
Bringer of Beauty


All these things have you said of beauty.

Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied,

And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy.

It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth,

But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted.

It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear,

But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears.

It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw,

But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight.


WITH ANNUAL PER CAPITA INCOME of less than $400 and an estimated 80 percent of the population living in poverty, Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere and one of the poorest countries in the world.2 The daily struggle to survive leaves most Haitians with little time to worry about the finer things in life. Wealth is something they can barely dream of. Yet despite this (or perhaps because of this) Ezili Freda, lwa of beauty and luxury, is one of Haiti’s most well-loved and frequently served spirits. And her popularity is not just limited to Haiti or to Vodou: around the world many people have come to serve and adore this beautiful and loving (albeit sometimes temperamental and demanding) spirit. If you want to be more attractive, you couldn’t ask for a better teacher than Ezili Freda.*2

Freda in Haiti

In Haiti, wealth and status are intimately connected to skin color. For more than two hundred years, Haitian culture has been divided into a small ruling class of light-skinned milats (mulattos) and a much larger group of impoverished, dark-skinned negs (literally, “blacks” although a more accurate translation might be “poor person”). Freda is seen as having “European” features: light skin and long, straight hair. She speaks French, the language of the ruling class, rather than Kreyol, which is more commonly heard in the streets of Port-au-Prince and on the subsistence farms of the Haitian interior. Like the tales of the Fair Princess and the Beautiful Queen that we find in European folk tales, Freda is an image of wealth seen from the perspective of poor people.

When Freda arrives at a ceremony, water is sprinkled on the ground so she will not be choked with dust. Perfume is spread on the floor so she will not be offended by any bad smells. If the preparations are lacking in any way, she will break down in tears. Her followers are quick to offer her presents and tributes. A poor Haitian laborer may save for weeks or months to buy Freda a bottle of perfume or a pretty dress; he may spend his life savings to marry her. They are also quick to console her when she breaks down in tears, sobbing at the many ways in which reality falls short of her dreams. Freda understands how her followers long for beautiful things that are beyond their reach, because she also longs for things that she cannot have. Like them she dreams, and like them she is often disappointed.

Freda is married to three lwa—the great serpent Damballah, the mighty warrior Ogou Ferraille, and Met Agwe, king of the ocean. Yet in each case she is more mistress than wife. Agwe’s primary partner is the mermaid La Sirene, while Damballah favors the rainbow goddess Aida Wedo, and Ogou is partial to Freda’s sister, the hardworking country woman Ezili Danto. Freda constantly seeks an unattainable love. She may be wealthier and more beautiful than the people who serve her, but they know how she shares her suffering.

Freda is filled with love and wants to share it with others. When Freda arrives at a ceremony, she will often hug and kiss the men who are present, and will propose marriage to those she finds particularly attractive. In exchange for marrying Freda and pledging the first Thursday of each month to her, Vodouisants believe she will look after their wellbeing and ensure their prosperity and health. Many Haitians believe effeminate gay men are ruled by Freda. (Some say that she likes them so much that she made them gay—that way no other woman could have them!)

Freda is less affectionate with women. Most often she will acknowledge their presence with a nod or a quick handshake. As beautiful as Freda is, she is also very insecure. She often sees other women as competition for the affections and favors of men. Women who work with Freda must frequently lavish her with lots of attention, affection, and flattery. Only then will Freda be able to overcome her mistrust and accept them as dear friends and devoted servants.

While most men are happy to be favored by Freda, they are sometimes fearful of her attentions. The marriage ceremony can be expensive, particularly since Freda demands the best you can give her. Still, they are reluctant to reject her proposal. They believe that if Freda is spurned, she will throw a jealous fit and bring them misfortune and romantic bad luck. Freda can be a demanding mistress, but she is so beautiful and so loving that most Vodouisants are happy to meet her demands and consider themselves blessed by her presence.

Freda loves pretty things and would like to make everything more beautiful. Those whom Freda favors will often have a great sense of beauty and style. Many will work as makeup artists, hairdressers, buyers for clothing stores, or in other related fields. If you approach her with reverence, the way you might approach a beautiful princess, you’ll find she will be happy to make you more beautiful too!

