Aagaard, Kjersti, 27
Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry (ABD), 46
acidic drinks, 63, 64–65, 89–90, 122–23, 135, 169
acidic foods
limiting, 130
and mineral repair, 60
and mouth acidity, 98
tooth-protective food or xylitol after eating, 173
acidic saliva, 63, 80, 81, 82, 83, 92–93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 169
acidified essential oil rinse, 170–71
acids produced by anaerobic plaque, 94
and brushing your teeth, 169
and calculus buildup, 49
and CAMBRA programs, 152
cariostatic foods diluting and balancing, 65–66
and cavity bacteria, 88
cavity formation through, 83
and demineralization, 83
and disease, 101
and hormone fluctuations, 175–76
influencing oral biofilm, 48
protecting mouths from, 37
and S. mutans bacteria, 34
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, 99
Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, 113
aging and dental disease, 103
alkaline saliva, 60, 81, 83, 95, 100, 133, 155
and bacteria formation, 47
and baking soda, 99
ending meals with food high in, 61
for improved health, 100
and mineralization, 82
Alzheimer’s disease, 17, 22, 23, 166
amalgam filling, 46. See also silver-mercury-amalgam fillings
ameloblasts, 138
American Academy for Oral Systematic Health (AAOSH) Challenge, xix, xvi, xx, 33
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 35, 142
American Academy of Periodontology guidelines for gum disease, 9–10
American Dental Association (ADA), xvii, 2–3, 5, 6, 79, 113, 148
anaerobic plaque, 66, 79–80, 88, 94, 134, 169
Anaheim, California, 14
animals, xylitol not given to, 120
antibacterials, 55
antibiotics, 4, 32, 38, 42, 50, 54, 152, 173
antiseptics, 4, 32, 38, 42, 54, 106, 121, 152, 156
apple cider vinegar, 61, 63, 95
apple juice, 64
apples, 64
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 52
arthritis and gum disease, 23
artificial sweeteners, xylitol mixed with, 120–21
ameloblasts in the jaws of, 138
influence of mother’s oral health on health of, 133–34
mothers sharing healthy mouth bacteria with, 129–30
xylitol for, 117
baby formula, 135
bacteremia, 101
Human Microbiome Project, 72
on infected toothbrushes, 112
and new understanding about foods, 71–72
in our digestive tract, diet and, 59
in the placenta and amniotic fluids, 133
xylitol used for removal of, 115–16
bacteria in the mouth
as beneficial to mouth health, xv
brushing teeth and transfer of, 105
as cause of periodontal disease, 42
and chronic health problems, 17–18
in colonies, 47
and cracks, 93
denitrifying, 156
and disease transmission, 18–19
diversity of healthy, 33–35, 47
and gum disease, 20
harmful, xv–xvi, 4, 10, 11, 14, 33–34, 38, 59, 84, 93, 94, 128, 129, 154
healthy, xvii, xxi, 5, 12, 14, 24, 33, 34, 35, 38, 73, 97, 115, 129, 131, 145, 153, 155
ignored in dental-restoration era, 3
ignored with cosmetic surgery, 4
impact of cleanings on, 11
increasing speed of calculus formation, 49
infecting oral biofilm, 48
in mouth’s ecosystem, 31
and odontoblasts, 44
and periodontal pathogens, 20–21
promoting a balance of healthy bacteria in children, 129
pushed through the gum and entering the bloodstream, 25
relationship to oral health, xv–xvi
sugar’s role in feeding cavity-forming, 127–28
testing for, 154
transmission of, 35–37, 150–51
bacterial flora, 34
bacterial migration (colonization), 33
baked goods, xylitol in, 114–15
baking soda, 42, 43, 50, 53, 99, 105, 125, 141, 172
bananas, 61
battery-operated toothbrushes, 104
Baylor Medical College, Texas, 27
BBC World Service, 110
bedtime routine for oral health, 126
bicarbonate of soda. See baking soda
biochemical balance in the mouth, xv
