2 Substitution Drills


Unit 1, Part 1: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Kē Léi’ēn , nĭ hăo! Ke Leien, how are you?
Wáng Jīngshēng Wang Jingsheng, how are you?
Kē Léi’ēn Ke Leien, how are you?
2. dào năr qù a? Where are you going?
Kē Léi’ēn Where is Ke Leien going?
Wáng Jīngshēng Where is Wang Jingsheng going?
Where are you going?
3. Wŏ qù túshūguăn. I’m going to the library.
shítáng. I’m going to the dining hall.
sùshè. I’m going to the dormitory.
túshūguăn. I’m going to the library.
4. Wŏ dào túshūguăn qù. I’m going to the library.
shítáng I’m going to the cafeteria.
sùshè I’m going to the dormitory.
túshūguăn I’m going to the library.
5. Wŏ qù túshūguăn. ne? I’m going to the library. How about you?
Kē Léi’ēn I’m going to the library. How about Ke Leien?
Wáng Jīngshēng I’m going to the library. How about Wang Jing­sheng?
I’m going to the library. How about you?
6. Wŏ huí sùshè. I’m going back to the dormitory.
túshūguăn. I’m going back to the library.
shítáng. I’m going back to the cafeteria.
sùshè. I’m going back to the dormitory.
7. qù bàn yìdiănr shìr. I’m going to take care of a little matter.
Kē Léi’ēn Ke Leien is going to take care of a little matter.
Wáng Jīngshēng Wang Jingsheng is going to take care of a little matter.
I’m going to take care of a little matter.
8. Wŏ qù, Wáng Jīngshēng yĕ qù. I’m going and Wang Jingsheng is going, too.
Kē Léi’ēn yĕ qù. I’m going and Ke Leien is going, too.
nĭ yĕ qù. I’m going and you’re going, too.
Wáng Jīngshēng yĕ qù. I’m going and Wang Jingsheng is going, too.


Unit 1, Part 2: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Zhào Guócái , hăo jiŭ bú jiànle! Zhao Guocai, long time no see!
Wáng Jīngshēng Wang Jingsheng, long time no see!
Kē Léi’ēn Ke Leien, long time no see!
Bàba Dad, long time no see!
Māma Mom, long time no see!
Háizi Child, long time no see!
Zhào Guócái Zhao Guocai, long time no see!
2. zĕmmeyàng a? How are you?
How is he?
Tāmen How are they?
Nĭ àiren How is your spouse?
Wáng Jīngshēng How is Wang Jingsheng?
Shítáng How is the cafeteria?
How are you?
3. hái xíng. I’m all right.
You’re all right.
He’s all right.
Tāmen They’re all right.
Wŏ bàba My dad is all right.
Wŏ māma My mom is all right.
Wŏ àiren My spouse is all right.
I’m all right.
4. Nĭ àiren hăo ma? Is your spouse well?
Nĭ māma Is your mom well?
Are you well?
Is she well?
Tāmen Are they well?
Zhào Guócái Is Zhao Guocai well?
Sùshè Is the dormitory good?
Nĭ àiren Is your spouse well?
5. Nĭ àiren, háizi dōu hăo ma? Are your spouse and children all O.K.?
Nĭ bàba, māma Are your mom and dad both O.K.?
Kē Léi’ēn, Wáng Jīngshēng Are Ke Leien and Wang Jingsheng both O.K.?
Zhào Guócái, Wáng Jīngshēng Are Zhao Guocai and Wang Jingsheng both O.K.?
Tāmen Are they all O.K.?
Háizi Are the children all O.K.?
Nĭ àiren, háizi Are your spouse and children all O.K.?
6. bàba qù ma? Is your father going?
Is her father going?
Is my father going?
Is your father going?
7. Tāmen dōu hĕn hăo. They are all very well.
máng. They are all very busy.
lèi. They are all very tired.
hăo. They are all very well.
8. Tāmen yĕ dōu hĕn hăo. They also are all very well.
hĕn máng. They also are all very busy.
qù. They also are all going.
huí sùshè. They also are all going back to the dormitory.
hái xíng. They also are all alright.
yŏu yìdiănr shì. They also all have something to do.
qù bàn yìdiănr shì. They also are all going to take care of something.
hĕn hăo. They also are all very well.
9. yŏu yìdiănr shì. I have something to do.
He has something to do.
Tāmen They have something to do.
Zhào Guócái Zhao Guocai has something to do.
Wŏ bàba My father has something to do.
I have something to do.


