Real healing will have complex influences on the entire body, not just on symptomatic organs or systems. Specifically, this relates to those who have serious health problems and to those whose health problems may not be so serious but have been acquired over the years.
A complex, complete healing program includes the following:
Body cleansing is the first important step on the way to health.
It is impossible to achieve good results in the healing process without cleansing. Waste materials drain energy which should be used by the body’s immune systems in the natural detoxification process. An army of parasites, which are always an attribute of toxicity, steals away the most valuable nourishment, creating deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other important elements.
Large intestine cleansing
Small intestine cleansing
Liver cleansing
Lymphatic system cleansing
Stomach cleansing
Kidney cleansing
Joint cleansing
Blood and cell cleansing
To achieve the best balance in total health, one should cleanse oneself from of stress and negative emotions. This is because of the intimate connection between the body and the mind. When one is not well, it can affect the other.
Stressful situations and negative emotions create energy blockages or emptiness in human biofields which negatively influence specific organs or groups of cells. Under the influence of these fiery hot spots in the body, the following can happen: malfunction of cellular exchange or metabolism, accumulation of toxic waste materials, and degeneration of the cells.
Perhaps the most powerful technique for discharging negative emotions is forgiveness. All of us have, from time to time, been wronged to one degree or another. This is unavoidable. If a person continues to hold onto the negative emotions that are caused when another human wrongs him or her, these negative emotions seep deep down inside and fester, sometimes unknowingly. Since forgiveness is a choice, and a very healthy, cleansing one at that, each of us should use it as often and as completely as possible. In so doing, you drop off negative feelings like stripping off dirty, filthy clothes. By so doing, you release yourself from the prison of anger, hate, etc. that will hold you as long as you let it. Forgiveness is a powerful form of freedom, and it is something you can choose to do in order to release yourself from the negative bond that holds you to that other person or situation.
If a person with serious health problems does cleansing on a physical level and ignores the cleansing on the psychological level, even if he or she receives positive results from physical cleansing, after some time it is possible to find a recurrence of the same problems which one had before. Therefore, psychological cleansing has a powerful influence in healing.
1. Stomach Cleansing
2. Liver Cleansing
3. Small Intestine Cleansing
4. Fasting
1. Breathing Exercises
2. Holding the Breath after Exhale
3. Walking with Deep Breathing
4. Any Physical Exercises and Any Physical Activity
5. Massage
1. Sauna
2. Warm Bath
3. Hot and Cold Shower (changing several times)
4. Swimming
5. Cold Splash (bucket of cold water)
1. Forgiveness
2. Relaxation
3. Meditation
4. Praying
Physical activities stimulate lymph and blood circulation, activate the function of internal organs, and speed the metabolic processes. Exercise also strengthens the heart and the lungs producing necessary oxygen which improves digestion, and nourishes the organs and cells.
Some people think that they don’t have enough energy to walk and do exercises. They say, “I will wait until I have more energy. Then I will start to exercise.” There is little possibility that their energy will increase. It is very unlikely they will ever begin to exercise.
A very well-known Russian Doctor Galina Shatalova said, “If you want to bring back your health and energy, you need to run. If you cannot run, walk. If you cannot walk, crawl.” In difficult cases, one will most likely do the reverse: crawl, walk, and then run.
1. Morning walking (or light running) (30-60 minutes)
2. Exercises for deep work of joints and spine (like Yoga or Tai-Chi) (15-20 minutes)
3. Dry skin brush massage in the morning and/or in the evening (5-7 minutes)
4. Evening light walking before going to bed (20-30 minutes)
5. Breathing exercises (prana-yama type) (5 minutes 2 times a day)
Water is the most important component of the body. Since 70% of the body is water, the quantity of water intake and the quality of the water is very important for health. To calculate the amount of water necessary for each individual during the day, use the weight in number of pounds and divide by 2. The result is the number of ounces of fluids which this individual needs to drink during the day. Also, begin drinking warm water (approximately body temperature) with lemon juice.
1. Clean water (filtered, distilled, or spring water)
2. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices
3. Teas from different herbs
4. Water with different additives: apple cider vinegar, chlorophyl, lemon, etc.
As important as internal body cleansing and proper exercise are, the gains you make through them will be quickly eroded without proper eating. You will find the principles of healthy eating in the section entitled “Cleansing Diet.”