and apple cider vinegar, 63
characteristics of a healthy, 46–47
and control of periodontal pathogens, 24
dental cleanings removing, 159–60, 161
and frequent dental cleanings, 38, 160
and harmful mouth bacteria, 38, 48
and health saliva, 52
Human Microbiome Project, 72
importance of healthy, 47–48, 49
and mineralization, 82
natural care product ingredients and removal of, 63–64
protection of a healthy, 49–50
and remineralization, 87
and whitening treatments, 90–91
and xylitol, 115
See also plaque
Blaser, Martin J., 31
bleach/bleaching, 32, 90, 91, 112, 136–37, 153, 156
bleach, prerinse of, 153
bleeding of the gums, 27, 39, 40
blood flow, to gums and teeth, 106
bodily health
dental restoration’s impact on, 2–3
and history of dentistry, 1
and insurance companies, 153–54
and learning about new patients, 174–75
link between oral health and, xv, 17–18, 20–27
xylitol for, 119
See also health and dental issues
body inflammation
and periodontal pathogens, 20–21
test measuring your, xvi–xvii, 17, 79
See also periodontal disease
bone loss and gum disease, 21
Bowden, Bobby, 103
BPA, in white plastic fillings, 9, 19, 29, 135, 157
brine pickles, 70
British Oral Health Foundation, 110
brushing your teeth
and bleeding gums, 40
with gingivitis, 40
gum massage technique, 104, 105, 106–7
stimulating gum circulation, 104, 106–7
tips for, 105
butyrate, 57, 68, 74, 115, 119
calcium, 49, 61–62, 67, 80, 82
calculus, 49
CAMBRA (caries management by risk assessment), 152–53
Cancer, 158
candida overgrowth, 38
carbohydrates, 34, 47, 48, 59, 79, 80, 88, 128
cardiovascular health, 17, 21, 23. See also heart disease and heart attacks
Cargill, 121
Caries Research, 95
carotid artery plaque, xvi–xvii, 17, 77, 79
carrots, 72
catechins, 64
bolstering salivary defenses to fight, 52
and breastfeeding, 134
definition, 84
influence of toothbrushing on, 105
oral health and, xvi
predictability of sequential decay patterns, 8–9
reversing, xx, 8, 15, 86–89, 148
See also fillings; remineralization
cement-enamel junction, 43
CEREC method, 46
charcuterie, 70
cheese, 61, 62, 63, 66, 70, 88, 90, 100, 135
apple juice for, 64
author’s professional recommendations for, 141–42
born by cesarean section, 133–34
and dental caries, 84
diversity of healthy mouth bacteria in, 129
emphasis on perfect-looking teeth for, 4
fluoride toothpaste for, 141
and fluorosis, 138
new approach for dental care for, 143–45
opportunities for developing mouth health in, 130–31
overcoming inherited features of oral health, 132–33
professional recommendations for, 141–42
sugar exposure and tooth-protective foods for, 127–28
testimonial on Complete Mouth Care System for, 176–77
and toothbrush contamination, 36
whitening treatments for, 136–37
See also babies
chronic inflammatory health conditions, xv, 17, 166
cider vinegar, 57, 63, 64, 100
citrus fruits, 57
cleanings. See dental cleanings
coconut oil, 172
colonization (bacterial migration), 33
Complete Mouth Care System, xviii–xix, xxi, 55, 87, 165–77
benefits from following, xxi
frequency of use, 167
and healthy gum tissue (for gingivitis), 39–40
preparing mouth for, before a dental visit, 152
as a preventive measure, 172–73
specific sequencing for, 167–72
step 1: pre-brushing rinse with chlorine dioxide, 168–69
step 2: brushing teeth with sodium fluoride, 169–70
step 3: rinse with acidified essential oils, 170–71
step 4: rinse with sodium fluoride, 171–72
step 5: cleaning your toothbrush, 172
support from others for, 162–63
used by London Times reporter, 109–10
for white-spot damage, 95
who should use, 166
working with new patients, 174–75
Consolaro, Alberto, 91
contact point, 93
Copernicus, 147