Unit 1, Part 3: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Èi, Lăo , nĭ hăo a! Hey, Old He, how are you?
Hey, Old Ke, how are you?
Wáng Hey, Old Wang, how are you?
Gāo Hey, Old Gao, how are you?
Zhào Hey, Old Zhao, how are you?
Hey, Old He, how are you?
2. Xiăo Gāo , zuìjìn zĕmmeyàng a? Little Gao, how have you been recently?
Little He, how have you been recently?
Little Ke, how have you been recently?
Wáng Little Wang, how have you been recently?
Zhào Little Zhao, how have you been recently?
Gāo Little Gao, how have you been recently?
3. Wŏ bù máng. I’m not busy.
jĭnzhāng. I’m not nervous.
lăo. I’m not old.
ăi. I’m not short.
zŏu. I’m not leaving.
máng. I’m not busy.
4. Tā yĕ bú kùn. He is also not sleepy.
lèi. He is also not tired.
zuò. He is also not sitting.
jìn. He is also not entering.
qù. He is also not going.
kùn. He is also not sleepy.
5. Bú tài máng. Not very busy.
lèi. Not very tired.
kùn. Not very sleepy.
gāo. Not very tall.
lăo. Not very old.
nán. Not very difficult.
máng. Not very busy.
6. Nĭ gōngzuò máng bu máng? Is your work busy or not?
lèi bu lèi? Is your work tiring or not?
nán bu nán? Is your work difficult or not?
jĭnzhāng bu jĭnzhāng? Is your work intense or not?
róngyi bu róngyi? Is your work easy or not?
máng bu máng? Is your work busy or not?
7. Tāmen zuìjìn tĭng jĭnzhāng de. They have been quite nervous recently.
lèi They have been quite tired recently.
kùn They have been quite sleepy recently.
máng They have been quite busy recently.
hăo They have been quite well recently.
jĭnzhāng They have been quite nervous recently.


Unit 1, Part 4: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Lín Tàitai , xièxie nín le! Thank you, Mrs. Lin!
Wáng Xiānsheng Thank you, Mr. Wang!
Zhào Xiáojie Thank you, Miss Zhao!
Xiè Tàitai Thank you, Mrs. Xie!
Hé Xiānsheng Thank you, Mr. He!
Lín Tàitai Thank you, Mrs. Lin!
2. Wáng Xiānsheng, qĭng jìn! Mr. Wang, please enter!
màn zŏu! Mr. Wang, please take care!
zuò! Mr. Wang, please sit down!
qù shítáng! Mr. Wang, please go to the cafeteria!
huí sùshè! Mr. Wang, please return to the dormitory!
jìn! Mr. Wang, please enter!
3. Xiăo Zhào, qĭng nĭ dào shítáng qù. Little Zhao, please go to the cafeteria.
dào túshūguăn qù. Little Zhao, please go to the library.
huí sùshè. Little Zhao, please return to the dormitory.
qù bàn yìdiănr shì. Little Zhao, please go and take care of something.
xièxie tāmen. Little Zhao, please thank them.
qù. Little Zhao, please go.
zŏu. Little Zhao, please leave.
dào shítáng qù. Little Zhao, please go to the cafeteria.
4. zŏu le. I’ll be going now.
yŏu I have it now.
kùn I’ve gotten sleepy.
lèi I’ve gotten tired.
lăo I’ve gotten old.
hăo I’m O.K. now.
kéyi I’m O.K. now.
zŏu I’ll be going now.
5. bú qù le. I’m no longer going.
bú zuò I won’t sit any longer.
bú bàn I don’t handle it any more.
bù zŏu I’m not leaving anymore.
bù xíng I’m in a bad way now.
bú kùn I’m no longer tired.
bù jĭnzhāng I’m no longer nervous.
bú qù I’m no longer going.
6. lèi le ma? Have you gotten tired?
kùn Have you gotten sleepy?
hăo Are you O.K. now?
bú qù Are you no longer going?
bú bàn Are you no longer doing it?
lèi Have you gotten tired?
7. Zhōngwén yŏu yìsi ma? Is Chinese interesting?
méi yìsi Is Chinese not interesting?
nán Is Chinese difficult?
róngyi Is Chinese easy?
yŏu yìsi Is Chinese interesting?
8. Tāmen gāo ma? Are they tall?
Am I tall?
Are you tall?
Nín Are you tall?
Is he tall?
Wŏmen Are we tall?
Nĭmen Are you tall?
Tāmen Are they tall?


