THIS BOOK WAS NOT ‘BUILT’ SINGLE-HANDEDLY – it is the product of many people and many years. Its foundations lie in the numerous places I have called home and the people with whom I have shared those houses and apartments. In particular, 29 Salisbury Road, Rosemary Cottage, 48 Park Lane, ‘Jack’s place’, Rockport, 213 Tufnell Park Road, 111 Listria Park. All their inhabitants – my family, friends and flatmates – have been at my shoulder while I have been writing.
In more recent terms, I would like to give very grateful thanks to the following builders, plumbers and interior decorators of the soul:
Sarah Dening, for her huge support and friendship and, in particular, her insights into Jung’s typology and the house, which make up the basis of Chapter 4. Sarah Shurety and Liz Williams, who are my feng shui geniuses – thanks for keeping my chi flowing smoothly. Denise Linn and Karen Kingston – the two great space clearers who have been so generous with their time, wisdom and inspiration over the years.
Jim Bultman of Green Street, a wonderful e-mail correspondent, for his help in tracking Hestia.
Jane Mayers, Richard Lanham, Beth Easdale and the members of the final Image and Myth group at The Pelican Centre – Teresa, Marie, Nuala, Rachel and Lily – for their inspiration and as great companions on a true odyssey of the soul. Without the Pelican there would be no Spirit of the Home.
Jane Mayers and Paresh Rink for holding me together body and soul during the writing of this book.
Adrian, for creating my own sacred space. Chris and Alice Eastland for their solid support, editing and web advice over the years – and for all the English muffins.
Lynne Crawford for giving me a much-needed push from time to time.
Judy Chilcote, as always, for being way more than an agent – a Friend (with a capital F) who does all the tough stuff.
Belinda Budge for being the editor of my dreams, full of sensible advice and soaring inspiration (the perfect combination) – and a game house detective along the way. Michele Turney, the most meticulous copy-editor. Megan Slyfield and Hattie Madden in the press office, for their huge encouragement. And everyone at Thorsons, especially the unsung heroes in design, production, marketing and the sales team who make sure this book ends up where it was always meant to be: in your hands and, I hope, in your home.
Last, but never least, my love to the Old Rectory for its valuable, often tough, education process into the art of respecting spirit and soul in a house.