
AccuVein, 5859

additive manufacturing, 109125. See also 3-D printing

Adidas, 117, 121

advertising, 44

AdWords, 46

aerosol jetting, 118

Aetrex Worldwide, 113

after-sales service, augmented reality and, 66

agricultural industry, 78, 80, 86, 137, 160

AI. See artificial intelligence

Aida, 135136

Airbnb, 158, 169

Alexa, 39, 40, 44, 45, 46, 130

algorithm avoidance, 146148


as black boxes, 3132

computational, 96

data inputs for, 3536

for decision making, 107

goals for, 3233

humanizing, 30

limitations of, 3032, 3637

literalness of, 3031

machine learning, 129130

management of, 2938

minimizing myopia of, 3435

pattern detection, 67

people and, 2728

of platforms, 4546, 4849

predictions made by, 2931, 3637

trusting, 146148

use of, 2327, 2930, 3738

Alibaba, 155, 156, 160, 168

Alphabet, 155, 161, 168

Amazon, 40, 46, 54, 99, 106, 130, 155, 160, 166, 168

Amelia avatar, 8

analytics, 67, 11, 17, 8485

Anderson, Chris, 7793

Android, 155, 160, 169

Android Auto, 162, 163

Ant Financial, 156, 159

Anthem, 13, 1516

anthropomorphism, 149, 151

apparel retailers, 1928

Apple, 40, 72, 130, 131, 155, 160, 161, 166, 167, 168

Apple CarPlay, 162, 163

AR. See augmented reality

ARPAnet, 98, 102

artificial intelligence (AI)

