Reducing the Distance Between the Virtual Cameras

7.1. Principle

We have seen that stereoscopy can be fatiguing, and that this may be linked to overly marked disparities (see section 3.2). However, these disparities may be reduced if we reduce the distance between the virtual cameras. In fact, if we reduce this distance, the differences between the two images are lessened; the disparities decrease, as does the perception of depth by stereoscopy. At the extreme, if the distance between the virtual cameras is zero, we return to monoscopic vision.

I have often done this experiment with my students, during demonstrations in class. They were introduced to a virtual world in an immersive hall. They had stereoscopic vision in the beginning, but also motion parallax (see section and all the other monoscopic cues (see section After a while, I began progressively reducing the distance between the cameras. After some minutes, I asked them if they had noticed that the stereoscopy was no longer in operation. Out of almost 200 students, not even one had noticed that the stereoscopy had been eliminated. Some were still marveling over the 3 dimensions when I announced that there had been no stereoscopy for more than 5 min. I performed this experiment with the entirely pedagogic aim of showing them that stereoscopy is interesting, but not at all essential. Moreover, it is not the principal cue for depth perception. However, in view of the overwhelming majority of students who did not notice when the 3D was stopped, even having seen their classmates going through the same experiment, I began to wonder if this would not be an interesting way to reduce fatigue while still preserving the impressive side of demonstrations of stereoscopy.

7.1.1. Usefulness of stereoscopy in depth perception

We saw in section 7.4.2 that stereoscopy is one cue for depth perception, but not the only one. We wanted to verify the importance of this cue compared to others, and notably compared to motion parallax in an immersive hall. To measure this importance, we tried to quantify the perception of curvature in immersion using different types of immersion to verify which cues were the most significant in the perception of curves. Protocol The subjects

15 subjects underwent tests of perception of a sphere, while 18 people were tested on an unspecified shape. The subjects had to be in good health. They might have vision problems (myopia, astigmatism, farsightedness, presbyopia), as long as they wore corrective lenses. They had to be capable of moving around the room with no inconvenience. The interocular distance was measured for each subject and integrated into calculation of the virtual images when stereoscopy was being used.

All subjects needed to verify that they had good binocular vision. A simple screening test was carried out before the perception test itself: the subject was shown two adjacent cubes of different dimensions, with one significantly closer than the other. The person had to determine which was closer, three times in a row to eliminate guesswork. Method used

The method we used was that of constant stimuli. This is in fact the most reliable and the most precise method [BON 86].

We looked for a differentiation threshold (“do you perceive the same virtual object as the physical object?”), and therefore used for our initial shape the virtual object corresponding to the real object. We identified a set of seven variations in each dimension (width, height, thickness) centered around the dimensions of the original object. We used an arithmetic progression rule for ease of use. Each stimulus was displayed three times by random sampling without replacement.

7.1.2. The objects The sphere The real sphere

The real sphere (Figure 7.2) was in reality a smooth plastic balloon with a diameter of 20 cm, painted green to match the color of the virtual model. It was shown in front of a black backdrop and lit in the same way as the virtual model (lamp arranged at the same location and intensity adjusted by hand by the experimenter, for the best possible correspondence, Figure 7.1). We tried to take films or photos of the two spheres to get the best comparison of luminosity. However, since the screen was rear projected, the sensor was saturated and could not take a photo showing what the eye perceived, as too much bias was induced by these sensors.

The distance between the two lower lamps was 0.9 m. They were situated 0.98 m beneath the shape. The upper lamp was situated 0.62 m above the shape.


Figure 7.1. Diagram of real equipment


Figure 7.2. Real sphere The virtual spheres

The standard sphere was thus a relatively accurate reproduction of the balloon (assumed spherical). It was green and also placed in front of a black background (Figure 7.3). We altered it dimension by dimension by less than 3% of the initial diameter (6mm) centered on the original value for the horizontal and vertical dimensions (called the width and the height, for ease of use further on) and by less than 12% of the initial diameter (24 mm) for variations in depth. These steps were specified in preliminary tests, carried out on three people. When one dimension was changed from the size of the original sphere, the others kept their original value, so as to change only one dimension at a time.


