
Introduction: As is the Custom

Part 1: In Uniform

1.     Counting the Bodies Before Breakfast

2.     The Tattooed Side of the Moon

3.     DOA: Dead on Arrival

4.     Fear of Flying . . . with Bloody Good Reason

5.     Monkeys, Rats, Jockeys and Other Animals

6.     Beware the Boys in the Black and Gold

7.     Shooting the Queen’s Corgis

8.     You Strip Search the Vicar – I’ll Question the Nuns

9.     Hide and Seek . . . and We Shall Find

10.     The World’s a Stage . . . and We Are the Trapdoor

11.     Mickey Mouse Goods (Including the Ears)

12.     Machine v. Man/Customs Officer v. Pilot

13.     Uniformed Intel

14.     Plain-clothes Intel

Part 2: Undercover (On the Knock)

15.     Joining the Fun Factory: Checking in to Charlie Hotel

16.     Spooks and Lumps

17.     Getting into Drugs and Going on the Knock

18.     Pricking Michael Jackson’s Bubble

19.     The Yardie Coke Smuggler and the Future Mrs Frost?

20.     Ghosts, Heart Attacks and Half-arsed Evidence

21.     Addicted

22.     CROPs: The Art of Using a Clingfilm Toilet

23.     Holidaying on Heroin

24.     No. 1 with a Cocaine Bullet

Epilogue: Thrills and Spills . . .