SIMON’S MOM LOOKED at the garage and said we did an excellent job. She congratulated us on making the money.
We realized right then that we were all starving. All that work made us super hungry.
“We should go for pizza or ice cream,” Rosie suggested.
“Can I?” Simon asked his mom. “Where’s Dad?”
“He’s in Hammond,” his mom said after checking her phone. “That’s about an hour and a half away. You can make it back in time.”
We were all happy about that.
“Should we get pizza or ice cream?” Simon asked as we walked to town. “We’re like millionaires! We could get both!”
“Maybe,” Rosie said and caught my eye when Simon wasn’t looking. She winked at me.
“Yeah,” I said and winked back. “Maybe.”
“We have enough money to get, like, fifty pizzas and twenty milkshakes!” Simon said. He was excited. I think he thought maybe—just maybe—he wouldn’t get into too much trouble with his dad now. “Where should we go first?”
We didn’t stop at the pizza place first.
And we didn’t stop at the ice cream shop first.
We stopped at Sycamore Sports first. It was a store that had loads of sports stuff and camping stuff.
And bikes.
“Why are we going in here?” Simon asked.
Rosie said, “I want to look for something.”
She walked straight to the bikes at the back of the store. There was a high school kid working there. He had a bike up on a rack and was spinning its front tire.
“Can I help you three?” he asked.
Rosie did the talking.
“We’re looking for a mountain bike,” Rosie said.
Simon hadn’t figured it out yet. He just watched Rosie with a puzzled look on his face.
“We’ve got a few models,” the teenager said and walked us over to a wall where a bunch of bikes were lined up. He waved at them as he described them.
“These are the Rock Jumpers—good basic mountain bike. These are Trail Hunters—about the same, just a little sturdier. And the top of the line is the Mongoose. It has an aluminum frame instead of steel. Much lighter, but twice as strong. Can really take the bumps.”
Rosie asked, “How much is the Mongoose?”
“It’s expensive.”
“How much?”
“It’s 145 dollars.”
“Do you have an orange one?”
“I do.”
“We’ll take it.”
He went to get the bike.
Simon still hadn’t figured it out.
He asked, “What’s going on?”
“We’re getting you a new bike!” Rosie said. “One that won’t get all busted up on the trails at Picasso Park. It was Molly’s idea!”
I could see tears welling up in Simon’s eyes. He was so surprised. And so happy.