Dear Reader,
I hope you’ve enjoyed your return visit to mountain country, Canyon Springs, Arizona! There’s nothing more magical than a high-country summer day, with the scent of sun-warmed or rain-washed ponderosa pine permeating the air, bluer than blue skies and evenings so cool you’d better bring a jacket!
I have to admit that when I was “introduced” to heroine Sandi Bradshaw and her deceased husband’s best friend, Bryce Harding, I wondered how on earth these two lonely, stubborn people could ever find a happily-ever-after with each other.
But Matthew 19:26 says “With God all things are possible.” Which is something we need to keep in mind when situations and challenges in our own lives appear daunting and dreams far away. Does that verse mean we’ll always get our own way, that we’ll get everything in life we want? No, but it does mean that if we put our trust in God, He will be right there to forgive, encourage, comfort and give us the strength to get through whatever we may face.
This past year has been a special one for me—liberally peppered with encouraging reader letters (thank you!) and the news that my very first book, Dreaming of Home, won several prestigious contests!
I hope At Home in His Heart touched your heart. I love to hear from readers, so please contact me via email at or c/o Love Inspired Books, 233 Broad way, Suite 1001, New York, NY 10279. Please also visit my website at—and stop in at and to meet and greet my writer friends!
Glynna Kaye