Limits of the algebraical resolution of equations.
WE have seen how equations of the second, the third, and the fourth degree can be resolved. The fifth degree constitutes a sort of barrier to analysts, which by their greatest efforts they have never yet been able to surmount, and the general resolution of equations is one of the things that are still to be desired in algebra. I say in algebra, for if with the third degree the analytical expression of the roots is insufficient for determining in all cases their numerical value, a fortiori must it be so with equations of a higher degree ; and so we find ourselves constantly under the necessity of having recourse to other means for determining numerically the roots of a given equation,—for to determine these roots is in the last resort the object of the solution of all problems which necessity or curiosity may offer.
I propose here to set forth the principal artifices which have been devised for accomplishing this important object. Let us consider any equation of the mth degree, represented by the formula
in which x is the unknown quantity p, q, r, … the known positive or negative coefficients, and u the last term, not containing x and consequently also a known quantity. It is assumed that the values of these coefficients are given either in numbers or in lines; (it is indifferent which, seeing that by taking a given line as the unit or common measure of the rest we can assign to all the lines numerical values;) and it is clear that this assumption is always permissible when the equation is the result of a real and determinate problem. The problem set us is to find the value, or, if there be several, the values, of x which satisfy the equation, i. e. which render the sum of all its terms zero. Now any other value which may be given to x will render that sum equal to some positive or negative quantity, for since only integral powers of x enter the equation, it is plain that every real value of x will also give a real value for the quantity in question. The more that value approaches to zero, the more will the value of x which has produced it approach to a root of the equation. And if we find two values of x, of which one renders the sum of the terms equal to a positive quantity and the other to a negative quantity, we may be assured in advance that between these two values there will of necessity be at least one value which will render the expression zero and will consequently be a root of the equation.
Conditions of the resolution of numerical equations.
Let P stand for the sum of all the terms of the equation having the sign + and Q for the sum of all the terms having the sign —; then the equation will be represented by
Position of the roots of numerical equations.
Let us suppose, for further simplicity, that the two values of x in question are positive, that A is the smaller, B the greater, and that the substitution of A for x gives a negative result and the substitution of B for x a positive result; i. e., that the value of P — Q is negative when x = A, and positive when x = B.
Consequently, when x = A, P will be less than Q, and when x = B, P will be greater than Q. Now, from the very form of the quantities P and Q, which contain only positive terms and whole positive powers of it is clear that these quantities augment continuously as x augments, and that by making x augment by insensible degrees through all values from A to B, they also will augment by insensible degrees but in such wise that P will increase more than Q, seeing that from having been smaller than Q it will have become greater. Therefore, there must of necessity be some expression for the value of x between A and B which will make P = Q; just as two moving bodies which we suppose to be travelling along the same straight line and which having started simultaneously from two different points arrive simultaneously at two other points but in such wise that the body which was at first in the rear is now in advance of the other,—just as two such bodies, I say, must necessarily meet at some point in their path. That value of x, therefore, which will make P = Q will be one of the roots of the equation, and such a value will lie of necessity between A and B.
The same reasoning may be employed for the other cases, and always with the same result.
Position of the roots of numerical equations.
The proposition in question is also demonstrable by a direct consideration of the equation itself, which may be regarded as made up of the product of the factors,
where a, b, c, … are the roots. For it is obvious that this product cannot, by the substitution of two different values for x, be made to change its sign, unless at least one of the factors changes its sign. And it is likewise easy to see that if more than one of the factors changes its sign, their number must be odd. Thus, if A and B are two values of x for which the factor x — b, for example, has opposite signs, then if A be larger than b, necessarily B must be smaller than b, or vice versa. Perforce, then, the root b will fall between the two quantities A and B.
As for imaginary roots, if there be any in the equation, since it has been demonstrated that they always occur in pairs and are of the form
therefore if a and b are imaginary, the product of the factors x — a and x — b will be
a quantity which is always positive whatever value be given to x. From this it follows that alterations in the sign can be due only to real roots. But since the theorem respecting the form of imaginary roots cannot be rigorously demonstrated without employing the other theorem that every equation of an odd degree has necessarily one real root, a theorem of which the general demonstration itself depends on the proposition which we are concerned in proving, it follows that that demonstration must be regarded as a sort of vicious circle, and that it must be replaced by another which is unassailable.
