The Old Testament and Apocrypha
Reading the Old Testament in Ancient and Contemporary Contexts Matthew J. M. Coomber
The People of God and the Peoples of the Earth Hugh R. Page Jr.
Reading the Christian Old Testament in the Contemporary World Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Themes and Perspectives in Torah: Creation, Kinship, and Covenant Sarah Shectman
Genesis Rodney S. Sadler Jr.
Exodus Thomas B. Dozeman
Leviticus Robert Kugler
Numbers Karl N. Jacobson
Deuteronomy Harold V. Bennett
Themes and Perspectives in the Historical Writings Norman K. Gottwald
Joshua Pekka M. A. Pitkänen
Judges Victor H. Matthews
Ruth Gale A. Yee
1, 2 Samuel Hugh S. Pyper
1, 2 Kings Gale A. Yee
1, 2 Chronicles Alejandro F. Botta
Ezra-Nehemiah Katherine E. Southwood
Esther Judy Fentress-Williams
Introduction to Wisdom and Worship: Themes and Perspectives in the Poetic Writings Timothy J. Sandoval
Job Alissa Jones Nelson
Psalms W. Derek Suderman
Proverbs Carole R. Fontaine
Ecclesiastes Micah D. Kiel
Song of Songs Hugh R. Page Jr.
Themes and Perspectives in the Prophets: Truth, Tragedy, Trauma Carol J. Dempsey, OP
Isaiah 1–39 Marvin A. Sweeney
Isaiah 40–66 Chris A. Franke
Jeremiah Kelly J. Murphy
Lamentations Wilma Ann Bailey
Ezekiel Corrine L. Carvalho
Daniel Anathea E. Portier-Young
Hosea Alice A. Keefe
Joel Ronald A. Simkins
Amos M. Daniel Carroll R.
Obadiah Joseph F. Scrivner
Jonah Matthew J. M. Coomber
Micah Matthew J. M. Coomber
Nahum Wilhelm J. Wessels
Habakkuk Hugh R. Page Jr.
Zephaniah Jin Hee Han
Haggai J. Blake Couey
Zechariah Amy Erickson
Malachi Richard J. Coggins and Jin Hee Han
Introduction to the Apocrypha Eileen M. Schuller
Tobit Micah D. Kiel
Judith Corrine L. Carvalho
Esther (the Greek Additions) Vivian Johnson
Wisdom of Solomon Emerson B. Powery
Sirach Stacy Davis
Baruch Karina Martin Hogan
The Letter of Jeremiah Patricia K. Tull
Introduction to All Additions to Daniel Lawrence M. Wills
Prayer of Azariah and the Song of the Three Young Men Lawrence M. Wills
Susanna Nyasha Junior
Bel and the Dragon Lawrence M. Wills
1 Maccabees Michael S. Moore
2 Maccabees Michael S. Moore
1 Esdras Daniel L. Smith-Christopher
Prayer of Manasseh Christopher Frechette
Psalm 151 Christopher Frechette
3 Maccabees Samuel I. Thomas
2 Esdras (4, 5, and 6 Ezra) Robin Darling Young
4 Maccabees Samuel I. Thomas
Reading the Christian New Testament in the Contemporary World Kwok Pui-lan
Negotiating the Jewish Heritage of Early Christianity Lawrence M. Wills
Rootlessness and Community in Contexts of Diaspora Margaret Aymer
The Apocalyptic Legacy of Early Christianity David A. Sánchez
Jesus and the Christian Gospels Raymond Pickett
Matthew Warren Carter
Mark Raquel S. Lettsome
Luke Robert L. Brawley
John Adele Reinhartz
Acts as a History of the Early Church Demetrius K. Williams
The Acts of the Apostles Michal Beth Dinkler
Situating the Apostle Paul in His Day and Engaging His Legacy in Our Own Neil Elliott
Romans Cynthia Briggs Kittredge
1 Corinthians Laura S. Nasrallah
2 Corinthians David E. Fredrickson
Galatians Brigitte Kahl
Ephesians Jennifer G. Bird
Philippians Julia Lambert Fogg
Colossians Sylvia C. Keesmaat
1, 2 Thessalonians Edward Pillar
1, 2 Timothy Deborah Krause
Titus Deborah Krause
Philemon Eric D. Barreto
Introduction to Hebrews, the General Epistles, and Revelation Neil Elliott
Hebrews David A. deSilva
James Timothy B. Cargal
1 Peter David L. Bartlett
2 Peter Pheme Perkins
1, 2, 3 John Jaime Clark-Soles
Jude Pheme Perkins
Revelation Barbara R. Rossing