
Word Classes*
A Adverb
AT Attributive
AV Auxiliary Verb
BF Bound Form
CJ Conjunction
CV Coverb
EV Equative Verb
EX Expression
I Interjection
IE Idiomatic Expression
L Localizer
M Measure
MA Moveable Adverb
N Noun
NU Number
P Particle
PH Phrase
PR Pronoun
PT Pattern
PV Postverb
PW Place Word
QW Question Word
RC Resultative Compound
RE Resultative Ending
SN Surname
SP Specifier
SV Stative Verb
TW Time Word
V Verb
VO Verb-Object Compound

Other Abbreviations and Symbols

(B) Beijing
(T) Taipei
lit. literally
SV Supplementary Vocabulary
AV Additional Vocabulary
* (indicates that what follows is incorrect)
/ (separates alternate forms)


* For explanations of the word classes, see the section “Word Classes of Spoken Chinese” in Basic Mandarin Chinese—Speaking & Listening.