Application of geometry to algebra.
But there is a more general and simpler method of considering equations, which enjoys the advantage of affording direct demonstration to the eye of the principal properties of equations. It is founded upon a species of application of geometry to algebra which is the more deserving of exposition as it finds extended employment in all branches of mathematics.
Let us take up again the general equation proposed above and let us represent by straight lines all the successive values which are given to the unknown quantity x and let us do the same for the corresponding values which the left-hand side of the equation assumes in this manner. To this end, instead of supposing the right-hand side of the equation equal to zero, we suppose it equal to an undetermined quantity y. We lay off the values of x upon an indefinite straight line AB (Fig. 1), starting from a fixed point O at which x is zero and taking the positive values of x in the direction OB to the right of O and the negative values of x in the opposite direction to the left of O. Then let OP be any value of x. To represent the corresponding value of y we erect at P a perpendicular to the line OB and lay off on it the value of y in the direction PQ above the straight line OB if it is positive, and on the same perpendicular below OB if it is negative. We do the same for all the values of x, positive as well as negative; that is, we lay off corresponding values of y upon perpendiculars to the straight line through all the points whose distance from the point O is equal to x. The extremities of all these perpendiculars will together form a straight line or a curve, which will furnish, so to speak, a picture of the equation
Fig. 1.
Representation of equations by curves.
The line AB is called the axis of the curve, O the origin of the abscissæ, OP = x an abscissa, PQ = y the corresponding ordinate, and the equations in x and y the equations of the curve. A curve such as that of Fig. 1 having been described in the manner indicated, it is clear that its intersections with the axis AB will give the roots of the proposed equation
Graphic resolution of equations.
For seeing that this equation is realised only when in the equation of the curve y becomes zero, therefore those values of x which satisfy the equation in question and which are its roots can only be the abscissæ that correspond to the points at which the ordinates are zero, that is, to the points at which the curve cuts the axis AB. Thus, supposing the curve of the equation in x and y is that represented in Fig. 1, the roots of the proposed equation will be
Fig. 1.
I give the sign — to the latter because the intersections I, G, … fall on the other side of the point O. The consideration of the curve in question gives rise to the following general remarks upon equations:
(1) Since the equation of the curve contains only whole and positive powers of the unknown quantity x it is clear that to every value of x there must correspond a determinate value of y, and that the value in question will be unique and finite so long as x is finite. But since there is nothing to limit the values of x they may be supposed infinitely great, positive as well as negative, and to them will correspond also values of y which are infinitely great. Whence it follows that the curve will have a continuous and single course, and that it may be extended to infinity on both sides of the origin O.
The consequences of the graphic resolutlon
(2) It also follows that the curve cannot pass from one side of the axis to the other without cutting it, and that it cannot return to the same side without having cut it twice. Consequently, between any two points of the curve on the same side of the axis there will necessarily be either no intersections or an even number of intersections ; for example, between the points H and Q we find two intersections I and M, and between the points H and S we find four, I, M, N, R, and so on. Contrariwise, between a point on one side of the axis and a point on the other side, the curve will have an odd number of intersections ; for example, between the points L and Q there is one intersection M, and between the points H and K there are three intersections, I, M, N, and so on.
Intersections indicate the roots
For the same reason there can be no simple intersection unless on both sides of the point of intersection, above and below the axis, points of the curve are situated as are the points L, Q with respect to the intersection M. But two intersections, such as N and R, may approach each other so as ultimately to coincide at T. Then the branch QKS will take the form of the dotted line QTS and touch the axis at T, and will consequently lie in its whole extent above the axis; this is the case in which the two roots ON, OR are equal. If three intersections coincide at a point,—a coincidence which occurs when there are three equal roots,—then the curve will cut the axis in one additional point only, as in the case of a single point of intersection, and so on.