coral reef analogy, 31, 68, 84, 122
coronary heart disease, 25
corporate dental franchises, 7
cortisol, 104
Corynebacterium matruchotii, 49
cost issues
never-ending maintenance of fillings, 8–9
whitening treatment, 91
cracks in enamel, 93
cranberry juice, 64
crevicular fluid, 80
Crohn’s disease and gum disease, 23
cucumber, 90
custard, 61
daily home care, 163–64. See also Complete Mouth Care System
daily mouth care, 19, 117, 124–26
dairy products, 58–59. See also milk
dark chocolate, 65
dates, 72
dementia, 17, 21, 22, 23, 114, 166
and alkalizing the mouth, 38
and braces, 142
and cranberry juice, 64
resulting in death of a tooth, 91
and staining, 89
with teas, 64
See also mineral loss
Deming, W. Edwards, 17
dental care
new directions in, 177
reactive vs. preventive, 78–79
See also history of dentistry
dental caries, 26, 84–85. See also cavities
dental cleanings
doing more harm than good, 5
healthy biofilm removed during, 50
hygiene-model practices, 159–60
and improving oral health, 38–39
inability to promote mouth health, xv–xvi
and mouth bacteria, 38
problems with frequent, 159–62
removing protein layer, xvii
scientific findings on impact of, 6
with titanium dental implants, 160–61
and aging, 103
health conditions associated with, 23
knowing if you have, 164
as transmission of bacterial infection, 18–19
dental history. See history of dentistry
dental insurance, 7
dental patients
becoming empowered, xix–xx, 6, 155–57, 162
different types of care for different types of, 161–62
monitoring their oral care products, 149–50
postponing treatment, 148
talking with your dentist, 157
using gifted sample products, 148–49
Dental Press Journal of Orthodontics, 91
dental visits and treatments
ADA recommendations on intervals of, 6
bacterial transfer in dental offices, 150–52
lack of reevaluation of patient’s progress in, 79
postponing, 148
standard protocol for, 78
treatment ladder, 7
dental water lines, infections from bacteria in, 14
dentin tubule, 43
attention given to oral health effects on general health, 79
challenges to new graduates, 6–7
and dental marketing, xv
gifted samples of products, 148–49
need for visiting your, 149
recommended goal of, xxi
and responsibility for oral health, 12, 13
restoration-focused, 2
talking with your, 157
training, 1960s vs. 1980s, 3
using author’s method of oral care, 27–28
as your dental health coach and advisor, 153
dentrifying bacteria, 156
controlling tooth decay with, 79–80
to develop healthy saliva and biofilm, 52
digestive ecosystem dependent on, 48
and digestive health, 73
feeding cavity bacteria, 88
foods for your immune system, 72
foods for mouth health, 72
foods offering dental benefits and protection, 37–38
foods to avoid, 173
for healthy biofilm, 51
for a healthy mouth, 88
influence on biofilm, 48
interplay between nutrition, digestive health and, 59–60
as key to oral and general health, 1
new understanding about, 71–72
in the 1980s, 58
for promoting healthy biofilm and bacteria, 49
tooth-safe foods, 88
See also acidic drinks; acidic foods; digestive health; tooth-protective foods
to develop healthy saliva and biofilm, 52
and gum-disease pathogens, 22
influencing biofilm, 48
interplay between diet, nutrition, and, 59–60
need for good bacteria for, 69
nutritional supplements for, 67–68
relationship with oral health, 49, 58, 60–61, 72–75
successful mouth care involving, xx
supporting immune system, 52
and xylitol, 57, 114, 115, 117
disease model of dentistry, xviii
dogs, xylitol and, 120
drinking at mealtimes, 49, 126. See also
sipping of drinks drinks, 31
dry mouth
and acidic damage, 93
as an inherited feature, 132