What foods are best to eat, and which are best to eat together are important topics, but it is also important to take into account the natural, working biorhythms of the digestive organs. For example, the stomach is most active in the morning. If one’s sleep and activity times are on schedule, the best time for the stomach to do its work is between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. In contrast, the small intestine is most active between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. The kidneys are most active from 5 pm and 9 pm. Therefore, food is most efficiently digested and provides the most nutrients in the morning and/or early afternoon.
Heavy eating after 5:00 pm will decrease your energy and suppress the work of the kidneys. This plays an important role in one’s sex life and the length of your life. After a late dinner, you will not sleep as well. For example, late eating will increase the chance of nightmares, and will cause you to more likely wake up tired.
After 5:00 or 6:00 p.m., it is better not to eat at all. If one gets hungry, you might drink one or two glasses of freshly made fruit or vegetable juice. Another alternative is to drink herbal tea with honey, or just water. An eastern adage says, “Eat breakfast by yourself, eat dinner with a friend, and give supper to an enemy.” This old saying reflects an understanding of the natural rhythms of the digestive organs.
If you do adjust your eating schedule to the rhythms of your internal organs, you will sleep more deeply, wake up more easily and more refreshed, and have increased energy. To this adjustment of eating schedule, add one day of juice fasting per week to rest your digestive organs from the workload of processing food.
If you have serious reasons you cannot do this schedule, then you can save digestive energy during the day by keeping breakfast and lunch light and having dinner between 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. This meal will digest better on the saved energy than if all the meals were large during the day.
People who work too much create a natural imbalance in their personal rhythms and in their energy levels. Instead of getting the sleep and rest they need, they use artificial methods such as coffee and other stimulants to keep going. This will begin to eat into their “life strength” which are necessary for external work, but are critical for the internal work of the organs. This internal work includes digestion, the immune system and detoxification performed by different organs. This causes the body to become more vulnerable to different kinds of disease. This is why good sleep, along with relaxation, are important to regaining and maintaining one’s health.
Try to implement the following techniques to improve the health benefits you can get from proper relaxation.
1. Consciously relax your muscles and your mind:
- after waking up
- after doing exercises
- after work
- before going to bed.
2. Take a short rest during the day:
- during the middle of the day
- any time you feel tired
3. Go to bed no later than 11:00 p.m. It is better to go to sleep even earlier than that.
Each person has different sleep needs. Some people can get away with five or six hours sleep each night, while others need nine, ten, or more hours. You should sleep as much as you personally need to restore and maintain your health and energy. Your bed should, ideally, be hard, and your head should be pointed to either the north or south. Avoid big pillows. The air in your sleeping chamber should be fresh and at a comfortable temperature.
Although it is very important to do deep internal body cleansing initially and to maintain a preventative schedule, there are things we can do every day that help protect all of the health benefits we have gained from cleansing. Some of these procedures are easy to include even in a busy schedule; they do not take more than a couple of minutes.
• Do cleansing Exercises to purge the large intestine.
• Drink the proper amount of fresh vegetable and fruit juices to cleanse the kidneys.
• Drink the proper amount of clean water to cleanse the kidneys.
• Contrast the temperature of your shower water to cleanse blood vessels.
• Use both air and water to cleanse the nostrils and sinuses of dust, bacteria, microbes and mucus
• Brush, rinse, and finger massage your teeth and gums after each meal. Use sea salt and olive oil for cleansing your teeth.
• Rinse your throat with a sea salt solution to clear it of mucous and bacteria.
• Use breathing exercises, meditation and walks to cleanse the emotions and the psyche.
• Use a dry brush massage, a shower or a bath to cleanse the skin from dead cells.
• Use breathing exercises and aerobics to cleanse the lungs and bronchial passages.
• Jump on a trampoline to stimulate the lymph system.
• Perform neck exercises to stimulate circulation in the brain.
• Exercise the eyes with simple movements to increase circulation there and maintain vision.
• Drink warm water with strained lemon juice to cleanse the stomach and liver.
• Use ear candles to cleanse the ears.
• Scrape (gently) the tongue with the edge of a spoon to remove waste trapped on the tongue.
• Use yoga to improve circulation in the joints, spine, and all other organs.
• Do gentle abdominal massage to improve circulation, digestion, and detoxification in the stomach, liver, small intestines, etc.
Detailed explanations of techniques and how to do every day cleansing procedures, as well as their importance for health maintenance are included in my series, Healing Through Cleansing, Books 1-4 and Deep Internal Cleansing Book.