Unit 2, Part 1: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. shi nĕiguó rén? What country are you from?
Nín What country are you from?
What country is she from?
Xiăo Hé What country is Little He from?
Lăo Zhào What country is Old Zhao from?
Bái Xiáojie What country is Miss Bai from?
Xiè Tàitai What country is Mrs. Xie from?
What country are you from?
2. Tā shi Zhōngguo rén. She is Chinese.
Jiā’nádà rén. She is Canadian.
hăo háizi. She is a good child.
Zhōngwén lăoshī. She is a Chinese teacher.
wŏ bàba. He is my father.
wŏ àiren. She is my spouse.
hăo rén. She is a good person.
Zhōngguo rén. She is Chinese.
3. Nĭ shì bu shi Zhōngguo rén? Are you Chinese?
zŏngjīnglĭ? Are you the general manager?
Jiā’nádà rén? Are you Canadian?
Mĕiguo rén? Are you American?
Rìbĕn rén? Are you Japanese?
jīnglĭ? Are you the manager?
Zhōngguo rén? Are you Chinese?
4. Wŏ bú shi Zhōngguo rén. I’m not Chinese.
Táiwān rén. I’m not Taiwanese.
Xībānyá rén. I’m not Spanish.
Yīngguo rén. I’m not English.
lăoshī. I’m not a teacher.
jīnglĭ. I’m not the manager.
zŏngjīnglĭ. I’m not the general manager.
Zhōngguo rén. I’m not Chinese.
5. jiào shémme míngzi? What is your name?
What is her name?
Nĭ māma What is your mother’s name?
Zhèiwèi tóngxué What is this student’s name?
Nèiwèi lăoshī What is that teacher’s name?
What is your name?
6. jiào shémme? What is his name?
wèn What did he ask?
bàn What is he taking care of?
yŏu What does he have?
jiào What is his name?
7. Nĭmen dōu shi Mĕiguo rén ma? Are you all Americans?
lăoshī Are you all teachers?
Rìbĕn rén Are you all Japanese?
Zhōngguo rén Are you all Chinese?
jīnglĭ Are you all managers?
Mĕiguo rén Are you all Americans?
8. Wŏmen bù dōu shi Mĕiguo rén. We are not all Americans.
Jiā’nádà rén. We are not all Canadians.
xīn lăoshī. We are not all new teachers.
xuésheng. We are not all students.
zŏngjīnglĭ. We are not all general managers.
tóngshì. We are not all colleagues.
Mĕiguo rén. We are not all Americans.
9. Wŏmen dōu bú shi Mĕiguo rén. None of us are Americans.
Zhōngguo rén. None of us are Chinese.
Rìbĕn rén. None of us are Japanese.
lăoshī. None of us are teachers.
jīnglĭ. None of us are managers.
háizi. None of us are children.
Mĕiguo rén. None of us are Americans.
10. Nèiwèi tóngxué yĕ shi Rìbĕn rén. That classmate is also Japanese.
lăoshī That teacher is also Japanese.
Gāo Xiānsheng That Mr. Gao is also Japanese.
Kē Tàitai That Mrs. Ke is also Japanese.
Lín Xiáojie That Miss Lin is also Japanese.
tóngxué That classmate is also Japanese.
11. Nĕiwèi tóngxué jiào Wáng Jīngshēng? Which student is called Wang Jingsheng?
Zhèiwèi . This student is called Wang Jingsheng.
Nèiwèi . That student is called Wang Jingsheng.
Nĕiwèi ? Which student is called Wang Jingsheng?