avoiding baking soda and peroxide with, 50
and bad breath, 121
Complete Mouth Care System for, 125, 126, 171
and dental cleanings, 160
and frequent cleanings, 38
regaining alkaline mouth after eating with, 63
rinses and pastes for, 111, 125
xylitol for, 93, 118, 120, 133, 167
dysbiosis, 5
ear infections, 23, 47–48, 115
ecosystem of the mouth
amount of time to change, 155
changing, 38
controlling unhealthy bacteria in, xx–xxi
dependent on foods eaten, 58
and ecosystem of other areas, 23, 47–48, 72–73
influence of diet on, 59
knowing if there is an imbalance in, 150
as primary defense against cavities and gum disease, 19
See also bacteria in the mouth
Edison, Thomas, 147
electric toothbrushes, 107
empowered dental patients, xix–xx, 6, 155–57, 162
enamel. See tooth enamel
erythritol, 121
esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, 26
essential oil rinse, 37, 112, 170–71, 172
evolution of dentistry. See history of dentistry
extractions, in history of dentistry, 1
Featherstone, John, 152
fibrinogen, 26
figs, 72
and biting force, 93
inability to stop the mouth’s infection, 85
silver-mercury-amalgam, 1–2, 9, 29, 45–46, 90
tooth extractions replaced with, 1–2
flossing, 10, 22, 25, 108–10, 148, 173–74, xvii
CAMBRA system, 153
topical sodium fluoride, 96–97
used with chlorine dioxide rinse, 168–69
See also sodium fluoride
fluoride tablets, 141
focus of infection, 1
Foley, N.C., 22
food as cause of tooth decay, misconception on, 79
food particles
and periodontal disease, 41–42
foods. See diet Franklin, Benjamin, 127
Frenkel, Erica Shapiro, 52
Fuchs, Ben, 20
general health. See bodily health; health and dental issues
genetics and oral health, 132–33
gingivectomy, 42
glycerol, 141
grape seed extract, 64
green tea, 64
gum disease
American Academy of Periodontology guidelines for, 9–10
baking soda and peroxide mixture for, 99
doctors’ awareness of link between bodily health and, 32
harmful mouth bacteria and, xv–xvi
risk factors for, 104
root sensitivity after, 43
and toothbrushing, 104
See also periodontal disease
gum health
cement-enamel junction, 43
and gum massage/gum brushing, 104, 105, 106–7
and root sensitivity, 43
gum pockets
and bacterial testing, 154
gingivitis, 40
hydrogen peroxide and baking soda applied to, 42
and periodontal disease, 40, 42
and soft toothbrushes, 107
xylitol not eliminating periodontal pathogens from, 120
See also periodontal pockets
gum recession, 38, 42, 43, 53, 99, 109, 125
cutting of, 42
general health and gum health, 17
suggestions for supporting healthy gum tissue, 39–40
whitening damaging, 90
gut, healthy bacteria in our, 71
halitosis (bad breath), 121–24
Haraszthy, V., 122
Harvard School of Public Health, 23
health and dental issues, 17–29
conditions related with dental and gum disease, 20–27
and nurturing healthy mouth bacteria, 24–25
and periodontal pathogens, 20–22, 24
transmission of dental disease, 18–19, 35–37
See also bodily health
health benefits
healthy biofilm, 49
heart disease and heart attacks, 17, 24, 25–26, 41. See also cardiovascular health
high blood pressure, and gum disease, 23
hip replacements, 25
history of dentistry
American Dental Association (ADA), 2
extractions in order to solve medical problems, 1
focus on removing bad bacteria, 4–5
new techniques and equipment, 14–15
sustainable oral health, 15–16
homemade toothpastes, 53, 63, 163–64
hormones/hormonal changes, 39, 51, 74, 98, 104, 133, 166, 175–76
hot and cold, teeth sensitivity, 45, 47
Hubbard, Elbert, 1
Human Microbiome Project, 33, 72
hydrogen peroxide. See peroxide
hygiene model of dental practice, 159–60
immune system
and biofilm health, 48
