
I am a 44-year-old wife and mother of two. We recently experienced a fire in our home which put my 75-year-old mother (who suffers from emphysema) into the hospital where she was put on a life support system for a week. My mother survived this, and the rest of us escaped unhurt.

However, the stress and trauma of this experience sent my body into shock and my colon was unable to function. At first, I wasn’t too concerned, and after a couple weeks I was very worried. Needless to say, I was giving myself a daily enema. When I went to Yakov and told him of my situation, he calmly told me I would be fine if I did a series of exercises to strengthen my colon. I did the exercises, and was perfectly fine in about ten days and feel stronger and healthier than ever.

Atlanta, GA


I would encourage anyone who is seeing Dr. Koyfman to learn and begin doing his Cleansing Exercises. After about five or six colonics, I started doing his Cleansing Exercises. I’m not only getting better results with the colonics, but I’m getting results every morning with the feeling that my colon is waking up and I am too!

I have many musculoskeletal problems (neck, upper back, lower back, hips, and legs). Not only am I able to do these exercises (with a few modifications), but I am strengthening these areas in my back and neck. These exercises are also benefitting my asthma. There is a lot of good, deep, cleansing breathing done during the exercises. There have been mornings when I have awakened with tightness in my chest and began to wheeze a little. After I’ve completed the Cleansing Exercises, the tightness and wheezing have subsided enough so I don’t have to use my inhaler.

By doing these Cleansing Exercises, I feel better and stronger overall. It’s an excellent way to wake up the body and start the day.

Gayle Carpenter


Finally Free!

All my life I’ve suffered from constipation. At age 20, I started totally falling apart. I had constant flues, colds, sinus infections and soar throats. My nose was constantly clogged and I forgot what it’s like to breath through my nose. Medical doctors kept putting me on antibiotics, which were not helping my symptoms, but did a great job on ruining my digestive system completely. I was on laxatives everyday; started getting yeast infections; had constant heartburn. Eventually I got a soar throat which lasted for over two months and didn’t seem to be going anywhere. I couldn’t speak, eat and every time I would swallow, it felt like knives were passing through. Doctors kept changing their antibiotic prescription and finally gave up saying that they don’t know what to do.

My friend saw Dr. Koyfman’s article in the newspaper and told me to try it. At that point I was ready for anything! Not knowing where I was going or what would be done, I ended up at the Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing. During my first session I had nothing but mucus coming out of my body and that same evening, my soar throat was gone. It took a few more procedures before my sinuses cleared up and a few more to get my digestion back to normal. I am finally free off constipation and suffocation. My body is free of yeast and other parasites. I am able to breath normally. I changed my whole life style and enjoy it very much. I feel very lucky that I actually got sick so early in life and was able to find Dr. Koyfman who set me in the right direction for the future.

Helen Rybak, Atlanta, GA


“... I have suffered from constipation all of my life. Dr. Koyfman told me that I would need more than just colon cleanses to get rid of my problem, but I was amazed to see that even after my first procedure I felt so much better! I felt light and clean. I was even able to go to the restroom on my own without any laxatives or any other help. His staff is great and very knowledgeable. I can’t wait to feel even better...”

Tina K.


From the time that I walked through the doors of the Koyrfman Center, I felt the power of healing. Having not experienced colon hydrotherapy previously, I was somewhat unsure of what to expect. However, I was soon made to feel very welcome and put at complete ease. The whole process was a pleasant and uplifting experience. I left the center feeling clean and better than I have in years. This after only one colon cleanse.

I discussed my health concerns with Dr. Koyfman and decided that going through a complete body cleanse would be in my best interests. Since then I have completed the colon, small intestine and liver cleanses. I must say that I feel better than I have in years.

I am 55 years old and have been experiencing some life changes for which a conventional doctor would give prescription drugs. I am unwilling to put pharmaceuticals into my body. My life-style is such that now it includes organic foods and supplements along with exercise. The therapy for a complete body cleanses is a perfect fit for the continuation of my health care. I only wish that I had known of the Koyfmans years ago.

On more than one occasion I have left the center with such a feeling of utopia and peace that I have experienced what I believe to be a higher level of awareness concerning many aspects of my life. I truly believe that the health care offered at the Center is the method by which the Creator intended for human bodies to be healed. The therapy offered creates an atmosphere that allows the body to heal itself. While I have a long way to go in order to reach my body cleanisng goals, I am well on my way to feeling the wholeness that I desire. I in turn will help to educate others concerning their health as I continue my education toward a Ph.D. in Natural Health.

I look forward to a continuation of my relationship with the Koyfmans. They are very special and precious people. Their dedication to the health and well being of their clients is demonstrated daily as they offer the best of care and therapy in total body cleansing. Thank you both for your concern and years of dedication to the wellbeing of people. We are all blessed because of your willingness to share your knowledge

Cheri Smith
Roswell, GA


“... I was so clogged up that during my first 3 colon cleanses nothing would come out during the procedure. After the cleanse, I would spend 40 minutes in the restroom releasing all the toxins I have saved up. At first I was disappointed that nothing would come out during the procedure itself, but I felt so much better after each cleanse, that it didn’t really matter. On my fourth colonic I say huge worms come out, one after another and ever since then my colonics were much more successful. I fell like a new person...”