assistants, 3948, 50, 129130, 135136

bottlenecks, 10

business benefits of, 4

challenges of, 5

for cognitive engagement, 79

for cognitive insights, 67

future of, 1617

human collaboration with, 127143

hype of, 2

platforms, 3952

for process automation, 25

robots, 3, 73, 80, 83, 136, 145153

role in collaborative intelligence, 131, 135136

scaling challenges, 1011

scaling-up process, 1516

steps for integrating, 916

survey of executives on, 12, 4, 5

training of, 129130

types of, 29

understanding the technologies of, 910

See also cognitive technology

AT&T, 143

augmented reality (AR), 5376

after-sales service and, 66

applications of, 5456, 58

combining with virtual reality, 6162

deployment of, 6972

development of, 70

digital content for, 7071, 72

hardware requirements for, 7172

human decision making and, 57

human resources and, 6667

impact of, 73, 76

for instruction and training, 5960

key capabilities of, 5861

logistics and, 6465

manufacturing and, 64

marketing and, 65

outsourcing of, 6869

overview of, 5358

product development and, 6364

as product feature, 6263

recognition of physical environment by, 71

sales and, 65

software development for, 72

strategy and, 6769

user interaction and, 6061

value creation by, 6267

visualization with, 5859

workings of, 7475

Autodesk, 135

auto industry, 120, 138139, 156, 160165


evolution of, 73

process, 25, 9, 12

autonomous drones, 88, 89, 90

AZEK, 65, 70

Baidu, 40, 155

Bank of America, 103

Bank of Canada, 104

Becton, Dickinson, 8, 13

big data, 17, 3536

bitcoin, 96, 100, 101, 103, 104, 106

black-box problem, 130

Blockbuster, 21

blockchain, 95108

adoption framework for, 101106

applications, 101

architecture, 100101

gift cards, 107

hype about, 9697

investment in, 106108

overview of, 9597

security issues, 96

technology adoption and, 9799

workings of, 96

BMW, 112

Boeing, 59, 66, 70, 112, 117

Bosch Rexroth, 59

BP, 62

brand loyalty, 4748

brands, 44, 45, 50, 51

business models for 3-D printing

mass complexity, 117, 120

mass customization, 113114

mass modularization, 116117

mass segmentation, 114116, 124

mass standardization, 120121

mass variety, 114

business processes

automation of, 25, 9, 12

collaborative intelligence and, 132134, 138142

redesign of, 1315

car2go, 163

car manufacturing, 120, 138139, 160165

Carnival Corporation, 142

carousel conveyor printing, 119


AR displays in, 5556

self-driving, 84, 131, 148149, 161, 163, 165

car subscription services, 163

cell phone manufacturers, 160, 103

chatbots, 7, 8, 12, 135136, 138

Chumenwenwen, 41

Cisco Systems, 11

click-bait, 2931

CLIP printers, 117, 118

cloud-based blockchain services, 106

cloud robotics, 8386

cloud services, 160, 166

CNET, 99

coaching, using augmented reality, 5960

cobots, 136

co-creation, 137

cognitive center of excellence, 1213

cognitive distance, 57

cognitive engagement, 79

cognitive insight, 67

cognitive load, 57

cognitive technology, 1

in fashion retail industry, 1928

future of, 1617

integration of, 1516

pilot projects, 1215

project types, 29

selecting, 12

understanding, 910

See also artificial intelligence

collaborative intelligence, 127143

AI role in, 131, 135136

humans’ role in, 129131

interaction and, 135136

new roles and talent needed for, 142143

performance enhancement and, 132134

reimaging business for, 136142

value of, 127128

collective action, 167168

Colson, Eric, 2425

Comcast, 157

commercial drones, 7883, 8687, 88

Common Voice project, 167


human-machine, 135136

stakeholder, 69

competition, 6769, 121124, 156, 157, 169

competitive advantage, 164165

competitive bottlenecks, 155156

computational logic, 96

computer-aided design (CAD), 6364, 71

computer algorithms. See algorithms

connected-car ecosystem, 162

connected devices, 8486

connectivity, 84, 159160, 161

construction industry, use of drones in, 77, 8081

consumer data, 44, 50

consumers, direct contact with, 44

content-publishing model, 72

continuous liquid interface production (CLIP), 110, 118


blockchain and, 9596

smart, 105106, 107

Cortana, 41, 129130, 135136

cost reduction, augmented reality and, 68

Cosyflex, 120

creativity, 135

cryptocurrencies, 104, 106

customer acquisition, 4446

customer retention, 4748


engagement with cognitive agents by, 79

interaction with, 135136

personalization for, 141142

customer satisfaction, 4647

customer service, 135136