Consequently, if we have found for y two values having the same sign, we may be assured that between the two corresponding values of x there can fall only an even number of roots of the proposed equation ; that is, that there will be none or there will be two, or there will be four, etc. On the other hand, if we have found for y two values having contrary signs, we may be assured that between the corresponding values of x there will necessarily fall an odd number of roots of the proposed equation ; that is, there will be one, or there will be three, or there will be five, etc.; so that, in the case last mentioned, we may infer immediately that there will be at least one root of the proposed equation between the two values of x.
Conversely, every value of x which is a root of the equation will be found between some larger and some smaller value of x which on being substituted for x in the equation will yield values of y with contrary signs.
This will not be the case, however, if the value of x is a double root; that is, if the equation contains two roots of the same value. On the other hand, if the value of x is a triple root, there will again exist a larger and a smaller value for x which will give to the corresponding values of y contrary signs, and so on with the rest.
Case of multiple roots.
If, now, we consider the equation of the curve, it is plain in the first place, that by making x = 0 we shall have y = u; and consequently that the sign of the ordinate y will be the same as that of the quantity u, the last term of the proposed equation. It is also easy to see that there can be given to x a positive or negative value sufficiently great to make the first term xm of the equation exceed the sum of all the other terms which have the opposite sign to xm; with the result that the corresponding value of y will have the same sign as the first term xm. Now, if m is odd xm will be positive or negative according as x is positive or negative, and if m is even, xm will always be positive whether x be positive or not.
Whence we may conclude:
General conclusions as to the character of the roots.
(1) That every equation of an odd degree of which the last term is negative has an odd number of roots between x = 0 and some very large positive value of x, and an even number of roots between x = 0 and some very large negative value of x, and consequently that it has at least one real positive root. That, contrariwise, if the last term of the equation is positive it will have an odd number of roots between x = 0 and some very large negative value of x, and an even number of roots between x = 0 and some very large positive value of x, and consequently that it will have at least one real negative root.
(2) That every equation of an even degree, of which the last term is negative, has an odd number of roots between x = 0 and some very large positive value of x, as well as an odd number of roots between x = 0 and some very large negative value of x, and consequently that it has at least one real positive root and one real negative root. That, on the other hand, if the last term is positive there will be an even number of roots between x = 0 and some very large positive value of x, and also an even number of roots between x = 0 and some very large negative value of x ; with the result that in this case the equation may have no real root, whether positive or negative.
We have said that there could always be given to x a value sufficiently great to make the first term xm of the equation exceed the sum of all the terms of contrary sign. Although this proposition is not in need of demonstration, seeing that, since the power xm is higher than any of the other powers of x which enter the equation, it is bound, as x increases, to increase much more rapidly than these other powers ; nevertheless, in order to leave no doubts in the mind, we shall offer a very simple demonstration of it,—a demonstration which will enjoy the collateral advantage of furnishing a limit beyond which we may be certain no root of the equation can be found.
To this end, let us first suppose that x is positive, and that k is the greatest of the coefficients of the negative terms. If we make x = k + 1 we shall have
Limits of the real roots of equations.
and so on ; so that we shall finally have
Now this quantity is evidently greater than the sum of all the negative terms of the equation taken positively, on the supposition that x = k + 1. Therefore, the supposition x = k + 1 necessarily renders the first term greater than the sum of all the negative terms. Consequently, the value of y will have the same sign as x.
The same reasoning and the same result hold good when x is negative. We have here merely to change into —x in the proposed equation, in order to change the positive roots into negative roots, and vice versa.
In the same way it may be proved that if any value be given to greater than k + 1, the value of y will still have the same sign. From this and from what has been developed above, it follows immediately that the equation can have no root equal to or greater than k + 1.
Limits of the positive and negative roots.