Larry B.

Complete Guide to Whole Body Cleansing, $20.


You will find here how to prepare for cleansing and what to expect during Deep Internal Body Cleansing. You will want to know what to do if you feel any discomfort during the cleansing. This book explains how we perform Deep Internal Body Cleansing at the Center. Also, you will discover here what to eat after the cleansing in order to maintain your success and your new lifestyle.

Deep Internal Body Cleansing, $15


If you search for healing and real health, then here you will find answers to your questions Here is information about toxicity and the immune system, healthy eating and eliminating parasites. Here are answers to help you resist hurtful cravings and negative emotions. You really can get health and gain energy through cleansing your body.

Healing Through Cleansing - Book 1, $12.


Every day, toxic substances enter our bodies from the various chemical and biological contaminants in our environment. Additionally, toxins form within us due to poor dietary habits, stress, aging, and harmful bacteria that populate our bodies. Our excretory organs can’t cope with such a large amount of work and need constant, conscious support. How can you help your main excretory organs become free of toxins, bacteria, and infections? You will find the answers in the pages of this and subsequent books in this Koyfman Series.

Healing Through Cleansing - Book 2, $12


In many ways our health depends on the health of organs located in the head and neck regions: the brain, thyroid gland, eyes, salivary glands, ears, nose and sinuses, throat, tongue, teeth and gums. The contemporary American diet usually includes a large number of mucus-forming foods that result in the generation of mucus throughout the body. Excess mucus settles throughout the body, especially in the head and neck organs, giving rise to a number of ailments in these organs.

Healing Through Cleansing - Book 3, $12


The abdominal area is the kitchen of our bodies. How well or poorly this kitchen functions depends on whether we feed our system with nutrients or poison our system with toxicity. If your abdominal kitchen produces nutrients, you are getting health; if your kitchen produces poison, you are getting disease. How can you help your abdominal organs to become more healthy and free of toxins and to sustain the health of your entire body? You will find the answers in the pages of this book.

Healing Through Cleansing Diet - Book 4, $12


“To get the best results in the healing process, it is not enough to find a skilled teacher who can guide you along the path. It is also very important that the student be open-minded to new information and ready to work,” says Dr. Yakov Koyfman, N.D. A healthy diet gives to the system not only nutrients but also help to clean and heal the body. To make your diet healthy, you need to learn the things in this book.

Exercises to Strengthen
Vital Internal Organs


All DVDs guide you through:

•  Detailed instructions of unique exercises which stimulate internal organs developed by Dr. Koyfman

•  Healing self massages

•  Demonstration of healthy recipes

•  One of a kind suggestions how to heal and help your body to fight against different diseases

•  And other important recommendation!!!

These DVDs give you the ability to see how to perform internal organ exercise, massage and cleansing hygiene professionally. This will allow you to easily learn how to get rid of existing health problems and to prevent new ones!!!

Colon Rejuvenation ($30)

Restoring Health Of All Digestive Organs
(Liver, Pancreas, Small Intestine,
Stomach and Large Intestine)


Special exercises which restore the function of the Large Intestine, improve its circulation, and strengthen the peristaltic action. Also this exercise helps to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. It also helps with liver and pancreas function. By doing these exercises, regularly together with a healthy lifestyle it will help you with:

• Constipation

• Indigestion,

• Bad Breath

• Body Odor

• Coated Tongue

• Fatigue

• Skin Problems,

• Parasites

• Extra Weight and Insomnia.

This exercise also prevents the formation of stones in the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.


Health of the Head & Neck Organs ($30)


Unique, simple breathing exercises that will not only help you get rid of, but prevent the following problems:

• Thyroid Dysfunction

• Dizziness

• Headaches

• Influenza

• Sore Throat

• Runny Nose

• Sinus Infection and Congestion

• Bad Breath

• Skin Problems

• High Blood Pressure

These exercises help to promote the health of all organs located in the Head and Neck including Salivary Glands, Eye Sight, Hearing and Brain function.


Allergy, Asthma, Colds and Headaches ($30)

Make your Bronchi and Lungs

*stronger     *healthier


Unique breathing exercises that burn and dry mucous and kill infections in your Sinuses, Bronchi and Lungs and strengthen the Breathing Muscles. By doing these exercises, you will be able to improve and prevent illnesses such as:

• Asthma

• Allergy

• Bronchitis

• Flu

• Colds

• Cough

• Pollen Allergies

• Hay Fever

• High/Low Blood Pressure

• Fatigue

• Weakened Lungs

• Runny Nose

• Pain in the Spine Column

• Difficulty Sleeping

• Circulation Problems

• Cold Hands and Feet

If your Lungs will become stronger, they will be able to “digest” and absorb more oxygen. Oxygen is very important for our Health yet we always have deficiencies of it in our body. Not because it’s not in the air but because weakened lungs cannot absorb it. Plus the small amount that does get absorbed mainly goes towards the neutralization of toxins. But for the Brain, Cells, and Digestion there is always a lack of it. This is why these exercises not only will help you get rid of the mentioned problems but will also improve Digestion and Immune System and make your thinking more clear.

