
I would like to thank the following people for their encouragement and aid: Sarah Kennedy and Menna Elfyn, for setting me on the path; Tiffany Atkinson, for teaching me how to write a novel and being a brilliant poetical badass; the academic staff in the Creative Writing departments at Mary Baldwin College, the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and Aberystwyth University; my poetry publishers, Cultured Llama, Oneiros Books, Lapwing, Indigo Dreams, and Three Drops Press; Penny Thomas, for taking a chance on my work and then editing it to a fine sheen; my very patient friends (you know who you are) for putting up with the angst which I would like to believe was artistic and charming but which was probably actually very annoying; and finally, last but not least, Matthew David Clarke for his unwavering love and support. I would also like to thank you, reader, for taking the time to travel with me this far down the road.