Therefore, in general, if k is the greatest of the coefficients of the negative terms of an equation, and if by changing the unknown quantity x into — x, h is the greatest of the coefficients of the negative terms of the new equation,—the first term always being supposed positive,—then all the real roots of the equation will necessarily be comprised between the limits
But if there are several positive terms in the equation preceding the first negative term, we may take for k a quantity less than the greatest negative coefficient. In fact it is easy to see that the formula given above can be put into the form
and similarly into the following
and so on.
Whence it is easy to infer that if m — n is the exponent of the first negative term of the proposed equation of the mth degree, and if l is the largest coefficient of the negative terms, it will be sufficient if k is so determined that
And since we may take for k any larger value that we please, it will be sufficient to take
And the same will hold good for the quantity h as the limit of the negative roots.
If, now, the unknown quantity x be changed into , the largest roots of the equation in x will be converted into the smallest in the new equation in z, and conversely. Having effected this transformation, and having so arranged the terms according to the powers of z that the first term of the equation is zm, we may then in the same manner seek for the limits K + 1 and —H — 1 of the positive and negative roots of the equation in z.
Superior and inferior limits of the positive roots.
Thus K + 1 being larger than the largest value of z or of , therefore, by the nature of fractions,
will be smaller than the smallest value of x and similarly
will be smaller than the smallest negative value of x.
Whence it may be inferred that all the positive real roots will necessarily be comprised between the limits
and that the negative real roots will fall between the limits
There are methods for finding still closer limits; but since they require considerable labor, the preceding method is, in the majority of cases, preferable, as being more simple and convenient.
A further method for finding the limits.
For example, if in the proposed equation l + z be substituted for x, and if after having arranged the terms according to the powers of there be given to l a value such that the coefficients of all the terms become positive, it is plain that there will then be no positive value of z that can satisfy the equation. The equation will have negative roots only, and consequently l will be a quantity greater than the greatest value of x. Now it is easy to see that these coefficients will be expressed as follows:
and so on. Accordingly, it is only necessary to seek by trial the smallest value of l which will render them all positive.
But in the majority of cases it is not sufficient to know the limits of the roots of an equation; the thing necessary is to know the values of those roots, at least as approximately as the conditions of the problem require. For every problem leads in its last analysis to an equation which contains its solution; and if it is not in our power to resolve this equation, all the pains expended upon its formulation are a sheer loss. We may regard this point, therefore, as the most important in all analysis, and for this reason I have felt constrained to make it the principal subject of the present lecture.
The real problem, the finding of the roots.
From the principles established above regarding the nature of the curve of which the ordinates y represent all the values which the left-hand side of an equation assumes, it follows that if we possessed some means of describing this curve we should obtain at once, by its intersections with the axis, all the roots of the proposed equation. But for this purpose it is not necessary to have all of the curve ; it is sufficient to know the parts which lie immediately above and below each point of intersection. Now it is possible to find as many points of a curve as we please, and as near to one another as we please by successively substituting for x numbers which are very little different from one another, but which are still near enough for our purpose, and by taking for y the results of these substitutions in the left-hand side of the equation. If among the results of these substitutions two be found having contrary signs, we may be certain, by the principles established above, that there will be between these two values of x at least one real root. We can then by new substitutions bring these two limits still closer together and approach as nearly as we wish to the roots sought.
Calling the smaller of the two values of x which have given results with contrary signs, A, and the larger B, and supposing that we wish to find the value of the root within a degree of exactness denoted by n, where n is a fraction of any degree of smallness we please, we proceed to substitute successively for x the following numbers in arithmetical progression :
until a result is reached having the contrary sign to that obtained by the substitution of A or of B. Then one of the two successive values of x which have given results with contrary signs will necessarily be larger than the root sought, and the other smaller ; and since by hypothesis these values differ from one another only by the quantity n, it follows that each of them approaches to within less than n of the root sought, and that the error is therefore less than n.
But how are the initial values substituted for x to be determined, so as on the one hand to avoid as many useless trials as possible, and on the other to make us confident that we have discovered by this method all the real roots of this equation. If we examine the curve of the equation it will be readily seen that the question resolves itself into so selecting the values of x that at least one of them shall fall between two adjacent intersections, which will be necessarily the case if the difference between two consecutive values is less than the smallest distance between two adjacent intersections.
