Your relationships – at work, in your personal life and those you have yet to craft – lie at the heart of your happiness, motivation and success. Maintaining and developing those relationships through the difficult time that Menopause presents is vital to your present and critical to your future. You have every possibility to grow them at this time – and every permission to ask for support from those around you.
Whatever your journey, remember that it is loaded with opportunity.
Throughout this book, you have been priming and honing your superpowers. It is quite possible that you didn’t realize you had them or that you thought they had been in a race to the bottom, shackled to your declining oestrogen. You now know they are flexing and vibrating at a high frequency just beneath the surface.
We utilized your experience, skills, motivation, resilience, resources to create a desire for the second phase of your womanhood, to be optimistic and brimming with opportunities in whichever direction you choose.
Looking forward and planning your future directly connects you to ambitions and visions of what is to come. It frees your thinking and focuses on what is important to you and the future structure of your life. Once you have this, creating a pathway toward it becomes infinitely easier. The clarity you establish here creates the foundation for all other areas of your life.
Understanding what your symptoms are, how they show up, when they show up and your response to them when they do empowers you to take control. You can see their triggers, their beginnings or early warning signals, and create simple and effective processes to manage them and your response to them.
Teasing apart your symptoms instead of seeing them as one problematic mass gives you the opportunity to separate them and see any interconnectedness – that is, which symptoms influence or affect the others, sitting at the core of your experience. This enables you to either tackle the outer symptoms one by one or to go straight for the pack leader. You have the power to divide and conquer.
You are now in the driver’s seat. Information is power, and you have what you need to manage this.
How you view yourself and communicate with yourself is critical. Appreciating who you are and who you will be – in mind, body and soul – will subliminally drive how others interact with you. Value yourself and others will too.
Conversation is at the core of managing your relationships successfully throughout your Menopause, whether that be at work or in your personal life. All your interactions will require you to think about what you ultimately want both in the micro and the macro – that is, from each conversation, building up to your five- and ten-year plan. All your relationships will require you to be the adult in the room, to be reasonable
when asking for support, and to be honest with yourself and those around you. If you have been more difficult to manage than a bag of poisonous snakes, admit it. Focus, vulnerability and honesty are your allies and, when used correctly, they are most definitely superpowers in themselves.
Just as with your five- and ten-year plan, creating a joint plan with your partner will give you a focal point that will draw you through the difficult times and help to keep the bond between you strong.
If you are single, all attraction starts within. How you feel about yourself on the inside and out is incredibly powerful both in the negative and the positive. Valuing and cherishing yourself is a vital part of this process. This is not just in the physical sense, either. It is about recognizing who you are today and who you might be tomorrow, your lifestyle, your expectations and your needs. The power is in your clarity, your focus and your self-awareness.
Your hidden superpower in all of this is your brain. It is constantly seeking what you want. Whatever it is in life you have set your heart on, give your brain enough information, and it will seek it out continuously.
Being a second phase woman is extraordinary. You have the superpowers. Remember, this is not a pause in your life, and the post-Menopausal you will be unstoppable.
What is your story now – and what is it about to be?