Calling on Freda

In Haiti, Freda is most commonly represented by the Mater Dolorosa (see plate 6). In this image, the Virgin Mary stands before a richly jeweled background. In her hands, she holds golden chains and jewelry; rings sparkle on her fingers. Still, her sorrow is evident: jeweled daggers are imbedded in her heart, and her expression is melancholy as she stares off toward the heavens. This image shows Freda’s wealth, beauty, and sadness. You can use whatever images you see fit. I have seen houses that represented Freda with a pink Kwan Yin statue or an elaborately customized Barbie doll. The symbol is only a vessel that the spirit can occupy; you may use any appropriate icon that represents Freda to you.

Freda loves French perfume and cosmetics. She is also fond of jewelry, particularly gold and diamonds, and flowers, especially pink roses. She like feminine, frilly things, particularly lacy pink dresses and clothing. You can get a lacy pink cloth for Freda and place her things on this cloth when you call on her. To feed Freda, give her sweet pastries. Meringues, cream puffs, sweet tarts, and éclairs will be greatly appreciated. Freda will sometimes drink champagne, but is more often given orgeat (almond syrup) or sugar water. Her day is Thursday, but you can serve her on any day except Tuesday, the day set aside for her sister and archenemy Ezili Danto.

Present her gifts in nice glasses and plates, which you have washed thoroughly beforehand. Burn pink or white candles to call on Freda, and sprinkle a bit of perfume-scented water on the ground as well. You should also make sure that the table or shelf on which you serve her is washed beforehand with soap and with perfumed water. Like any lady of wealth and taste, Freda likes her things clean. You should also straighten your living quarters before calling on Freda. Imagine you had invited a beautiful heiress over to your house for a visit. Wouldn’t you want things to look as nice as you could make them?

When you are making offerings to Freda, think quality, not quantity. If you have limited resources (and most of us do), you’re better off spending what little you have on appropriately fancy items. Freda will prefer a small Godiva chocolate bar to a big bag of stale chocolates from the 99 cent store. She will take a small bottle of nice perfume over a large bottle of something cheaper. If you’re not sure whether Freda would like a particular item, just ask her . . . then follow your gut instinct. So long as you give her the best you can, you will not go wrong. An eternally gracious hostess, Freda will accept any gift you give her if you try your hardest.

You may find Freda visiting you in your dreams and making various requests. Don’t be afraid to tell her, “I’m sorry, I can’t afford that right now.” Trying to give Freda everything she wants will quickly land you in the poorhouse. If she persists in asking, you can say, “If you give me the money to buy you a nice Waterford Crystal goblet, I will be glad to get you one” or “If you want a diamond ring, you will have to help me pay for it.” If she really wants these things, she will see that you get the money you need. (One warning: if she does give you this money, be sure that you buy what you promised; otherwise, you’re going to be dealing with a very angry lady.)

Although many people call Freda a “love goddess,” she is actually more closely connected to romance and “courtly love” than to fulfilling relationships. Asking Freda to bring you love may result in a long, drawn-out affair that features a lot of mutual attraction but ultimately goes nowhere. Alternately, you may find yourself entangled in a passionate but stormy tryst that ends painfully for all concerned, or falling hopelessly in love with someone who is sweet and beautiful but unable to commit and irresponsible about finances. When it comes to partners, Freda is a smart woman who often makes foolish choices—and who is likely to make foolish choices for you.

Instead of asking Freda to find you a lover, you should ask her to make you more beautiful. This will help to ensure that you gain the attention of a partner without becoming embroiled in the kind of romantic melodrama that often follows Freda. (You should also be sure to pay some tribute to Danto as well as to Freda. That will not only keep the two warring sisters from becoming jealous, but will also ensure that Freda’s romantic dreams are grounded with some practical realism.)

You will be most successful treating Freda the way courtiers treated ladies-in-waiting. If you lavish lots of praise on Freda and show the appropriate humility and respect, you will be richly rewarded for your efforts. Her good fortune and good looks will rub off on you . . . and you can be sure that others will notice!

