BY NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE a clear, clean house. You are well on the way to making your home a healing haven, a true sanctuary. This part of the book contains a lot of very practical information which may seem a little dull. But, trust me, it is all essential. However hard you try you will never get the most out of an environment which is not intrinsically clean, clear and healthy. All the space cleansing and feng shui in the world won’t help a home which is dirty or full of harmful chemicals and gases.

Many of us would prefer to shut our eyes and ears and hope that the thorny subject of pollution would just go away. It won’t, unless we take action. By actively choosing healthy alternatives for your home and supporting companies which produce non-toxic and natural materials, you can help to change not only your own home, but also the world. A large claim but perfectly true. Any market can only survive if the demand is present for its products. If more of us demand safe, non-toxic, non-polluting furnishing, decorating, building and cleaning materials, more companies will be persuaded to produce them. There will be more choice, prices will fall and it will become far easier to protect your health and the wellbeing of the planet without sacrificing style or your pocket. You can create that market, that demand, and feel good in yourself that you are helping to protect the world. However, that’s the wider issue. First and foremost, think about your home decoration for your own sake.


Our homes are, sadly, full of hidden hazards. Walk through your house and they are swarming all around you. Are your carpets synthetic or foam-backed? They are probably oozing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as formaldehyde. Do you have special stain-resistant finishes on your soft furnishings? They most likely leak organo-chlorines and phenols. There are VOCs and organo-chlorines all around the house: in building boards, bedding, paint solvents, adhesives, wood preservatives, household cleaners, air fresheners, polishes, and most plastic products. If your home lacks adequate ventilation or you rarely open the windows, you may have high levels of pollutants building up unchecked in your home.

Domestic water is often polluted with chemicals such as chlorine and nitrates, not to mention bacteria. Radon gas can be transported through the water system and up into your tap and your drinking glass from many miles away. No-one, not even the Environmental Protection Agency now knows how many chemicals are in use today. The EPA has more than 85,000 chemicals listed that fall under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The vast majority are unknown factors: they simply have not been tested fully. We don’t know what they do to us, yet we trustingly take them into our homes.

As if all that were not enough, we are often suffering the ill effects of electro-stress in our modern homes. Electro-magnetic fields (EMFs) are all around us, created by all the gadgets and wonders of the modern world. From outside we are bombarded by radio waves, power lines, radar and satellite transmissions. From inside our homes we are embraced in the emissions from our televisions, faxes, photocopiers, computers, microwaves, mobile phones, night storage heaters, even from our bedside clocks. It has been estimated that our bodies are now handling up to 200 million times more electromagnetic signals than those of our ancestors.

The effects on our health and wellbeing can be enormous. If we are healthy and have strong immune systems we can take a certain amount of bombardment, for a certain amount of time. But if we have weakened immune systems or suffer high levels of electro-stress and chemical pollution over a prolonged period of time, there are well-documented health risks. Electro-stress can cause tiredness and depression, headaches and a host of chronic diseases. Researchers blame ME, foetal abnormality and even cancer on electro-stress. Toxic chemicals have insidious effects too: many people are allergic to them and suffer asthma, eczema, migraine and chronic fatigue. Nausea, dizziness, heart irregularity, respiratory and eye problems, unexplained joint and muscle pain may all be blamed on chemical toxicity. And so too could problems of impaired judgement, irritability, mood swings and co-ordination difficulties. Not a cheery thought.

What can we do? First of all it helps just to be aware of the problems. Forewarned is forearmed. Baubiologie or Building Biology is a philosophy which began 20 years ago in Germany and at last seems to have found its time. Its manifesto for healthy homes is as follows: fresh air; clean water; natural materials; generous daylight; suitable temperatures and humidity; protection from EMFs and avoidance of harmful earth energy (geopathic stress). The strategy is to identify the hazards in your home and take whatever steps you can to minimize or eliminate them. Here’s how.



Geopathic stress is believed to be caused by abnormal energy fields generated by deep underground streams, large mineral deposits or faults in the substrata of the earth. It has been blamed as a major contributing factor in everything from migraines to cancer, from nightmares to divorce. It sounds like the latest scare story but the evidence suggests that geopathic stress certainly does exist. In Germany it has been researched since the 1920s and is taken very seriously. Experiments have shown that bacteria grow abnormally when grown over underground currents of water, while mice inoculated with disease will fall ill far more rapidly when kept over a subterranean vein of water. Now builders in Germany and Austria test sites before building and many will routinely give guarantees that new buildings do not have lines of ‘bad’ energy passing through them.

However, the methods for testing for geopathic stress are far from reliable. Most people use dowsing, but when I asked three ‘experts’ to check my house for geopathic stress, they all came up with wildly different diagnoses. One said I had ‘mild’ stress, nothing to worry about; another claimed the house was badly stressed and needed expensive ‘cures’; the third said there was no stress at all. The ‘cures’ are equally unpredictable and many consumer watchdog organizations believe they are simply expensive placebos. On the other hand, some people I have spoken to are quite convinced they help.

So what do you do if you suspect your house is suffering from geopathic stress? First, don’t panic – you won’t need to move house! Geopathic stress moves in quite focused lines – most likely you would just need to move your bed or favourite chair. Find a dowser or expert who has no interest in selling you anything – professional dowsing societies may be able to put you in touch with someone local and reputable. Karen Kingston suggests you have three dowsers check your property and only take the advice they all agree on, which is fine unless, like mine, there is nothing they agree on! I hope that serious research will put geopathic stress, its detection and cures on a more rational basis. In the meantime, though, you can try the following.