Thus, supposing that D is a quantity smaller than the smallest distance between two intersections immediately following each other, we form the arithmetical progression
To find a quantity less than the difference between any two roots.
and we select from this progression only the terms which fall between the limits
as determined by the method already given. We obtain, in this manner, values which on being substituted for x ultimately give us all the positive roots of the equation, and at the same time give the initial limits of each root. In the same manner, for obtaining the negative roots we form the progression
from which we also take only the terms comprised between the limits
Thus this difficulty is resolved. But it still remains to find the quantity D,—that is, a quantity smaller than the smallest interval between any two adjacent intersections of the curve with the axis. Since the abscissæ which correspond to the intersections are the roots of the proposed equation, it is clear that the question reduces itself to finding a quantity smaller than the smallest difference between two roots, neglecting the signs. We have, therefore, to seek, by the methods which were discussed in the lectures of the principal course, the equation whose roots are the differences between the roots of the proposed equation. And we must then seek, by the methods expounded above, a quantity smaller than the smallest root of this last equation, and take that quantity for the value of D.
The equation of differences.
This method, as we see, leaves nothing to be desired as regards the rigorous solution of the problem, but it labors under great disadvantage in requiring extremely long calculations, especially if the proposed equation is at all high in degree. For example, if m is the degree of the original equation, that of the equation of differences will be m(m — 1), because each root can be subtracted from all the remaining roots, the number of which is m — 1,—which gives m(m — 1) differences. But since each difference can be positive or negative, it follows that the equation of differences must have the same roots both in a positive and in a negative form; that consequently the equation must be wanting in all terms in which the unknown quantity is raised to an odd power; so that by taking the square of the differences as the unknown quantity, this unknown quantity can occur only in the th degree. For an equation of the mth degree, accordingly, there is requisite at the start a transformed equation of the
th degree, which necessitates an enormous amount of tedious labor, if m is at all large. For example, for an equation of the 10th degree, the transformed equation would be of the 45th. And since in the majority of cases this disadvantage renders the method almost impracticable, it is of great importance to find a means of remedying it.
Impracticability of the method.
To this end let us resume the proposed equation of the mth degree,
of which the roots are a, b, c, … . We shall have then
and also
Let b — a = i. Substitute this value of b in the second equation, and after developing the different powers of a + i according to the well-known binomial theorem, arrange the resulting equation according to the powers of i, beginning with the lowest. We shall have the transformed equation
in which the coefficients P, Q, R, … have the following values
and so on. The law of formation of these expressions is evident.
Now, by the first equation in a we have P = 0. Rejecting, therefore, the term P of the equation in i and dividing all the remaining terms by i, the equation in question will be reduced to the (m — l)th degree, and will have the form
This equation will have for its roots the m — 1 differences between the root a and the remaining roots b, c, … Similarly, if b be substituted for a in the expressions for the coefficients Q, R, … , we shall obtain an equation of which the roots are the difference between the root b and the remaining roots a, c, … , and so on.
Accordingly, if a quantity can be found smaller than the smallest root of all these equations, it will possess the property required and may be taken for the quantity D, the value of which we are seeking.
If, by means of the equation P = 0, a be eliminated from the equation in i, we shall get a new equation in i which will contain all the other equations of which we have just spoken, and of which it would only be necessary to seek the smallest root. But this new equation in i is nothing else than the equation of differences which we sought to dispense with.
In the above equation in i let us put it i = . We shall have then the transformed equation in z,
Further improvement.
and the greatest negative coefficient of this equation will, from what has been demonstrated above, give a value greater than its greatest root ; so that calling L this greatest coefficient, L + 1 will be a quantity greater than the greatest value of z. Consequently, will be a quantity smaller than the smallest positive value of i; and in like manner we shall find a quantity smaller than the smallest negative value of i. Accordingly, we may take for D the smallest of these two quantities, or some quantity smaller than either of them.
