Hot heck, you just finished my book! Or, if you’re anything like me, you skipped straight to the acknowledgments because you’re nosy—in which case, hello. I hope you read the book too.

I know you just (maybe) sat through hundreds of pages of my writing, but please bear with me for a few more pages. It took a whole lot of people to get to this point, and they deserve to be celebrated!

A book like this—about love in all its forms—could never have existed without my parents. I still haven’t found the right words to thank you both for all of my possibilities, but this is a good place to start.

Mami, it would take another three hundred pages to tell you how lucky I am to call you my mom. You are the best person I know, and the world is a kinder, more beautiful place because of you. Thank you for protecting me from all the monstas.

Daddy, you taught me to love stories long before I started writing them. I wish you were here to see this one, but like the song says, “te llevo en mi corazón.” Thank you for always telling me my dialogue could be better. I’d like to think it’s improved.

One million and three thank-yous to my incomparable editors at Joy Revolution—Bria Ragin and Nicola and David Yoon. Bria, you are as kind as you are brilliant, and I’ll forever be in awe of your editorial eye. David and Nicola, thank you for all you’ve done to bring such beautiful, joyful stories into the world. It’s an honor beyond my wildest dreams to be a part of this family.

Thank you to the entire team at RHCB—especially Wendy Loggia, Beverly Horowitz, and Barbara Marcus—for letting me bring this book into the world. Thank you to Colleen Fellingham, Tamar Schwartz, Stephanie Bay, Cindy Durand, and Shameiza Ally for all your help in bringing this book to life.

Jon Reyes and Angela Kim, thank you so much for your care in helping shape these characters and their stories.

Casey Moses designed the cover of my dreams, Cannaday Chapman’s illustration brought it to life, and Ken Crossland made these pages feel like a real book. I’m blown away by your talents.

My superstar agent, Uwe Stender, was the first publishing professional to believe in me and this story, and I’m extremely lucky to have someone so phenomenal championing my work. Thank you, Uwe, for all you’ve done for me and Devin and Julian. Someday we’ll have tres leches cake together!

Thank you to Justine Pucella Winans—my wonderful and hilarious mentor—for helping me shape that messy third-person draft into the story it is today! The way I approach storytelling has been forever changed by your guidance, and I’m eternally grateful to you for believing in me. And for all the Jasper pics. And for showing me the best taco spot in LA.

Alex, Helena, and Leila, this journey wouldn’t have been the same without our BTS listening parties and champagne Zooms. I love you three endlessly. Fuck it we ball!

Priv Nation, thank you for being a part of this journey since the very beginning and for all the games of Mafia. GCMJLAASW…FC. Special thank-you to Alex Arias for being the kindest soul I’ve ever had the joy of knowing and letting me borrow our shared brain cell long enough to write this book.

Ye Olde Penthouse LLC—Elisabeth, Jess, Mary Kate, and Rachel, who are the greatest roommates you could ever have—thank you for supporting this dream since Salice 709.

Siena, my dear friend and first ever roomie, thank you for sharing your choco pies.

Trang Thanh Tran and Taleen Voskuni, whose amazing debuts are out by the time you’re reading this—I’m so grateful we get to be on this road together.

To the amazing friends who read this story in its various forms—Mary Feely, Bryn Roxburg, Sophia DeRise, Jenna Miller, Hayden Sharpe, Kade Dishmon, Kait Stevens, Sydney Langford, and my first-ever beta, Adri Rodriguez—thank you for laughing at my jokes in their roughest form!

Chanelle, the OG, has been on this ride since the first grade. Thank you for all the adventures and for always coming to hang at your summer home in Prague.

Tim and Jon, the best D&D squad. We planted a dog face, and we have most certainly grown a dog tree.

Thank you to my team at MTV (and former MTV-er Anna) for being so supportive and letting me use Butter in a promo. You’ve made so many of my dreams come true.

Thank you to BTS, because I can.

My family has encouraged me to be a writer since elementary school, and I hope you all know how much it means to me that I’ve always had you in my corner. To my tíos, Alex, Booboo, and Raul; my titís, Debbie, Marilyn, and Sandra; and Doreen, the best madrina in the world—thank you for everything. We’re the best family around. Anai and Jonathan, our summer antics are a novel all on their own. Someday I’ll write it.

Abuela, su fuerza es una inspiración, y te quiero por toda mi vida, con todo mi corazón.

Isabel, soy la persona que soy hoy porque tenía usted en mi vida. Siempre soy tu reina.

Thank you to the Myrick Magidson family for your endless support, love, and tomato sandwiches. And for letting me steal Suck-o.

Dr. Porridge, you only showed up after I finished writing this book, but you make my life so much brighter that I had to include you. Even though you are a dog and will never be able to read this. I’m sorry I’m writing this right now instead of petting you.

And last, but not least, Duncan. My best friend, my partner in all things. I couldn’t have done this without you. Guess you made it to the acknowledgments after all.