Color Magic with Freda

Many believe that “dressing magically” means hubcap-sized pentagrams, clusters of crystals, and bad Renaissance Faire clothing. Alas, these “magical outfits” evoke nothing but scornful looks from the Fashion Police. True magical garb is far more subtle . . . and far more powerful. Magic doesn’t shout from the rooftops; instead, it whispers. The most powerful magical clothing is that which is not recognized by the masses. It manipulates their subconscious, causing them to be favorably disposed toward the magician.

One of the best ways to call on the energies of Freda is by using her favorite color, pink (a pale rose pink or “baby girl pink,” not a hot pink or magenta). Color therapists have long known that pink has a calming effect on people. Pink soothes tension and relaxes the muscles. A tint known as Baker-Miller Pink is known to law enforcement officials as “drunk tank pink,” since it is commonly used to calm violent prisoners in jails. Alexander Schauss, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research in Tacoma, Washington, notes, “Even if a person tries to be angry or aggressive in the presence of pink, he can’t.”3

You don’t have to go overboard. A bright pink suit is not necessary and would even be counterproductive. (Freda is a subtle spirit, not a loud and vulgar one.) A pale pink shirt or a subtle pink blouse will do the trick; indeed, a pink-tinted white will work just fine. This will make you appear nonthreatening and likeable; without knowing why, people will think that you are “nice” and “friendly.” If you’re a man who believes “pink is for girls,” stop and think for a minute. If lots of girls like pink, and you’re wearing pink, doesn’t that mean they’d be inclined to like you?

To work with the power of Freda’s colors, get an article of clothing in the appropriate hue. You don’t have to break the bank, but make sure it looks good on you. You can wear other colors besides pink, but make sure they are light colors. Freda does not like the color black, and wearing black with pink will drive her away and spoil the effect. (You should also avoid wearing pink with red, navy blue, or blue denim, since those colors belong to Danto.) Get the nicest clothes you can find and afford. Before you go shopping, you may want to ask Freda to help you find something that looks nice and that will make you think of her.

Before you get dressed, put on a bathrobe. Now take the pink article of clothing. Hold it up and say something like, “Hello, Freda. I’m wearing this pink shirt because I want to be pretty like you.” As you put the clothing on, imagine Freda filling you with her beauty and her charisma. Feel the glowing pink light shining through you. It starts within your heart and expands to fill your entire body, then radiates outward until it shimmers around you. When you have buttoned, tied, or clasped the article, you will have bound that energy to yourself. It will remain with you throughout the day. People who are psychically sensitive or who can see auras might notice the color that shines around you. Those who are not will not see it, but they will feel its effects. It will be a powerful magnet, drawing people to you and making you more attractive.


Plate 1. Ezili Danto, the fierce warrior mother, is extremely protective of children and can be a powerful ally when you or your children are in need of her assistance. Photo taken at Société la Belle Venus #2, Brooklyn, New York, by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 2. Damballah (who is often represented by St. Patrick) can help to heal the emotional wounds and scars attendant upon a breakup. Photo taken at Société la Belle Venus #2, Brooklyn, New York, by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 3. Ghede, the foul-mouthed spirit of death, lust, and inappropriate behavior, can often help get your relationship mojo risin’. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 4. Kenaz Filan’s shrine features a decorated statue of St. Lazarus, along with several offerings acquired through years of working with Legba. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 5. Lakshmi, a 13-foot albino Burmese python who is the centerpiece of Kenaz Filan’s Damballah altar. Photo by Kathy Latzoni.


Plate 6. The Mater Dolorosa, from the personal collection of Mambo Zetwal Kleye (Kathy Latzoni).


Plate 7. Shrine for Ezili Freda, decorated by Mambo Pat Scheu of Société du Marche. Photo by Société du Marche, Inc. Used with permission.


Plate 8. Stella Maris statue given to La Sirene by Kathy Latzoni (Mambo Zetwal Kleye). Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 9. Shrines to Ogou—like this shrine created by Kenaz Filan—generally include a machete to help Ogou “cut through” the problems and obstacles facing his children. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 10. Dwapo lwa (spirit flag) for Simbi, from the author’s collection. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 11. Danto boutey (Vodou bottle for Danto) decorated with an image of the Mater Salvatoris, from the author’s collection. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 12. Harvey, Kenaz Filan’s Ghede, enjoying a quiet moment. Photo by Kenaz Filan.