Unit 2, Part 2: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Zhè shi wŏde xīn tóngwū. This is my new roommate.
nĭde This is your new roommate.
tāde This is her new roommate.
Xiăo Línde This is Little Lin’s new roommate.
Lăo Wángde This is Old Wang’s new roommate.
wŏde This is my new roommate.
2. Huānyíng nĭ dào Zhōngguo lái! Welcome to China!
wŏmende sùshè Welcome to our dormitory!
wŏmende shítáng Welcome to our cafeteria!
wŏmende túshūguăn Welcome to our library!
Mĕiguo Welcome to the United States!
Rìbĕn Welcome to Japan!
Zhōngguo Welcome to China!
3. Wŏ hĕn gāoxìng rènshi nĭ. I’m very happy to become acquainted with you.
nĭ shi wŏde tóngwū. I’m very happy that you are my roommate.
nín shi wŏmende lăoshī. I’m very happy that you are our teacher.
dào Zhōngguo qù. I’m very happy to go to China.
xuéxí Zhōngwén. I’m very happy to study Chinese.
dào Mĕiguo qù. I’m very happy to go to the United States.
rènshi nĭ. I’m very happy to become acquainted with you.
4. Bié zhèmme chēnghu wŏ! Don’t address me this way!
wèn! Don’t ask!
wèn ta! Don’t ask him!
gāoxìng! Don’t be happy!
bù gāoxìng! Don’t be unhappy!
dào Zhōngguo qù! Don’t go to China!
qù wŏmende sùshè! Don’t go to our dormitory!
lái wŏmende shítáng! Don’t come to our dining hall!
zhèmme chēnghu wŏ! Don’t address me this way!
5. Nĭ bú yào zŏu! Don’t leave!
qù! Don’t go!
wèn! Don’t ask!
lái! Don’t come!
zuò! Don’t sit!
zŏu! Don’t leave!
6. Háishi jiào wŏ Xiăo Chén hăole. Why don’t you just call me Little Chen.
jiào wŏ Lăo Luó Why don’t you just call me Old Luo.
jiào tā Lín Tàitai Why don’t you just call her Mrs. Lin.
dài nĭde tóngwū Why don’t you just bring your roommate.
dài nĭde háizi Why don’t you just bring your kids.
jiào wŏ Xiăo Chén Why don’t you just call me Little Chen.
7. Wŏ yīnggāi zĕmme chēnghu nín? How should I address you?
nĭ? How should I address you?
tā? How should I address him?
nĭde tóngwū? How should I address your roommate?
nĭde bàba? How should I address your father?
nĭmende zŏngjīnglĭ? How should I address your general manager?
nín? How should I address you?
8. shi shéi a? Who is that?
Zhè Who is this?
Who is she?
Tāmen Who are they?
Who are you?
Nĭmen Who are you all?
Who am I?
Wŏmen Who are we?
Who is that?


Unit 2, Part 3: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Wŏ xìng Gāo. Nín guìxìng? My name is Gao. What is your name?
Wáng. My name is Wang. What is your name?
Lín. My name is Lin. What is your name?
Shī. My name is Shi. What is your name?
Wú. My name is Wu. What is your name?
Chén. My name is Chen. What is your name?
Gāo. My name is Gao. What is your name?
2. Nín zài nĕige dānwèi gōngzuò? Which organization do you work at?
gōngsī Which company do you work at?
dàxué Which university do you work at?
túshūguăn Which library do you work at?
shítáng Which cafeteria do you work at?
dānwèi Which organization do you work for?
3. Wŏ zài Xiānggăng Zhōngwén Dàxué xuéxí. I study at Chinese University of Hong Kong.
sùshè I study in the dormitory.
túshūguăn I study at the library.
shítáng I study in the cafeteria.
dānwèi I study in my work unit.
gōngsī I study at the company.
Xiānggăng Zhōngwén Dàxué I study at Chinese University of Hong Kong.
4. Xiăo Wáng zài nĕige dàshĭguăn gōngzuò? Which embassy does Little Wang work at?
zhèige . Little Wang works at this embassy.
nèige . Little Wang works at that embassy.
nĕige ? Which embassy does Little Wang work at?
5. Tā bàba zài yìjiā gōngsī gōngzuò. Her father works for a company.
nĕijiā ? Which company does her father work for?
zhèijiā . Her father works for this company.
nèijiā . Her father works for that company.
yìjiā . Her father works for a company.
6. Nèiwèi shi Mă Xiàozhăng. That is President Ma.
Zhèiwèi . This is President Ma.
Nĕiwèi ? Which one is President Ma?
Nèiwèi . That is President Ma.
7. Tā shi nínde xiānsheng ba? I suppose he is your husband?
lăoshī I suppose he is your teacher?
jīnglĭ I suppose he is your manager?
tàitai I suppose she is your wife?
tóngshì I suppose she is your colleague?
tóngwū I suppose she is your roommate?
tóngxué I suppose she is your classmate?
xiānsheng I suppose he is your husband?
8. Nĭ hĕn gāoxìng ba? I suppose you must be happy?
jĭnzhāng I suppose you must be nervous?
kùn I suppose you must be sleepy?
lèi I suppose you must be tired?
máng I suppose you must be busy?
gāoxìng I suppose you must be happy?
9. Nĭmen yĕ gōngzuò ba? I suppose you are also working?
dài I suppose you are also bringing some?
rènshi I suppose you are also acquainted?
yŏu I suppose you also have some?
I suppose you are also going?
bàn I suppose you are also doing it?
gōngzuò I suppose you are also working?


