In the courts of Europe

George II, king of England, r. 1727–1760

George III, king of England, r. 1760–1820

Louis XV, king of France, r. 1715–1774

Philip V, king of Spain, r. 1700–1746

Ferdinand VI, king of Spain, r. 1746–1759

Charles III, king of Spain, r. 1759–1788

Maria Theresa, empress of Austria, r. 1740–1780

Frederick II (the Great), king of Prussia, r. 1740–1786

Elizabeth, empress of Russia, r. 1741–1762

Catherine II (the Great), empress of Russia, r. 1762–1796

Duke of Newcastle, British prime minister, 1754–1757

William Pitt, British prime minister, 1757–1761

Earl of Bute, British prime minister, 1761–1763

Lord Anson, first lord of the Admiralty

John Ligonier, commander in chief, British army

Marquise de Pompadour, mistress of Louis XV

Duc de Choiseuil, French minister of foreign affairs

Native Americans in North America

Attakullakulla (Little Carpenter), Cherokee chief in Carolinas

Hendrick, Mohawk chief killed at battle of Lake George

Oconostota, Cherokee chief of Overhill clans

Neolin, Delaware prophet, inspired revolt against non-Indians

Pontiac, Ottawa chief at siege of Detroit

Tanaghrisson (the Half King), Seneca chief who aided Washington

Teedyuscung, Delaware leader involved with treaty of Easton

Commanders in chief of British forces in North America

Edward Braddock, 1754–1755

William Shirley, 1755–1756

Lord Loudoun, 1756–1758

James Abercromby, 1758

Jeffery Amherst, 1758–1763

Thomas Gage, 1763–1775

In the British colonies in North America

James De Lancey, lieutenant governor of New York

James Glen, governor of South Carolina

Robert Dinwiddie, lieutenant governor of Virginia

William Shirley, governor of Massachusetts

Principal British commanders in the field and on the seas

Edward Boscawen, naval operations off Louisbourg and France

Henry Bouquet, Fort Duquesne and Indian campaigns

John Bradstreet, bateaux expert, Fort Frontenac raid

John Forbes, Fort Duquesne campaign and Indian relations

Lord Howe, Abercromby’s deputy, killed in attack on Carillon

William Johnson, superintendent of Indian Affairs

James Murray, one of Wolfe’s brigadiers at Quebec, attacked Montreal

Robert Rogers, famous as ranger; doomed to other failures

Charles Townshend, one of Wolfe’s brigadiers at Quebec; politician

James Wolfe, Louisbourg and Quebec campaigns

In the French colonies in North America

Marquis de Duquesne, governor-general of New France, 1752–1755

Marquis de Vaudreuil, governor-general of New France, 1755–1760

Principal French commanders in the field and on the seas

Maximin de Bompar, naval operations in Caribbean and off France

Baron de Dieskau, commanded forces at Battle of Lake George

Comte de Bougainville, Montcalm’s trusted aide-de-camp

Marquis de Galissoniere, admiral opposing Byng off Minorca

François-Gaston de Lévis, succeeded Montcalm and defended Montreal

François-Marie le Marchand de Lignery, commandant at Fort Duquesne

Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, commandant at Fort Le Boeuf

Marquis de Montcalm, commander in chief of French forces, 1756–1759

Pierre Pouchet, commandant at Fort Niagara