Plate 13. Kenaz Filan possessed by Ghede. Photo by Scott Monkhern.


Plate 14. Ancestral shrine set up by Morgan Page. Photo by Morgan Page. Used with permission.

If you can’t wear pink clothing for one reason or another—you wear a uniform at work, let us say—you can still use pink energy. Get some pale pink lip gloss or lip balm, the more pale and subtle, the better. Put a tiny bit on before you go out. Not only will it help prevent chapped lips, it will also draw Freda-energy to you and make you more subtly attractive. You may also use a pale pink lip pencil, some pale pink eye shadow, or other makeup. This will work for both men and women. The idea is not to look like you are wearing makeup—you will use such a small amount, in such a subtle shade, that no one will notice. Rather, the idea is to draw the energy through the use of color.

In medieval times, troubadours would treasure a handkerchief given them by their lady fair. If you can’t wear pink clothing, you can carry a pale pink handkerchief, preferably one that is frilly, beautifully embroidered, and subtly scented with a nice perfume. Offer this to Freda and explain that you want to carry this with you so that you can think of her during the day. When you feel down, or before you want to make a favorable impression on someone, rub the handkerchief over your face. (Make sure you’re clean first.) This will send Freda’s energy through you and give you a quick boost.

Your Dinner with Freda

Our fast-food culture encourages us to bolt down large quantities of unhealthy, unappetizing food. We indulge in greasy, sugary snacks, tossing them down as we sit in front of our television or our computer, then worry about our weight. But for all the time we spend thinking about food and its effects, we hardly ever contemplate what we are eating. Rarely do we truly savor our food or actually enjoy the stuff we are consuming.

The old expression “you are what you eat” is true, but it tells only part of the story. You also are how you eat. If you shovel down your meals without thinking, you’re likely to behave in a similar way when dealing with the other things in your life. You will be the classic “passive consumer,” not a person who makes things happen, but one who lets things happen. Becoming conscious of what you are eating, and enjoying it instead of just swallowing it mindlessly, can be a good first step toward becoming conscious of other things in your life as well.

“Conscious eating” does not involve calorie counting, nor does it involve stuffing yourself on sweet things. Becoming aware of your food and your body’s reaction to food can stop you from binging on high-calorie, nutrition-free foods, and can allow you to actually enjoy healthy meals without turning dinnertime into a joyless guilt-ridden task. (Of course, if you are suffering from an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia, you should not consider this to be a substitute for professional treatment.)

Freda can help you to appreciate the beauty in everything, and that includes food. By dedicating an occasional Thursday snack to Freda, you can become a lover of fine cuisine . . . and learn a new and powerful magical technique as well. Much as the Christian Eucharist involves the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Divine, you can transform a pastry into a vessel for Freda’s energy—and transfer that energy to yourself.

To perform this ritual, get two pastries. If you cannot eat pastries or sugary things because of diabetes or other conditions, you can get some fruit: strawberries, raspberries, or whatever other fruit you prefer. Make sure you get the best you can find. If you have to search a while for some nice fruit or pastries, so much the better. The more effort you put in to finding Freda the nicest food you can, the happier she will be with your offering.

You can bring this food into your home, or you can have a picnic in a nice garden, preferably one with lots of flowers. Bring a clean white or light pink plate for Freda and another one for yourself. You should also bring a pink seven-day candle and some perfume or rose water. Sprinkle a bit of the perfume or rose water on the floor, and ask Papa Legba to open the door so Freda can come down and visit you. Take the pastries or fruits and set a plate for yourself and one for Freda. Now light the seven-day candle. As the candle burns, imagine Freda’s glowing pink light filling the area and descending on the offering that you have just made.

Welcome Freda; tell her how happy you are that she has come to eat with you, and how much you enjoy her company. Show her the plates you have laid out, and ask her if she would like something to eat. As you are talking to her, imagine her holding on to your offering. Feel her energy flowing through it, illuminating it until you can see it glowing faintly pink.

Pick up your offering, and take a tiny bite of it. Concentrate on the taste, on the texture, on the way it feels in your mouth. Chew thoroughly (and keep your mouth closed; if you’re eating with Freda, you should use good table manners). As you feel the food dissolving in your mouth, feel the faint, sweet rose-water taste of Freda’s energy flowing from the fruit or pastry and into your body. Do this with every bite, until your plate is empty. As you do, feel yourself glowing with pink energy and becoming more beautiful. When you are finished, place Freda’s offering under a flower. Thank her for coming, and thank her for sharing her beauty with you.

