Perhaps no other collection of texts is as rich as Israelite prophetic literature, whose authors knew how to imaginatively and effectively communicate messages of woe and visions of hope. As beautiful as the prose and poetry of these texts may be, they are not without bias and oftentimes reflect the culture and thought of the day, all of which has sparked lively debates and discussions among scholars and general audiences alike. Though time-bound, Israel’s prophetic literature has a timeless quality that calls listeners in new contexts to hear the message of the prophets anew. The prophets of old continue to call people of all generations to right relationship so that all life may flourish and so that the vision of the new heavens and the new earth can become realized. The following article explores the richness of Israel’s prophetic literature and invites readers to consider what it means to become poets and prophets of a new day characterized by justice, righteousness, loving-kindness, and humble walks with God.