Unit 2, Part 4: Substitution Drills

Listen to the audio; after each prompt, say the new sentence using that substitution. Do each drill at least twice: first with the book open, then with the book closed. Each drill starts with a model sentence for you to repeat.

1. Duìbuqĭ, wŏ méi dài míngpiàn. Sorry, I didn’t bring a name card.
jièshao tā. Sorry, I didn’t introduce him.
wèn nĭ. Sorry, I didn’t ask you.
xièxie nĭ. Sorry, I didn’t thank you.
dài míngpiàn. Sorry, I didn’t bring a name card.
2. Wŏ gēn Luó Xiáojie dōu bú shi Yīngguo rén. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is English.
lèi. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is tired.
kùn. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is sleepy.
shi Mĕiguo rén. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is American.
shi Zhōngguo rén. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is Chinese.
shi Yīngguo rén. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is English.
3. Wŏ gēn Luó Xiáojie dōu bù gāoxìng. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is happy.
lái. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is coming.
gāo. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is tall.
lăo. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is old.
máng. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is busy.
zŏu. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is leaving.
gāoxìng. Miss Luo and I, neither one of us is happy.
4. Tāmen dōu méi qù. None of them went.
lái. None of them came.
zuò. None of them sat.
zŏu. None of them left.
wèn. None of them asked.
dài. None of them brought it.
gōngzuò. None of them worked.
qù. None of them went.
5. Zhè shi Zhōng-Mĕi Màoyì Gōngsī de Shī Xiáojie. This is Miss Shi from the Sino-American Trading Company.
Xiānggăng Dàxué This is Miss Shi from Hong Kong University.
Rìbĕn Dàshĭguăn This is Miss Shi from the Japanese Embassy.
túshūguăn This is Miss Shi from the library.
Jiā’nádà Dàshĭguăn This is Miss Shi from the Canadian Embassy.
Zhōng-Mĕi Màoyì Gōngsī This is Miss Shi from the Sino-American Trading Company.
6. Nĭ rènshi nèiwèi tàitai ma? Do you know that lady?
xiānsheng Do you know that gentleman?
xiáojie Do you know that young lady?
nǚshì Do you know that lady?
lăoshī Do you know that teacher?
xiàozhăng Do you know that president?
tóngxué Do you know that classmate?
tàitai Do you know that lady?
7. Nĭ dài bu dài míngpiàn? Are you bringing name cards?
tóngxué? Are you bringing classmates?
tóngshì? Are you bringing colleagues?
nĭ xiānsheng? Are you bringing your husband?
nĭ tàitai? Are you bringing your wife?
nĭ māma? Are you bringing your mother?
nĭde háizi? Are you bringing your children?
Gāo Xiáojie? Are you bringing Miss Gao?
míngpiàn? Are you bringing name cards?
8. Tāmen méi dōu qù. Not all of them went.
zuò. Not all of them sat.
zŏu. Not all of them left.
wèn. Not all of them asked.
lái. Not all of them came.
qù. Not all of them went.