cybersecurity, 168

CytroPac, 59

Daimler, 115, 163

Danske Bank, 139

Darling, Kate, 145


aggregation, 168

amount of, 36

analysis, 8485

consumer, 44, 50

diversity of, 36

from drones, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86

privacy, 50, 131

storage and delivery of, 5455

use of, 53

data analysis, 67, 11, 17

data compliance officers, 131

data inputs, for algorithms, 3536

data science, 20, 2327

Daugherty, Paul R., 127143

D’Aveni, Richard A., 109125

Davenport, Thomas H., 117

Dawar, Niraj, 3952

decision making

algorithm-driven, 107, 146148

collaborative intelligence and, 135, 140141

human, 57, 146148

decreasing returns to scale, 164165

deep learning, 67, 9, 12. See also artificial intelligence

delivery, by drones, 7879

Deloitte, 7

Deutsche Telekom, 166

DHL, 65, 66, 67

digital domino effect, 158160

digital economy, 167168

digital information, 5456

digital networks, 158160

digital revolution, 73

digital twins, 75, 141

digitization, 156, 157, 158160

disruptive technology, 97

distributed computer networking, 9799

distributed database, 96

distributed ledgers, 103104

distribution chains, 123

Dreamcatcher, 135

driverless cars, 84, 131, 148149, 161, 163, 165

driving, 57

drones, 7793

apps for, 82, 84

autonomous, 7980, 8283, 88, 89, 90

business applications of, 7881, 8687, 91, 93

commercial, 7883, 8687, 88

cost savings from, 92

evolution of, 93

growth of, 8183, 8890

pilots for, 89

regulations on, 91

software, 88

types of, 90

upgrades for, 85

uses of, 7778, 8286

eBay, 37, 99

Echo, 40, 85

e-commerce, 21, 45, 65, 160

economic dislocation, 158


digital, 167168

drone, 7793

global, 155, 156

hub, 155170

electronics-embedding technologies, 110

e-mail, 98, 100, 101, 102, 103


decision making by, 140141

engagement with cognitive agents by, 79

fusion skills needed by, 142143

interaction with, 135

engagement, 79

enterprise software, 8687

entropic devices, 85

ergonomics, 62

ethics, 131, 168169

evidence-based industries, 130

exoskeletons, 136

exotropic devices, 85

Expedia, 99

expert systems, 9

explainers, 130

Facebook, 8, 50, 54, 155, 157, 158, 160, 166

“fake news,” 158

fashion retail industry, 1928

Fasten, 166

Fidelity Investments, 103

financial services, 103106, 108, 156, 159, 160

Firefox, 167

firms, hub, 155170

First Data, 107

FitStation, 114

flexibility, 138139

Ford, 62

foundational technology, 97, 101102

fraud detection, 139

Frick, Walter, 145153

fusion skills, 142143

Gap advertising campaign, 3435

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), 130

General Electric (GE), 6, 54, 70, 112, 121, 124, 141, 166

General Motors (GM), 163

generative design, 120

global economy, 155, 156

GNS Healthcare, 137

goals, soft, 3233

Google, 32, 35, 40, 46, 50, 72, 99, 116, 155157, 160, 166, 168169

Google Assistant, 40

Google Maps, 77, 80

government regulations, 169

GPS navigation, 55

head-mounted displays, 54

“heads-up” displays, 54, 55, 6263, 72

help desk support, 8

Heppelmann, James E., 5376

Hershey, 121122

Hewlett-Packard, 167

hiring process, 140

HomePod, 40

HP Inc., 114

HSBC, 139

hub economy, 155170

humanoid robots, 148153

human resources, 6667, 140


collaboration between AI and, 127143

decision making by, 57

as explainers, 130

judgments by, 146148

role of, 2728, 73

strengths of, 73, 76

as sustainers, 131

Hyundai, 136

Iansiti, Marco, 95108, 155170

IBM, 11, 167

Iconics, 64

IKEA, 65, 70

income inequality, 156, 157

Industry 4.0, 125


digital, 5456

personal, 50, 131

processing, 57

inkjet screen printing, 119

innovation, 2627, 101106

Inrix, 163

instruction, using augmented reality, 5960, 66, 70

intelligent agents, 79, 12

intelligent assistants, 3948, 50, 129130, 135136

intermediaries, 9596, 100101, 105

internet, 86, 98, 99

internet of things, 85, 166. See also smart, connected products

invisible problems, 137

iOS, 160

iPhone jailbreaking, 167

Iris, 149

Java, 99

job losses, 5, 17, 73, 127

JPMorgan, 103

Kiva, 169

Kleinberg, Jon, 2938

known knowns, 137

known unknowns, 137

Koko, 130

KPN, 66

Lake, Katrina, 1928

Lakhani, Karim R., 95108, 155170

Lee Company, 60

Linux, 167, 169

localized applications, 103104, 106

logistics, augmented reality and, 6465

Luca, Michael, 2938

lumens, 104105

Lyft, 163, 166

machine learning, 67, 9, 11, 73, 129130, 142. See also artificial intelligence


additive, 109125 (see also 3-D printing)

