
This book reached its final manifestation because it crossed the desk of Andrew Karre. I remember the day (July 12, 2013) that I saw your tweet—“Jesus Christ, Humbert Humbert just walked into the manuscript I’m reading. Do that again!” I knew you must be talking about INFANDOUS. Your insight from that day forward has been a driving force behind this book. I am a better writer because of our work together.

I am grateful also to Rubin Pfeffer, who came to my house to make art with me and my kids and who sent me a one-of-a-kind INFANDOUS wolf head. Thank you, Rubin, for all of your support. Grateful thanks also to Howard Hornreich.

If not for Erin O’Shea, I wouldn’t have known about the shadow sculptures of Tim Noble and Sue Webster. Thank you, Erin, for pointing me in this direction.

Special thanks to Paige Davis Arrington, Melanie Sinclair, Laura Jane Carpenter, Sasha Kuczynski, and Mischa Kuczynski Erickson, who talked me through this book’s difficult gestation.

And again, thanks to my family of readers, who support all my ideas, no matter how weird they get. I love you all.