I: Breakaway Meeting
II: Breakaway Girl
III: Miss “It”
IV: The Cattle Duffer
V: A Deal in Cattle
VI: A Fox Hunt
VII: Suspicions and Facts
VIII: At the Myme Hotel
IX: Tremayne Behaves Queerly
X: Breakaway House Ball
XI: Tremayne’s Trickery
XII: What the Parson Said
XIII: The Affair at Acacia Well
XIV: A Problem Solved
XV: Blackmail
XVI: The Attack
XVII: A Pleasant Host
XVIII: A Night Ride
XIX: The Ambuscade
XX: The Island
XXI: No Deceit Between Us
XXII: Morris Tonger at Home
XXIII: The Bunyip
XXIV: The Tree Trunk
XXV Colonel Lawton Arrives
XXVI: The Tea Party
XXVII: Hurried Arrivals
XXVIII: Colonel Lawton Explains
XXIX: An Outraged Husband
XXX: The Battle
XXXI: The Colonel’s Plans
XXXII: Falling Darkness
XXXIII: Vengeance
XXXIV: Again Sunshine