If you have a sweet tooth and are eating too much “junk food,” try offering your sweet things to Freda and giving her some before you indulge. Eating each piece of chocolate very slowly, and savoring the flavor, will help you to enjoy the experience. What’s more, you’ll find you’re eating a lot less. When you eat slowly and consider your meal, you’re going to consume less at one sitting than you will if you’re distracted and eating without thinking.

Try this with all your meals: don’t just eat them, ENJOY them. Much as Freda looks for beauty in everything, look for beauty in your food. You may be surprised to discover that you don’t really like stuff you’ve been eating for years, and that you prefer healthier alternatives you may have scorned before. You’ll look better, and you’ll feel better too! Not only will this help you regulate your weight, it will give you the warm glow that comes with good health.

Freda's Perfume

The scent of a female in heat can send a male animal into a mating frenzy; the scent of another male can trigger aggression. Many animals distinguish between members of their pack and outsiders by smell. Others use olfactory cues to “mark” their territory. Many biologists believe that salmon use scent memory to guide them back to their home stream during spawning season. While their effect on humans is more subtle, we too are keenly influenced by smells.

The olfactory system, which senses and distinguishes between odors, is one of the oldest parts of our brain. The pathway between the nose and the brain is shorter than the paths for any other sense organ. Because the olfactory system functions on such a primal level, it can bring up powerful emotions. Smells can evoke vivid memories from the past. The scent of nutmeg and pumpkin pie can bring us back to our grandmother’s kitchen in childhood, while the smell of fresh-cut grass can call up our teenage years working at a local golf course. And, of course, smells can be powerful erotic cues as well.

This does not mean splashing on gallons of perfume or cheap cologne. Far from making you more attractive, overuse of scented products will have quite the opposite effect and will also make you a health hazard for people with allergies . . . like the author of this book! As with the color magic presented earlier, true scent magic is subtle. The target does not know what causes the attraction. All that person will know is that he or she finds you enchanting and can’t stop thinking about you.

To create a Freda perfume, start with a small quantity of the nicest perfume you can get. I recommend genuine attar of roses, if you can find it. It is expensive, but a very tiny amount will go a long way. Otherwise, try to get natural essential oils from an aromatherapy shop, or a good floral perfume. Don’t use cheap perfumes or “knock-offs”—they include synthetic ingredients and don’t smell as nice as quality fragrances. You can get a small bottle; you’re going to be using just a little bit for this spell.

In addition to the perfume, you are going to need some spring water, a little bottle with a stopper or lid, a pink seven-day candle, and a lacy pink or white handkerchief. You should do this spell on a Thursday.

Fill the little bottle with spring water. Sprinkle a few drops on the floor, and ask Papa Legba to open the door for Freda so that she can come down and visit. Light the candle. Now greet Freda and hold up the perfume bottle to the candlelight. Tell her that you have bought her a nice bottle of perfume and would like to give it to her. Then explain that you would like to use just a very tiny bit of it, so that people will like you the way they like her. Be sure to flatter her and tell her that you know you would never be as pretty as her, but you still want to be pretty and make sure people like you. As you talk to her, imagine her energy filling the room and the perfume bottle.

After you’ve talked to Freda for a while, and when you can feel the bottle tingling with Freda’s power, take a single drop of the perfume and place it in the little bottle of spring water. Now close the bottle. Wrap the bottle in the handkerchief and put it away in a place where it won’t be disturbed. If you have a shrine to Freda, you can put the perfume there; otherwise, you can leave it in a garden under some flowers. (You can put a drop or two on another nice handkerchief and tell Freda you want to “have something so you can think of her.” She will be flattered and will be sure to think about you and bless you.)

When you want to impress someone or when you want to go on a date, dip your finger in this water and rub a drop or two on your body. (Be sure to wash your hands first!) Nobody will be able to smell it, but they will be able to sense that something is different about you. You can wear this in addition to any other perfume or cologne you normally use . . . but you may not need to!