Figure 7.3. Virtual sphere Unknown shape

The purpose of the unknown shape test was to see if the subjects were influenced by the sphere being a simple shape. It would be interesting to know the reaction of subjects faced with a totally unknown shape, whose radius of curvature is not fixed. This is a very interesting case because it is much closer to the shapes encountered in everyday life, especially in the automotive industry. However, the results were equally more complex to analyze. The real shape

This unknown shape was a “deformed” sphere. It had the same average dimensions as the sphere in the previous section, but showed no symmetry (Figure 7.4). It was conceived and drawn using CATIA (CAD software) and constructed by rapid prototyping in rigid polystyrene foam with the help of Charly Robot, a digital machine tool. This shape was painted with the same green paint used for the real sphere and was held in the same position as the virtual form by three cables to avoid rotation.

It was also placed in front of a black backdrop (the same as for the sphere) and the same lighting was used (set up in the same way). In Figure 7.5, we see the overall set-up. Note that, in the photo, the lamps are obvious. During the tests, they were hidden (the one above by a drape, the one below by a board painted black).


Figure 7.4. Real unknown shape close-up The virtual shape

The basic virtual set-up was the same used for the design of the real setup (using CATIA): green, and placed in front of a black backdrop (Figure 7.6).


Figure 7.5. Complete real set-up, distance view


Figure 7.6. Virtual unknown shape Experiments carried out

We varied several parameters:

  • – distance between the two virtual cameras;
    • - the distance between the two virtual cameras is nil (monoscopic vision),
    • - the distance between the two virtual cameras is adjusted to the interpupillary distance of the subject,
    • - the distance between the two virtual cameras is double the interpupillary distance of the subject. This spacing was chosen so as to have the same deformation for each subject, whatever the distance between their eyes;
  • – tracking the subject’s point of view;
    • - the subject is fixed in place and not allowed to move. The virtual camera is fixed in the direction of the area where the subject’s head is sensed to be,
    • - the subject can move around and the virtual camera follows the position and orientation of the head;
  • – position of the shape with respect to the screen;
    • - the shape is on the screen, minimizing horizontal parallax,
    • - the shape is in front of the screen, which allows the subject to move more around it and reduces pixellation,
    • - the shape is behind the screen;
  • – the shape itself;
    • - the shape is a sphere, a basic shape well known to all subjects,
    • - the shape is at first unknown to the subjects.

We tested all the combinations of these parameters, giving us 36 combinations. When the point of view of the subject was not tracked, it therefore had a fixed position in both real and virtual worlds. This depended on the position of the virtual object. We defined these so that the subject was always 1.2 m away from the virtual as well as the real shape. This distance was chosen based on Johnston’s results (see section and based on the set-up of our equipment. The crosses on the ground defining these positions were shown to the subject before beginning the very first sequence, as shown in Figure 7.7.

When the shape is behind the screen and when the subject is fixed, the projection of the standard shape is 14 cm in diameter, corresponding to 87 pixels. Thus, a variation of 3% in its diameter changes 2.61 pixels. When the standard object is on the screen, however, its projection is 20 cm in diameter, thus 124 pixels. A 3% change in its diameter thus changes 3.72 pixels. Finally, when the standard shape is located in front of the screen, its projection measures 34 cm, or 211 pixels. A change in 3% adds or removes 6.33 pixels.


Figure 7.7. Positioning of virtual and real objects and of the observer when the virtual object moves

During a sequence

At the beginning of each sequence, instructions are given to the subject at the top left of the screen. The instructions may be:

“You can move around the room”


“Stand on the cross which is nearest the screen”

At the middle of the screen, a phrase invites the tester to press the “A” button on the WiiMote (the big round button on the front) as soon as they have read the instructions.

“Press A to begin”

When a sequence begins, we begin varying the width of the virtual sphere. The subject is alerted all through the test by the phrase:

“The width of the sphere will vary. Is the virtual shape less wide (−) or wider (+)?”

