I would like to acknowledge:
My son and manager, Danny Bennett, and the entire RPM Productions team: Sylvia Weiner, Hadley Spanier, Dawn Olejar, Joe Rhoades, and my assistant, Seth Ferris, for all their support and help at every turn.
I’d like to thank my tour manager, Vance Anderson; my sound man, Tom Young; and my quartet: Lee Musiker, Gray Sargent, Harold Jones, and Marshall Wood; as well as all the musicians who have supported me through the years.
Dick Golden, for his invaluable contributions.
WME and my literary agent, Mel Berger.
HarperCollins, for all their enthusiasm and belief in the project; particularly Lisa Sharkey and Amy Bendell.
Leslie Wells and Jonathan Ehrlich for all their great work.
My wife, Susan Benedetto, for keeping everything on track.
And my dear friend Mitch Albom for his kind words.
My Quartet: Lee, Harold, Gray, and Marshall