Health and Healing of Sexual Organs($30)


Special physical and mind exercises, self massages, and healing recipes which helps men and woman to restore the function of Reproductive Organs. Increase masculine sexual energy. Increase woman’s sensitivity. Prevent and help to heal sexual disorders. By doing these exercises, regularly together with a healthy lifestyle it will help with:

• Prostate problems

• Inflamed ovaries

• Not regular and painful menstrual cycles

• Heavy bleeding and much more!!!


One Healthy Day From Morning to Evening ($40)

A Golden Key To Your Health How can you organize your healthy day?


What, when, and where to do specific exercises, eat and drink through the day to strengthen your health. This will not require a lot of extra time – a lot can even be done in your chair during work.

•  Dr. Koyfman demonstrates morning healing and cleansing exercises to gain energy, feel strong and healthy for the whole day

•  Methods of getting rid tiredness during the day and sleepiness after lunch

•  Evening relaxation exercise for stress reduction, and better sleep

•  The demonstration of preparing healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Koyfman Whole
Body Cleansing Center in
Atlanta, Georgia

3107 Medlock Bridge Road
Norcross, GA 30071


Here is a list of some of the Health Problems that our cleansing procedures will help with:

Weight Loss Allergies
Constipation Migraines
Indigestion General fatigue
Yeast infections Thyroid imbalance
Parasites Prostra te probl ems
Dry skin and itching Joint pain
Sinus problems & congestion ... and more

Go Beyond Colonics With Comprehensive Treatment At Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing.

Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing has the experience and techniques to reduce and eliminate these problems from the organs of your body. We go beyond colonics we treat all organs and systems with unique processes.

At the Koyfman center, we use safe, natural body cleansing methods-filtered water, proprietary herbal formula, fresh specialized juices, massage of internal organs, special exercises, FIR “focused organ heating” and infra-red sauna, and specific solutions directed towards individual organs.

Dr. Yakov Koyfman’s unique methods are built on 40 years of experience.

The techniques and formulas used at Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing for detoxing the body’s vital organs have been developed by Dr. Yakov Koyfman, a naturopathic physician, over a period of 40 years with hands-on experience in the Ukraine, Russia and the United States.

“Atlanta is very fortunate that Russian naturopath Dr. Yakov Koyfman has decided to settle in our city &everyone I know who has gone to him feels happier, healthier and thinner, and is clearly more bright and energetic.”

Donna Gates, Author, “Body Ecology Diet”

“I’ve visited other centers all over the USA and never saw such a great complex of cleansing and powerful procedures.”

David Wolfe, speaker, and author of “Eating
For Beauty” and “The Sunfood Diet Success System”

Feel Better... Cleanse Fully... Rejuvenate Your Whole Body!

Healing through our specialized cleansing procedures is the quickest, easiest process for rejuvenating your health. The unique processes developed by Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing are the best way to deal with many of the body’s problems. And because your organs function better when working properly, you can prevent many problems, conditions, and diseases.

Why would you take the time and money to go through these processes?

So you can be healthier...resist
disease...and feel great again!

Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing in
Atlanta Georgia is the ONLY facility in
North America
that offers these unique,
comprehensive cleansing services:

Colonics (Colon Cleansing) Kidney Cleansing
Small Intestine Cleansing Prostate Cleansing
Whole Digestive System Cleanse Joints Cleansing
Complex Liver Cleansing Sinus Cleansing
(Gallbladder, Spleen, Pancreas) Parasite Cleansing
Total Lymph System Cleansing Thyroid Cleansing
Fasting (Cellular Cleanse) Lungs Cleansing

...And other specialized treatments based on your needs.

I had difficulties with breathing, depression, bad sleeping, and muscle pain. When I started my treatment in Dr. Koyfman s office, my health became much better even from the first visit. . . .

Donna D.

I was supposed to have asurgery to remove my cervix because of the cancerous cells. I felt weak and decided to strengthen my health before the surgery. However, when after the cleansing program I went back for testing to my great surprisethe problem was completely gone!

Teresa E.

... High Blood Pressure, sugar, swollen leg and weight of 285 lb. After only 16 visits I weighed 222 lb. I stopped taking sugar pills. My blood pressure medication was reduced two times. My joints are not swollen. No more water retention and feeling bloated. Feels like all of my body systems are functioning much better. This is so much more than I ever expected. I am amazed. I am rejuvenated. I am alive again!

Roy B.


Koyfman Whole Body Cleansing
3107 Medlock Bridge Road
Norcross, GA 30071


Don’t Wait Come to Rejuvenate!