The subject is thus asked to press the “–” or “+” button of the controller (Figure 7.8) to give their opinion. When a button is pushed, a confirmation request appears on the screen:

“You pressed “–/+”; please press “A” to confirm”


Figure 7.8. Screen capture during the test: requesting confirmation of a response

When they validate their response, the object disappears for half a second to prevent comparison between the virtual shapes, before displaying the next variation. If the subject presses “A” without having given a response, the program does not validate and displays the same object again.

There are three series of seven random variations of the object’s width, without replacement. After these 21 questions are posed, the subject is advised of the change in the dimension studied by the phrase:

“Change in dimension: the height will vary”

A new series of 21 questions on the height follows, and another on the depth. Each time the question changes:

The height of the sphere will vary: is the virtual sphere smaller (–) or larger (+)?

The depth of the sphere will vary: is the virtual sphere less deep (–) or deeper (+)?

During the tests with the unknown shape, obviously the word “sphere” in the previous questions is replaced by the word “shape”. Result

We therefore tested many conditions, but for our purposes, we only compared some of them. If you are curious and wish to know what results all the conditions gave, I invite you to read my thesis.


Figure 7.9. Influence of stereoscopic disparities or motion parallax on the cumulative perception of the sphere and the random form


Figure 7.10. Average time taken for the task Motion parallax or stereoscopy?

We show in Figure 7.9 the different influences of the two cues of depth perception: stereoscopy and motion parallax. The dots in the graph represent the point of subjective equalization (PSE), that is the diameter of the virtual object divided by that of the real object. The closer it is to 1, the better it is. The bars represent the just noticeable difference (JND) – the smaller it is, the better it is. We can see that motion parallax is a more effective cue for perception of curves than stereoscopic vision, allowing a more precise perception of curves.

We might think that the subject would take more time to perceive changes in shape when their point of view is tracked, since they are moving around the object. However, making the decision took longer when the point of view was not tracked than the time taken to move to another point of view when the latter was tracked. As shown in Figure 7.10, the average time taken for the task when the point of view was tracked in monoscopic vision was less than in stereoscopic vision with a tracked point of view. This difference is significant (probability of significance: 99%). Thus, it is preferable to be in monoscopic vision with a tracked point of view than in stereoscopic vision with point of view untracked, if we wish to minimize the time taken on a task. Contribution of stereoscopy in the presence of motion parallax

We see in Figure 7.11 that there is improved accuracy in perception of curves (the length of the bar) when motion parallax is present. Stereoscopy is thus interesting, even when there is another depth cue.


Figure 7.11. Influence of stereoscopy on perception of curves when motion parallax is present

7.1.3. Hypothesis

We thus present the hypothesis that stereoscopy is useful for carrying out tasks in a virtual world, but that it can also be temporarily interrupted without people noticing, so as to rest their visual system. We will also try to determine when it is preferable to activate stereoscopy, with respect to the type of task requested.

7.2. Experiment

The experiment therefore consists of presenting a subject with stimuli:

This experiment was performed during the second-year Master’s research of Ari Bouaniche under my supervision [BOU 15].

7.2.1. Tasks

There were four different tasks, allowing us to make several tests of depth perception. Each type of task was repeated 45 times, aiming to lengthen the immersion time in such a way as to cause some visual fatigue. For the same reason, the virtual world contained many high spatial frequencies. Positioning task

A randomly placed virtual ball moves in the depth dimension and must pass under an equally randomly placed arch. The subject must indicate the precise moment when they think the ball is just passing under this arch by pressing a button. Depth perception task

Spheres and cubes are placed at random depths, but at the same height and in a row facing the subject. The latter must indicate by pointing which sphere they think is closest to them. Curve perception task

This task resembles that presented in section and consists of indicating whether a cylinder which is deformed in the depth dimension has a circular base is flatter or more convex. Its position in space is chosen in a random manner, but its axis is always vertical. Collision detection task

Two cubes are randomly placed, one on the left and one on the right side of the screen. They will move toward a random point on the opposite wall. After a certain time, the two cubes disappear. The subject must say if the two cubes would have collided had they not disappeared.

