Requiring Users to Change Passwords

Office 365 policy  settings typically require users to periodically change their passwords. Sometimes, you might have to ensure that a user changes her password the next time she logs on. For example, if you have to reset a password and give it to the user over the phone, you might want the user to change the password the next time she logs on.

You can set a user account to require the password to be changed on next logon by completing the following steps:

80. Select Users on the dashboard or click Active Users under the Users & Groups heading in the Features pane to display active users.

81. On the Users page, click a user that you want to work with

82. Click Reset Pasword.

83. On the Reset Password panel, select the Make This Person Chagne Their Password… check box. Click Reset.



You can use the Set-User cmdlet to perform the same task, following the syntax shown in Sample 3-4.

SAMPLE 3-4 Requiring a user password change


Set-User -Identity UserIdentity
-ResetPasswordOnNextLogon <$false|$true>


Set-User -Identity "Oliver Lee" -ResetPasswordOnNextLogon $true