The Synchronicity War Part 4

By Dietmar Arthur Wehr



Copyright 2014 by Dietmar Arthur Wehr



Other books by Dietmar Arthur Wehr:

The Retro War (stand-alone novel within Synchronicity War universe)

Rumors of Glory (The System States Rebellion series book 1)

Rumors of Honor (SSR series book 2)

Rumors of Salvation (SSR series conclusion)

Introductory Comments:

This is the second edition of the fourth and final installment of The Synchronicity War. When I started Part 1, I had NO idea where I would end up so it’s been a wild ride for me too. I’ve made two changes to Part 4 compared to the other three books. You’ll find that A.I. is now AI. You’ll also notice that the chapters don’t have titles. That was done deliberately so as not to give anything away before you read the chapters. The second edition is slightly shorter due to the deletion of a scene that reader feedback considered overly melodramatic and an unnecessary loose end.  I hope you enjoy the book. At the end are some final comments concerning the possibility of more books that take place within the same universe.

I'd like to thank Jill Linkert for what she insists I call a 'quick' edit of this book. Apparently I never give her the time she claims she needs to do a 'proper' edit. So if you find mistakes, blame me, not her. I would also like to thank Justin Adams for his cover art.