7.2.2. Experimental conditions

There are four experimental conditions corresponding to four projection situations. All these projection situations involve following the head, always allowing motion parallax. Monoscopy

This is one of the two control conditions, which allow us to verify if the others have any effect with respect to a known situation. In this condition, the images of the left and the right eye are identical. However, the subject still wears stereoscopy glasses so that they are not aware that no stereoscopic depth is being projected. Stereoscopy

In this other control condition, the stereoscopic images are calculated with an interocular distance corresponding to that of the subject. Stereoscopy at the beginning

The two following conditions are those whose effects we will study. They both move from one control condition to the other. This condition presents a stereoscopic stimulus at the beginning of the task, immediately beginning to move the two virtual cameras closer together until we obtain a monoscopic stimulus. This movement lasts 3 sec. Stereoscopy at the end

This is the inverse condition to the preceding. We begin by presenting a monoscopic stimulus, then after 4 sec, stereoscopy increases over 3 sec to stabilize at a stereoscopic stimulus adapted to the subject’s interocular distance.

7.2.3. Subjects

These experiments were carried out on an inter-subjective basis. This means that a subject was only exposed to one of the four projection situations: monoscopic, stereoscopic, stereoscopic at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic at the end and not at the beginning.

Sixty people undertook the experiment, or 15 per projection situation. Subjects of 40 years or over were excluded to avoid any presbyopia, whether detected or not, disrupting the measurement of ease of accommodation or punctum proximum of accommodation. Further, subjects presenting deficiencies at the level of stereoscopic vision were excluded from the protocol.

7.2.4. Measurements Visual fatigue

Measurements of fatigue consisted of the same measurements as those explained in section, that is measurement of the punctum proximum of accommodation, ease of accommodation and stereoscopic acuity.

To these measurements we added other tests. The points of fusion and rupture were measured (see section 5.6). We presented two images (asterisks) with a disparity of 40 cm. Binocular status was also measured by requiring the subject to read words in monoscopy and in stereoscopy and in calculating the ratio of reading speeds. Perception

Measurements of effectiveness were carried out for each task. For example:

  • – for the positioning task, the distance between the ball and the center of the arch is measured when the subject presses the button;
  • – in the depth perception task, the error in depth between the selected object and the nearest object is measured;
  • – in the curve perception task, the correct or incorrect answers given by the subject allow us to calculate the PSE as well as the threshold of discrimination;
  • – the collision detection task measures the error percentage in detection.

The time taken by the subjects to respond was measured for the collision detection task, the curve perception task and for the depth perception task.

7.3. Results

7.3.1. Results for fatigue

The measurements of differences in performance of the visual system were unfortunately not statistically significant. However, they may give some indications that might be explored further in future experiments. Points of rupture and fusion

We can see in Figure 7.12 that stereoscopy being introduced at the end seems to cause less stress on the visual system. We suppose this to be due to gradual habituation to the stimulus.

Data on the point of fusion could not unfortunately be used. In fact, many subjects were able to fusion stimuli at very large disparity, and thus could not indicate the moment when double vision ceased because it was never present.


Figure 7.12. Difference between points of rupture before and after experiment Stereoscopic acuity

In Figure 7.13, we can see that intermittent stereoscopy seems less stressful for the visual system. However, we cannot explain why the monoscopic condition received such a low score.


Figure 7.13. Difference in stereoscopic acuity before and after experiment Punctum proximum of accommodation

In Figure 7.14, we can see that stereoscopy being introduced at the end seems to relieve the visual system. This would seem to correspond to the fact that the stereoscopic stimulus is progressively introduced to the visual system and is thus more easily accepted.


Figure 7.14. Difference between the punctum proximum of accommodation before and after experiment Ease of accommodation

We see in Figure 7.15 that ease of accommodation was not greatly affected by our projections. On the other hand, we notice an anomaly in the values for stereoscopy.

