asked quietly.
“How much do you think Lord Bolton is capable of?” Ethan asked, glancing at him from the side.
Tyson took off the jacket, now too warm to keep wearing it for much longer. “I don't think he'd do anything crazy. But it's hard to say no to the arrangement when there's no real reason to not go through with it. The way he made the whole thing sound, it was as if…”
“Hmm?” Ethan asked. “As if what?”
“There's something going on that he's not telling Dani and me. When I suggested we wait and cancel the wedding, he got mad. Started talking about how we had to redeem our people, and then said 'among other things'. I know there are parts of the story we haven't heard yet, but I can't help but wonder how essential they are. Shouldn't we be told how much is at stake? Especially if they want us to understand.”
“Maybe he thought he was saving you from stress and pressure?” Ethan said with a shrug.
Tyson chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully. “Perhaps. Whatever it is, I'm ready for all of this to be over and done with.”
“Yeah…” Ethan said with a nod.
“I think we're set here.” He paused. “Do you think it could be possible? To say no? Put my foot down and change it?”
“It's not like anyone can force you to say 'I do', let alone consummate your marriage with her. Still, you guys are lucky. Since you know each other and all. Maybe it's not strange to you, but for her it's probably confusing. So are you sure you want to throw this whole thing away? What do you think will happen to you both? I mean, your people have one way of doing things, and hers another. How do you think she'll find another spouse?”
Tyson scowled. It was just like Ethan to think logically about everything, and not from his heart. What would happen to Dani? There were no Elite men for Dani to pick from. What would happen to her was his biggest concern. She was the only female dragon. How many dragon men would try to take advantage of that? Tyson and Dani had gotten to know each other normally and naturally, just like the way of the Terran. All of the things Tyson would have done with a human girl, he was doing with Dani. Except for one thing: the kiss.
When a Terran man proposed to a Terran girl, he did it through a kiss. It was the only way for a man to know for sure if they should go through with the whole thing. If the woman wanted to be with him, she would accept the kiss and wedding plans would begin. If she rejected him, it generally meant she did not think him worthy of marriage, and he was too flawed.
“I keep looking at it from the wrong angle,” Tyson said. “I see her like I imagine I would a sister. She lacks something. The sex appeal maybe, I'm not sure. It's so hard to say.”
“You don't think she's attractive?” Ethan raised an eyebrow, and Tyson got the sneaking suspicion that Ethan thought he was crazy.
Tyson could only shrug. “She's beautiful. But she doesn't make me want to be with her. I don't think about her the same way I do…” He stopped, not wanting to say Maya's name. He wasn't sure how Ethan would handle the thought of Tyson looking at another woman. If he already felt guilty enough for doing it, then that was probably a good sign.
For a moment, Ethan only watched his friend. “You're curious, and you can't help wondering, but be careful how much wandering you do while you get your head together.”
“Yes, I know. I can't go and bed anyone or anything.” Tyson knew that. Every dragon man knew that.
“Have you even tried to want Dani like… that?”
“No, I haven't. I guess I should give it a shot, huh?” Tyson glanced at Ethan.
The young man nodded, slowly. “Yes,” he whispered. “Kiss her, and tell me what it's like.”
Tyson let out a heavy sigh. No wonder he thinks I'm so lucky. He's in denial, but he loves her back.