Chapter Six


Like always, both Dani and Ethan had input on all of the meals served throughout the day, as well as the activities. Outside of Ethan's father not being there, everything was perfect. Not like he was surprised. His dad never came to Shanrea for the birthday celebrations. Sometimes, during random visits, he'd stop by and see Dani's Uncle Jason and his family, but he never came to Dani's house. Only once had he done that, and it ended up awkward and a little dramatic, but it'd happened so long ago that the details were fuzzy.

The entire group settled down outside for brunch. It was Dani's favorite meal, and the perfect way to start their day of festivities. Ethan sat next to Tyson, and Dani and Maya sat across the table from them.

His mom, along with Dani's, came out holding a cake.

“Happy birthday, honey,” his mom said, then kissed his forehead.

“Make a wish,” Dani's mom, Kat, added, setting the cake down between her and Ethan.

He leaned up, smirking, waiting for Dani to do the same. Briefly, their foreheads touched. “Ready?” he asked.

“Ready,” she said. Together, they blew out the candles on the cake.

Ethan didn't believe much in wishes, but he made one anyway. I want everything to work out, and for all of us to be happy. A bit of a cop-out, but he didn't feel as if he could make an honest wish. The thing he wanted the most, he'd never be able to have. He made eye contact with Dani, and they both smiled. Why did he want to kiss her? That couldn't have been right, or an appropriate thing for him to do.

A car came up the path to the house, and Ethan pulled away. Good timing, because he might have accidentally done something he shouldn't have. If there was one thing engraved into his mind from a young age, it was that Dani would always be off-limits to him.

Whatever feelings he had for her, he made sure they only expressed his caring for her as his best friend and nothing more. Even though he was pretty sure it wasn't normal for him to feel warm in his stomach, or to smile so much when he thought about her. He only did that when no one watched him, of course. And it probably wasn't normal for him to compare every girl he saw to her. I want to spend my life with someone who gets me like Dani does. Maybe that's why picking a wife is so hard. I have too high of expectations. But if I don't give anyone a chance, I suppose none of them ever will, huh?

Out of the car stepped a Terran. He was a big man, and Tyson bowed at the sight of him. Ethan followed suit, trusting his friend's decision to treat this man with respect, even though Ethan got strange vibes from him. Everyone at the table did the same thing.

“Lord Bolton,” Tyson said. “What a surprise and an honor to have you here.”

The man gave a large smile, though Ethan sensed it wasn't genuine.

“I couldn't miss such an important event, especially when I come with some big news,” Lord Bolton said.

“Would you like to sit?” Kat asked.

“No, I will not be here long, but thank you. As you know, this is the year scheduled for your wedding. It pleases me to announce that you will be married this summer. In fact, the date is set for next month,” Bolton said.

Matthias raised an eyebrow, “Excuse me? You set a date? I thought this was still an unsettled issue?”

“I said the winter,” Dani whispered.

“I know that's what you said, but the winter does not work well for my people. Let's be honest with each other here. This union is not one of true love, but of politics. The summer is the perfect time to unite our nations in celebration. Besides, the Shanrean people believe it a bad omen to wed in the wintertime. Since I imagine you want your father to participate in the ceremony, you will have to wed here,” Lord Bolton explained, and touched Dani's dark hair. Ethan noticed her flinch at the touch. If she didn't like him, that was good enough reason for Ethan not to as well.

Tyson stared at the top of the table, looking afraid to make eye contact with his dragon lord. “Thank you for honoring us by telling us this in person. I'm sure you have a lot of business to attend to.”

“You're welcome. I'm here to secure options and things to make the stress of planning not quite as great,” he said.

“You are very generous,” Tyson whispered. Ethan couldn't believe how much butt was being kissed by his friend. This wasn't like Tyson at all. There had to be a good reason for it that Ethan hadn't been told about yet. Hopefully, he'd get the details later.

Lord Bolton bowed and returned to his car. “I will leave you to your celebration. Happy birthday to you as well, Lord Oceina.”

“Thanks,” Ethan mumbled.

“Excuse me,” Dani whispered, and stood from the table. She didn't wait for permission and hurried inside. With a sigh, Tyson rose to follow her.

As tempting as it was for Ethan to go too, he knew it wasn't a moment for him to invade on. This was strictly a time for her and Tyson. And that's how it was supposed to be. The two of them were promised to each other. Ethan couldn't get in the way of that no matter how much he sometimes wanted to.