7.3.2. Perception results

In the following figures:

  • – the points represent accuracy (calculated with the average), that is at what point the average of the responses is close to the ideal;
  • – the bars represent the precision (calculated with the standard deviation), that is the spread of the responses.

All the results below showed statistically significant differences.


Figure 7.15. Difference between ease of accommodation before and after experiment


Figure 7.16. Accuracy and precision in the positioning task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning but not at the end and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment Positioning task

In Figure 7.16, we see that the precision for stereoscopic vision at the beginning is very close to completely stereoscopic vision, even if most responses were given after stereoscopy had ceased. As for the accuracy of responses with stereoscopy at the end, it is close to monoscopic vision. It would seem then that for this type of task, the brain creates its map of depth very early and sticks to it. It is thus better for a positioning task to have stereoscopy at the beginning and remove it later. Depth perception task

We can see in Figure 7.17 that the precision of the two intermittent conditions falls between the precisions for the monoscopic and stereoscopic conditions. The situation with stereoscopy at the beginning is nonetheless much closer to that for complete stereoscopic vision, while stereoscopy at the end is closer to that for monoscopic vision.


Figure 7.17. Accuracy and position in the depth perception task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment

This distribution is seen in the time which the subjects took to respond, as shown in Figure 7.18.


Figure 7.18. Difference in response time between four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment Curve perception task

Calculations of accuracy and precision were performed in the same way as in 7.1.1, that is by finding the PSE and the JND over psychometric functions representing cumulative normal distributions of responses.

We see in Figure 7.19 that this time, it is the accuracy of the stereoscopy-at-the-end condition that seems to approach the accuracy of the stereoscopic condition. Note, however, that the accuracy of the stereoscopicvision situation is less than the accuracy in monoscopic vision, because we often have a tendency to overestimate the curvature of an object seen in stereoscopy. In contrast, precision in stereoscopic vision is better, just as that for stereoscopy at the end is better. To put it another way, our vision is slightly deformed, but always in the same way, which helps with perceptive correction added by computer; it is enough to flatten our digital cylinder slightly for it to be seen as “circular”.


Figure 7.19. Accuracy and precision in the curve perception task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the endof the experiment

We can see in Figure 7.20 that response times follow the same trend: for this task, it is stereoscopy at the end that is closer to the classical stereoscopic condition.


Figure 7.20. Difference in time for the curve perception task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment Collision detection task

We can see in Figure 7.21 that for the collision detection task, as for the curvature perception task, the condition of stereoscopy at the end is the closest to classical stereoscopic vision. Stereoscopic vision at the beginning is, however, better than monoscopic vision.

The trend at the level of response time is, by contrast, reversed, as we can see in Figure 7.22. It is in fact stereoscopy present at the beginning that shows the shortest response times.


Figure 7.21. Accuracy and precision in the collision detection task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment

7.4. Discussion

We have been able to show that intermittent stereoscopy allows us to reduce visual fatigue slightly without necessarily reducing the perceptive capacities of the subjects.

7.4.1. Influence on visual fatigue

We have shown that there is a tendency for visual fatigue to decrease, but that this decrease is not straightforward. It is shown especially in the fusional capacity of subjects as well as in stereoscopic acuity. Thus, it is stereoscopic capabilities that are better preserved with intermittent stereoscopy and particularly with stereoscopy at the end. This is in accordance with Neveu’s work, which showed that the visual system undergoes fewer changes when the stereoscopic stimulus gradually appears [NEV 12].


Figure 7.22. Difference in time for the collision detection task for four conditions: monoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision, stereoscopic vision at the beginning and not at the end, and stereoscopic vision at the end of the experiment

7.4.2. Influence on visual perception

The influence of intermittent stereoscopy on visual perception is more complex, as it seems to depend on the complexity of the task to be performed by the subject. For simple tasks like the first two, stereoscopy at the beginning seems to show a better record of improvement. In contrast, when the task is more complex, as for the curvature perception task that requires the visual system to calculate a second derivative (see section 4.4.2) or the collision detection task that requires following two objects in motion, it seems that stereoscopy at the end is more useful for solving the problem before the subject.