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abroad, attraction of 71–2
accent colours 167, 257
Air element 227, 242
altars 27, 37, 241–3
ancestor spirits 30, 33, 37
Aphrodite 32, 37, 165–6, 180–1
Aphrodite’s favourite bath 248–9
archetypes 5
aromatherapy 105, 181–8, 227, 243
Artemis 32, 37, 240
Athena 32, 240
ba-gua 133–40, 143–51
backache 157
bad spirits, protection from 30, 38
bamboo flutes 157, 160
bathing 177, 246–50
bathrooms 146–7, 176, 245–50, 262
beams 132, 149, 160
bedrooms 112, 132, 147–50, 254–8
beds 132, 147–50, 255
bells 123, 155, 161
‘best’ room or belongings 85–6
blockages 130
books 96
bread 186
bright objects 154–5
candles 27, 196, 224–5, 247, 255
scented 183
carbon monoxide 112
career, boosting 260–1
carpet freshener, recipe 105
Cerberus 36, 145
change 49–50, 78
chemical pollution 108–12
chi see subtle energy
childhood home:
leaving 41–2
in preparation exercise 56–61
China 33
circle 15–16, 17, 27
cleaning 27, 99–105
clothes 93–4
clutter 40, 45, 89–98, 130, 260
in feng shui 157, 262
as therapy 165–77
colours, attributes 169–74
computers 112
contemporary living styles 24–5
creativity 263
crystals 145, 155, 161, 175, 218–22
cures, feng shui 130, 139, 153–61
cutting chi 145, 161
darkness 193–6
Day, Christopher 33
decluttering 89–98
Demetrakopoulos, Stephanie A. 22–3
Dening, Sarah 40–1, 42, 44, 46, 47
desks 208, 242–3, 257, 260–1
dogs 36, 37–8, 144, 145
doors 160–1, 257, 261
drawer liners 188
dreams 40, 67
earlier homes exercise 61–2
Earth, sense of 14–15
Earth element 217, 242
egotecture 16–17
Einstein, Albert 13
electrical goods 109, 112, 157
electromagnetic fields (EMFs) 109, 110, 112, 157
depressed by clutter 90
of rooms 86
see also subtle energy
entrance 80
essential oils 105, 181–8, 227, 243
ethnic art 211–12
evaluation, of actual home 79–86
evil, protection from 243–4
exercise, cleaning as 100, 107
fabrics 199–200, 204, 255, 256
family, focus on 26, 28
feeling 197–205
feeling function (Jung) 43, 45–6, 48
feeling of home exercise 62–3
feminism 24–5
feng shui 37, 129–61
continuity custom 23
living 26–7
fire dedication ceremony 225
Fire element 224–5, 242, 257
first room 146
fish 155–6, 226, 261
floor coverings 108, 110, 201, 217
floor plans 83–4
flowers 155–6, 176, 186, 222–3
focus 25, 28, 104
folklore, spirits in 30–2, 34–5, 36–7
front door 80, 144
furnishings 108, 110, 177
furniture 110, 175–6, 213
furniture polish, recipe 105
Gaia (Mother Earth) 15, 18
Ganesh 35
gardening 222–3
geopathic stress 110, 113–15
Gestalt 82
for spirits 31–2, 34–5, 36
unwanted 97
glass, coloured 175
God (Father Sky) 14, 18
Greece, Ancient 32, 246
grounding 41, 102
hall 144–5
hazards 108–15
hearth 15–16, 18, 21–4
heavy things 156, 158, 160
heirlooms 97
Helios/Apollo 14
Hera 32
herbs 186, 187, 188
herby bath 248
Hermes/Mercury 20–1, 23, 26, 28, 219
Hestia (Vesta) 21–8, 32, 240
Home-making skills 3–4
homelessness 11–12
hot tubs 226, 249
house spirits 29–38
household gods 30, 85
household tools and products 104–5
humidity 111
hydrotherapy 249–50
ideal home 2
planning 65–76
ideal home file and journal 54–64, 66–76
incense 121, 187, 227, 242
India 34
inferior function, developing 46, 47–8
information overload, avoiding 20–1, 28, 234
ionizers 227
Janus 32
Japan 246
Johnson, Robert 100–1
Jung, C.G.:
house of 15–16
personality types 42–8
junk mail 95
Kali 242
Kingston, Karen 90, 102, 107, 114, 120–4
kitchen clutter 96
kitchens 81, 86, 150–1, 202, 262