For a simpler result, and one which is independent of signs, we may reduce the question to finding a quantity L numerically greater than any of the coefficients of the equation in z, and it is clear that if we find a quantity N numerically smaller than the small’ est value of Q and a quantity M numerically greater than the greatest value of any of the quantities R, S, … , we may put L = .
Final resolution.
Let us begin with finding the values of M. It is not difficult to demonstrate, by the principles established above, that if k + 1 is the limit of the positive roots and —h — 1 the limit of the negative roots of the proposed equation, and if for a, k + 1 and —h — 1 be successively substituted in the expressions for R, S, … , considering only the terms which have the same sign as the first,—it is easy to demonstrate that we shall obtain in this manner quantities which are greater than the greatest positive and negative values of R, S, … corresponding to the roots a, b, c . . . of the proposed equation; so that we may take for M the quantity which is numerically the greatest of these.
It accordingly only remains to find a value smaller than the smallest value of Q. Now it would seem that we could arrive at this in no other way than by employing the equation of which the different values of Q are the roots,—an equation which can only be reached by eliminating a from the following equations:
It can be easily demonstrated by the theory of elimination that the resulting equation in Q will be of the mth degree, that is to say, of the same degree with the proposed equation; and it can also be demonstrated from the form of the roots of this equation that its next to the last term will be missing. If, accordingly, we seek by the method given above a quantity numerically smaller than the smallest root of this equation, the quantity found can be taken for N. The problem is therefore resolved by means of an equation of the same degree as the proposed equation.
The upshot of the whole is a follows,—where for the sake of simplicity I retain the letter x instead of the letter a.
Let the following be the proposed equation of the mth. degree:
let k be the largest coefficient of the negative terms, and m— n the exponent of x in the first negative term. Similarly, let h be the greatest coefficient of the terms having a contrary sign to the first term after x has been changed into — x; and let m — n′ be the exponent of x in the first term having a contrary sign to the first term of the equation as thus altered. Putting, then,
we shall have f and —g for the limits of the positive and negative roots. These limits are then substituted successively for x in the following formulæ, neglecting the terms which have the same sign as the first term:
The arithmetical progression revealing the roots.
and so on. Of these formulæ there will be m — 2. Let the greatest of the numerical quantities obtained in this manner be called M. We then take the equation
and eliminate x from it by means of the proposed equation,—which gives an equation in y of the mth degree with its next to the last term wanting. Let V be the last term of this equation y, and T the largest coefficient of the terms having the contrary sign to V, supposing y positive as well as negative. Then taking these two quantities T and V positive, N will be determined by the equation
where n is equal to the exponent of the last term having the contrary sign to V. We then take D equal to or smaller than the quantity , and interpolate the arithmetical progression:
between the limits f and — g. The terms of these progressions being successively substituted for x in the proposed equation will reveal all the real roots, positive as well as negative, by the changes of sign in the series of results produced by these substitutions, and they will at the same time give the first limits of these roots,—limits which can be narrowed as much as we please, as we already know.
If the last term V of the equation in y resulting from the elimination of x is zero, then D will be zero, and consequently D will be equal to zero. But in this case it is clear that the equation m y will have one root equal to zero and even two, because its next to the last term is wanting. Consequently the equation
Method of elimination
will hold good at the same time with the proposed equation. These two equations will, accordingly, have a common divisor which can be found by the ordinary method, and this divisor, put equal to zero, will give one or several roots of the proposed equation, which roots will be double or multiple, as is easily apparent from the preceding theory; for if the last term Q of the equation in i is zero, it follows that
The equation in y is reduced, by the vanishing of its last term, to the (m — 2)th degree,—being divisible by y2. If after this division its last term should still be zero, this would be an indication that it had more than two roots equal to zero, and so on. In such a contingency we should divide it by y as many times as possible, and then take its last term for V, and the greatest coefficient of the terms of contrary sign to V for T, in order to obtain the value of D, which will enable us to find all the remaining roots of the proposed equation. If the proposed equation is of the third degree, as
we shall get for the equation in y,
If the proposed equation is
we shall obtain for the equation in y the following :
and so on.
