A Brief Recap
of the
Morning Program

1. Pour two big glasses with clean, filtered water into the pitcher or other larger glass container.

2. Add to the water the juice of one lemon, and two or three ice cubes made from clean water. (You may want to add the ice earlier so it has time melt).

3. Pour half of this solution into one of the glasses.

4. Pour this half of the solution from one glass to the other, in a thin, long stream. Repeat a couple times, then drink it.

5. Repeat with the second half of the water.

6. Do the first set of Cleansing Exercises.

7. If necessary, go to the restroom and remove the fecal tap from your rectum, using an enema syringe.

8. Do the second set of Cleansing Exercises in the restroom, sitting on the commode. This promotes the emptying of the large intestine.

9. If you feel discomfort, flush your rectum again with a small amount of water using your enema syringe.

Conditions Necessary for a Beneficial Internal Digestive Environment

In order to empty your colon easily and completely, your digestive system must have beneficial conditions. These include the following:

  1. A clean colon provides the best environment for the good bacteria to thrive.

  2. A clean small intestine increases the absorption of nutrients.

  3. A clean stomach enhances the production and mixing of gastric juices.

  4. A clean liver is necessary for the breaking down of fats.

  5. The right amount of food, because even the best of foods, if overeaten, will cause fermentation.

  6. Proper food combining provides the optimum pH balance in order to save digestive energy.

  7. Eating at the right time uses well the hours when the digestive system has the most energy. Times of high digestive energy include morning and afternoon, not evening just before going to bed.

  8. Eating only when hungry, because whenever the system is busy with something else and not ready to digest, the food will stay in once place and ferment.

  9. Chewing well adds enzymes to food at the beginning of the digestive process and causes you to eat less because saliva helps to fill the stomach. Saliva also lubricates the walls of the digestive system and moves material through the system, avoiding blockage, fermentation, and constipation.

10. The chyme moving with the saliva through the digestive system, must be of the quality to retain the necessary amount of humidity, preventing it from dehydration and hardening.

How to Achieve the Necessary Conditions

In order for your gastrointestinal tract to be clean, it is necessary to:

1. Do a series of deep colon cleansings on the colonic machine with the goal of removing the long-time build-up of toxic waste materials, parasites, viruses, and bacteria.

2. Cleanse, if possible, the small intestine, using Dr. Koyfman’s methods.

3. Maintain the cleanliness of your system by periodic cleansing. The frequency of cleansings in your maintenance program depends on your lifestyle.

4. If possible eat organic food. Increase your percentage of food which has life biological energy: sprouts, seeds, nuts, whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables, and their juices.

5. Be careful to combine foods properly.

6. Try not to eat after 6-7 p.m. Consider the biorhythms of the work of the digestive organs.

7. Give your digestive system a rest once a week by juice or water fasting.

To Prevent Chyme from Hardening

1. Increase the amount of fiber you consume by eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, etc.

2. Decrease or avoid food which creates taps and fecal stones in the digestive system. These bad foods include refined grains, food from white flour (bread, pasta, pastries), cheeses, sugar and sugary foods.

3. Eat properly by eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, and relying on saliva to get your food down. (Do not use any kind of drink with your meals, including water.)

4. Drink the necessary amount of fluids (water, herbal teas, juices) during the day. Make sure you do not consume fluids within 60 minutes after eating. The amount of fluids can be calculated according to body weight in pounds divided by two. The result is converted to ounces.

5. It is well known that salt promotes the retention of fluids. The large amount of mineral salts located in fresh fruit and vegetable juices promotes the retention of fluids in the digestive system at the same time.

Juices don’t have to be strained if consumed when you are eating. On the other hand, you would strain your juices when you are juice fasting and avoiding any solid materials because you want your colon empty.

The “Soil” for the Human Organism

The composition of the physical elements of the human body includes: water, air, and elements which are on the surface layer of the earth.