augmented reality and, 64

car, 120, 138139, 156, 160165

pan-industrial, 124125

market exploration, 123124


augmented reality and, 65

platform, 3952

pull, 50

push, 50

market leaders, 122123

mass complexity, 117, 120

mass customization, 113114

mass modularization, 116117

mass segmentation, 114116, 124

mass standardization, 120121

mass variety, 114

Mayo Clinic, 54

MD Anderson Cancer Center, 1

Mechanical Turk, 147148

Mercedes-Benz, 138139

Metcalfe’s law, 159

Microsoft, 41, 72, 106, 155, 160, 165166, 169

Microsoft Azure, 166

mobile devices, 54

Moduware, 116

money laundering, 107

Moore’s law, 158159

motion capture, 77

Mozilla, 167

Mullainathan, Sendhil, 2938

multihoming, 166167

multijet fusion, 118

music industry, 160

myopia, 3435

nano-particle ink jetting, 118

Napster, 99

NASA, 45

Nasdaq, 103

Navteq, 163

Netflix, 21, 25, 29, 3637, 160

Netscape, 99

network competition, 157160

network leadership, 168169

network theory, 158160

new markets, 123124

Newport News Shipbuilding, 58

New York Stock Exchange, 103

novel applications, 99, 105106

objectives, for algorithms, 3233

Ocean Medallion, 142

Oculus, 166

OLED (organic light-emitting diode) displays, 110, 120

OpenCar, 162, 163

open source, 167

OpenStreetMap, 167

outsourcing, 5, 17, 6869

Pandora, 141142

pan-industrial manufacturing, 124125

peer-to-peer networks, 96, 99, 100

Personal Advisor Services (PAS), 1315

personal information, 50, 131

personalization, 141142

Pfizer, 11

physical environment, augmented reality and, 71

pilot projects, 1215


accuracy of, 4849

AI, 3952

algorithms of, 43, 4546, 4849

alignment by, 4950

brands and, 44, 45, 50, 51

imperatives for, 4850

marketing on, 4245

privacy and, 50

purchase decisions and, 4548, 51

shakeout of, 43

trust and, 4950

value creation by, 49

Pleos, 145

Pokémon Go, 54

Porter, Michael E., 5376

Predix, 141, 166

Priceline, 99


AI and, 131

concerns about, 168

platforms and, 50

process automation, 25, 9, 12

product demonstrations, 65

product development, 6364, 71, 135

product differentiation, 6768

productivity, 73, 127, 137, 152153

product placement, 4546, 50

product recommendations, 4648, 51

project portfolios, 1012


pilot, 1215

scaling up, 1516

proof-of-concept pilots, 1215

protectionism, 123

pseudonymity, 96

public identity systems, 107

pull marketing, 50

purchase decisions, 4548, 51

push marketing, 50

RaceWare Direct, 115

racial discrimination, 158, 169

reality capture, 77

Reality Editor, 6061


blockchain and, 9596, 100

irreversibility of, 96

recruitment, 140

“registered” AR experience, 71

retention, 4748

returns to scale, 156, 164166

robotic process automation (RPA), 25, 9, 12

robotics, cloud, 8386

robots, 3, 73, 80, 83, 136, 145153

Ronanki, Rajeev, 117

routine purchases, 4142, 4647

Rumsfeld, Donald, 137

safety engineers, 131

sales, augmented reality and, 65

Samsung, 4041, 166

scale, 139140, 156, 164166

SEBank, 8, 135136, 138

self-driving cars, 131, 148149, 161, 163, 165

service centers, 135136

Shapeways, 114

shopping decisions, 4142, 45, 4647

showrooms, 65

single-pass jetting, 119

single-use applications, 103, 106

Siri, 41, 130

Skype, 99

smart, connected products (SCPs), 53, 66, 67, 70, 71, 73. See also internet of things

smart assistants, 3948, 50, 129130, 135136

smart contracts, 105106, 107

smart glasses, 54, 60, 63, 64, 66, 72

smart homes, 166

smartphones, 81, 83, 113114, 116, 160

Snackbot, 149, 151

Snapchat, 54

social concerns, 169

social dislocation, 158

social media, 2930

social networks, 101, 168

soft goals, 3233


additive technology, 117, 120

augmented reality, 72

drone, 88

enterprise, 8687

open-source, 167

SOLS Systems, 113

Sonos, 167

speed, 139

Spotify, 160

stakeholder communication, 69

Standard Chartered, 103

Stellar, 104105

Stitch Fix, 1928

stock transactions, 100101

strategy, augmented reality and, 6769

substitution applications, 104105, 107

Sumitomo, 112

supply chains, 123

sustainers, 131

Tamicare, 120

TCP/IP, 97, 98100, 102, 103, 108


adoption, 9799, 101106

augmented reality, 5376

blockchain, 95108

cognitive, 117

disruptive, 97

drone, 7793

foundational, 97, 101102

productivity and, 73

3-D printing, 109125

See also artificial intelligence

telecommunications, 98

Tencent, 41, 155

Tesla, 85

thinking machines, 145146, 151. See also artificial intelligence; robots

3-D printing, 109125

advances in, 110112, 118119

applications of, 109, 111112

benefits of, 111112

business models, 112121

cost savings from, 120121

future of, 124125

opportunities for, 111

strategic moves for, 121124


collaborative intelligence and, 129130

using augmented reality, 5960, 6667


blockchain and, 9596, 100101

costs of, 100, 106

transformative applications, 99, 105108

transparency, 96


in algorithms, 146148

in robots, 148150

Twitter, 157

Uber, 157158, 166, 169

Unilever, 140

unknown unknowns, 137

“unregistered” AR experience, 71

U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 62

use cases, 11

user experience/user interface (UX/UI) design, 68

user interaction, with augmented reality, 6061

user interfaces, 6263

U.S. Navy, 54, 58, 66

value capture, 159, 160

value chains

additive manufacturing and, 123

augmented reality and, 6367

value creation, by augmented reality, 6267

Vanguard, 78, 1315

Verizon, 166

video screens, 110, 120

virtual currency, 100, 104, 106

virtual reality, combining with augmented reality, 6162

visual guidance, 5960

visualization, with AR, 5859

visual recognition systems, 12

Vita-Mix, 117

Viv, 4041

Vodafone, 166

voice commands, 61

Walmart, 43

warehouse operations, 6465

Watson cognitive system, 1, 11

Wayfair, 65, 70

wealth concentration, 156, 157

wearable devices, 63, 72

WeChat, 155, 160

Whole Foods, 160

Wilson, H. James, 127143

workflows, 1315

workforce displacement, 5, 17, 73, 127

World Wide Web, 9899

Xfinity, 157

Xiaoice, 41

Xiaowei, 41

Yelp reviews, 3536

YouTube, 158

Zerox, 66

Zuckerberg, Mark, 157