General formulæ for elimination.
Since, however, the finding of the equation in y by the ordinary methods of elimination may be fraught with considerable difficulty, I here give the general formulæ for the purpose, derived from the known properties of equations. We form, first, from the coefficients p, q, r of the proposed equation, the quanti ties x1, x2, x3, … , in the following manner :
We then substitute in the expressions for y, y2, y3, … up to ym, after the terms in x have been developed the quantities x1 for x, x2 for x2, x3 for x3, and so forth, and designate by y1, y2, y3, … the values of y, y2, y3,. . resulting from these substitutions. We have then simply to form the quantities A, B, C from the formulæ
and we shall have the following equation in y:
The value, or rather the limit of D, which we find by the method just expounded may often be much smaller than is necessary for finding all the roots, but there would be no further inconvenience in this than to increase the number of successive substitutions for x in the proposed equation. Furthermore, when there are as many results found as there are units in the highest exponent of the equation, we can continue these results as far as we wish by the simple addition of the first, second, third differences, etc., because the differences of the order corresponding to the degree of the equation are always constant.
General result.
We have seen above how the curve of the proposed equation can be constructed by successively giving different values to the abscissæ x and taking for the ordinates y the values resulting from these substitutions in the left-hand side of the equation. But these values for y can also be found by another very simple construction, which deserves to be brought to your notice. Let us represent the proposed equation by
where the terms are taken in the inverse order. The equation of the curve will then be
A second construction for solving equations.
Drawing (Fig. 2) the straight line OX, which we take as the axis of abscissæ with O as origin, we lay off on this line the segment OI equal to the unit in terms of which we may suppose the quantities a, b, c… , to be expressed; and we erect at the points OI the perpendiculars OD, IM. We then lay off upon the line OD the segments
Fig. 2.
and so on. Let OP = x, and at the point P let the perpendicular PT be erected. Suppose, for example, that d is the last of the coefficients a, b, c, … , so that the proposed equation is only of the third degree, and that the problem is to find the value of
The point D being the last of the points determined upon the perpendicular OD, and the point C the next to the last, we draw through D the line DM parallel to the axis OI, and through the point M where this line cuts the perpendicular IM we draw the straight line CM connecting M with C. Then through the point S where this last straight line cuts the perpendicular PT, we draw HSL parallel to OI, and through the point L where this parallel cuts the perpendicular IM we draw to the point B the straight line BL. Similarly, through the point R, where this last line cuts the perpendicular PT, we draw GRK parallel to OI, and through the point K, where this parallel cuts the perpendicular IM we draw to the first division point A of the perpendicular DO the straight line AK. The point Q where this straight line cuts the perpendicular PT will give the segment PQ = y.
The development and solution.
Through Q draw the line FQ parallel to the axis OP. The two similar triangles CDM and CHS give
Adding CB (c) we have
Also the two similar triangles BHL and BGR give
Adding AB (b) we have
Finally the similar triangles AGK and AFQ give
and we obtain by adding OA (a)
The same construction and the same demonstration hold, whatever be the number of terms in the proposed equation. When negative coefficients occur among a, b, c, … , it is simply necessary to take them in the opposite direction to that of the positive coefficients. For example, if a were negative we should have to lay off the segment OA below the axis OI. Then we should start from the point A and add to it the segment AB = b. If b were positive, AB would be taken in the direction of OD; but if b were negative, AB would be taken in the opposite direction, and so on with the rest.
With regard to x, OP is taken in the direction of OI, which is supposed to be equal to positive unity, when x is positive ; but in the opposite direction when x is negative.
A machine for solving equations.
It would not be difficult to construct, on the foregoing model, an instrument which would be applicable to all values of the coefficients a, b, c, … , and which by means of a number of movable and properly jointed rulers would give for every point P of the straight line OP the corresponding point Q, and which could be even made by a continuous movement to describe the curve. Such an instrument might be used for solving equations of all degrees; at least it could be used for finding the first approximate values of the roots, by means of which afterwards more exact values could be reached.