lares, protecting 32–3, 35–6
laundry 188
lavender bags 188
Lee, Ann 102
Leigh, Michelle Dominique 250
lifestyle 72–3
light 193–6
lighting 111, 155, 158, 177, 195–6 in bedroom 254, 258
Linn, Denise 120, 217, 218–19
living room 81, 85
living things 155–6
love life 254–8
love map 256
magazines, in decluttering 94–5
mandala 15
mapping, home layout 132–51
Marcus, Clare Cooper 6, 7, 39, 40, 82, 90, 232
marriages 254–8
Mayers, Jane 35–6
Meal-times 27
meals 177
memories 209
microwaves 109, 112
miracle question 76–8, 256, 258
mirrors 145, 146, 147, 150, 154–5, 159, 161
missing areas 158–9
mister air freshener 182–3, 226
moods, for rooms 86
Moore, Thomas 16, 18, 198, 208, 233
moving objects 156
mud baths 250
Muryn, Mary 250
music 191–2
natural materials 215–27
need, for a home 11–18
newspapers 94–5
notice boards 202
objects 207–13
ornaments 207–13
own space 231–7
paint 110
paperwork, management 95–6, 260
papier–mâché 176
partner, new, attracting 255–6
passion 257–8
patterns, for soul home 63–4, 68
Pearson, David 232, 240
Pelican Centre 35, 233–4
penates 32–3, 36
discovering own 4, 6
types 42–8
photographs 212
pictures 212, 255, 257
planters 176
plants 112, 155–6, 161, 176, 222–3
pottering 25, 28
poustina 239, 244
predecessor chi 140
pregnancy, desired 149
preparation exercises 55–9
protection, spiritual 30, 32–3, 35–6, 38, 243–4
psychology 39–50
radon gas 108, 113
rainwater 226
refuges 231–7
relationships 254–8
rocky 132, 149, 256–8
volatile 257
repairs, keeping on top of 113
representation, in painting or drawing 60–1, 74–5
retreats 21, 233–4, 235
roles, in lifestyle 72–3
Rome, Ancient 32–3, 34, 246
roofs 18
Rossbach, Sarah 131, 149, 157, 255
sales, of unwanted clutter 92
salt rub 248
sanctuary space 231–7
Sardello, Robert 16–17
seasonal affective disorder (SAD) 194
security 12–15
self-development 47
sensation function 43–4, 48
shadow, clearing, through cleaning 100–1
shared rooms 83–4, 85
sheds 231
Sheldrake, Rupert 13
Shurety, Sarah 37, 122–3, 132, 140, 155, 263
sick buildings 4
in actual home 80, 85
in fragrant home 179–88
in ideal home 70
smudge sticks 187, 227
soft furnishings 110–11, 177, 199–200, 203
Solution Focused Therapy 77
soul colours 168–9
soul home:
planning 53–78
reflection of self 39–41, 49–50
soul space 231–50
soul work 102–3, 244
sounds 69, 155, 190–3
analysis 83–4
own sanctuary 231–7
space clearing 119–28, 187
Spear, William 139
spirit of home, definition 2–3
embodied 29–30, 34
of house 29–33
spring-cleaning 99–105
square 17–18
stagnation 40, 91, 130
staircases, spiral 159–60
stone 218
stove 150–1, 262
subtle energy 5
and feng shui 129–30, 145, 161
and space clearing 120–8
surfaces 202
swimming pools 262
symbolism, of home 1, 17–18
talking, to house 7–8, 81–3
taste, in ideal home 71
televisions 109, 111
tenemos 233–4, 235
texture 197–205
thinking function 43, 45, 48
threshold 80, 85
Thurnell-Read, Jane 115
toilet seat 146–7, 262
Tomatis, Dr Alfred 191
touch 70–1, 197–205
touchy feely bowls 205
treasure map technique 75–6
trimmings 203
uncertainty 13
unconscious mind 67
unhappiness 56
ventilation 108, 111, 227
wall coverings 201–2
washing-up liquid 187
water 108, 112, 226
Water element 225–6, 242
waterfalls 111, 226, 261
wealth, attracting 261–2
Wildwood, Chrissie 105
wind chimes 145, 155, 161
windows 160–1, 258
winter garlands 187–8
wood 186–7, 216–17
Woodman, Marion 33
in bedroom 254
boosting career 260–1
Worwood, Valerie Ann 179, 187–8