Plants take nourishing elements directly from the soil through their root systems. These elements, together with water and earth, compose the structure of its roots, bark, branches, flowers, leaves, and offspring. The creation of this new structure happens because of the influence of sun, warmth, water, air, and the genetic programming in the plant seeds.

By eating plants, humans introduce into their digestive systems all of the richness and vitality the plants have extracted from the soil. This plant matter is transformed inside the digestive system into a “nourishing soil of the human body,” from which (through the “roots” of the digestive system) the body receives nourishment to build and nourish its tissues and organs.

If the “soil” filling the digestive system is clean and healthy, then digestion gathers from it the necessary nourishment for active life and the building of healthy tissues and organs.

If the “soil” filling the digestive system is from a tainted or poisoned source (such as drugs, artificial additives, hormones) or if fermentation and putrefaction have set in, then the digestive system will not work as well, and can only draw nourishment from a corrupt and poisoned source. The digestive system can only send poor quality nutrients to the rest of the body.

Foods That Contain The Most Valuable Natural Energetic and Nourishing Substances

A critical concept in nourishment is to feed the “foundation” or “base” of your health. In order to accomplish this, you must eat foods that directly supply the necessary elements of this base. A list of these is found below in order of decreasing energy and nourishment values.

1. Young wild greens (plants such as certain grasses, herbs, etc.). Include in this category the following: dandelion leaves, nettle, plantain, dock, etc. You can add these to soups, salads, grains, etc.

2. Cultured plants that have begun to develop: sprouts of wheat, rye, alfalfa, sunflower, etc.

3. Foods with the potential of to develop: seeds, nuts, whole grains, beans, etc.

4. Foods that have finished development: fruits, vegetables, berries, pot herbs (green grocery).

5. Freshly made juices from #4 above.

6. Freshly made dishes made from any of the above: whole grains, vegetable soups and baked vegetables. Take car not to overcook your food, as overcooking destroys the nutritional content of food.

Use in limited amounts foods from animal sources such as natural cheeses, fertilized eggs, fish, etc.

Principles of Healthy Eating

The good news is that preparing healthy meals doesn’t require a lot of time. It does, however, take some knowledge and thoughtful planning.

If your digestive system is weakened, and your good flora is not as strong as you would like it to be, you need to consume live vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. from freshly made fruit and vegetable juices. Other nutrients that your body needs should come from homemade meals. When your digestion becomes stronger begin to add fresh salads little by little.

When a person has a dysfunctional digestive system, everything must be taken into account, including:

  1. Food combining.

  2. The order in which food is eaten.

  3. The food actually eaten.

  4. How thoroughly you chew your food.

  5. The time of day or night at which food is eaten.

  6. The capacity (volume) of your stomach.

  7. Diseases you may have.

  8. Your emotional condition while eating.

  9. The amount of time between your meals (based on what you ate).

10. That which determines when you will eat. (Don’t eat unless you are hungry.)

Let your digestive system rest at least one day per week. (After all, these organs need a vacation too.) The best way to do this is to juice fast or water fast that day. If this is too much, then perhaps eat just raw fruits in season for that day.

Be careful not to mix too many different kinds of foods together in one meal. The stomach works best when it does not have to deal with so many different kinds of chemistries.

When your health becomes strong again, you will be able to relax (somewhat) on some of these rules on those occasions when social situations require eating food that is not the of best quality or combination. Just be careful. Some people, such as those with sugar addictions or other food addictions, cannot risk returning to their old ways without being pulled back completely. Do not give up that for which you have worked so hard. You are worth so much more than that.

Occasionally you will run across someone who claims that eating is not that important, and that the most important thing is to “think positively and exercise a lot.” Remember that this philosophy does almost nothing to cleanse your body of the waste that accumulated over the years.

By doing major cleansing, you can help your body achieve the maximum natural health possible, but unless you support and maintain your health through proper eating, you will not be able to maintain your success for long. When it comes to your health, nothing is secondary. Everything is important here, especially eating habits.