and blood flow to gums, 106
boosting before a dental visit, 152
dental cleanings and a compromised, 25
and digestive health, 52, 53, 59–60
and periodontal pathogens, 21, 27, 41
incomplete lip closure, 81
infants, xylitol for, 117.See also babies
infected toothbrushes, 112
around dental implants, 10
from bacteria in dental water lines, 14
baking soda/peroxide poultice for gum, 99
dentistry approach to masking underlying, 2, 3
digestive health and fighting, 74
gum. See periodontal disease
periodontal pathogens causing, 41
remaining after dental treatments, 8
sinus, 23
and tooth sensitivity, 45
infertility-treatment failure, and gum disease, 23
and digestive health, 53
and heart disease, 24
from periodontal pathogens, 41
See also body inflammation; periodontal disease
Inspektor Research Systems light technology, 154
insurance companies/industry, 78–79, 153–54, 159
interdental brushes, 108
International Dental Journal, 95
interproximal carious lesions, 93–94
iodine, 173
irritable bowel syndrome, and gum disease, 23
Jeffcoat, Marjorie K., 26
joint replacement failure, and gum disease, 23
Journal of Dental Research, 6
The Journal of the American Dental Association, 26
Kendrick, Malcolm, 77
kimchi, 70
kissing your baby/child(ren), 129–30, 134
Kiss Your Dentist Goodbye (Phillips), xix–xx, 86, 152, 167, 170, 172
knee replacements, 25
kombucha, 70
Kutch, Kim, 152
kvass, 70
lactose, 66
ladder of treatment options, 7–8
The Lancet, 26
Landes, Christine, 176
leaky gut, and xylitol, 115, 117
lemon juice, 61
lip structure, 81
Listerine®, 37, 112, 148, 170, 172
Lopez, Nestor J., 26
marketing. See dental marketing
marketing, toothpaste, 124
maturation, 136
medications, xiii, 39, 80, 98, 166
medium toothbrushes, 104
meningioma, 158
mercury, in silver amalgam fillings, 1, 9, 29, 90
Michalowicz, Bryan S., 26
middle-ear infections, 23, 47–48, 115
whole-milk, 61, 62, 63, 66, 100
fluoride rinsing hastening, 140
instruments measuring tooth hardness, 154
and staining, 89
xylitol for, 113
See also demineralization; remineralization
mineral loss, 32, 48, 60, 97. See also demineralization
and healthy biofilm, 47, 50–51
miso, 70
molar grooves, 33, 34–35, 85, 131, 135–36, 159
decay in first, 139
importance of fissures in, 71
later-erupting, 141
sodium fluoride with xylitol for, 97
that have been cut, 94
mouth acidity. See acidity
mouth breathing, 32, 98, 132, 142. See also dry mouth
mouth dryness. See dry mouth
mouth guards, and saliva flow, 81
mouth health. See oral health
mouth rinse(s). See rinsing teeth/mouth
mouth ulcers, 156
mucins, 52
mushrooms, 72
MyPerioPath®, 154
nasal health, xviii, 47–48, 57, 122, 133
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 42
natto, 70
The New England Journal of Medicine, 26
nighttime, dry mouth during, 126
nitric oxide, 73
nitrite (NO2), 155
core ideas of, 67
interplay between diet, digestive health and, 59–60
mineralizing saliva, 82
new understanding about, 71–72
See also diet; digestive health
nutritional supplements, 67–68
oil pulling, 43
onions, 72
opportunistic pathogens
controlling, 24
and toothbrush contamination, 36
and toothbrush storage, 36
oral care products
and American Dental Association (ADA), 148
for bad breath, 121
of Complete Mouth Care System, xviii–xix, 172
dentists sharing gifted samples of, 148–49
destroying healthy bacteria, 156
harm from apparently healthy, 53
and healthy biofilm, 53
spitting after using, 97
as temporary fixes for symptoms, 124
See also toothbrushes; toothpastes; xylitol
Oral DNA’s My PerioPath® test, 154
oral health
baby teeth’s influence on adult, 130–31
connection between digestive health and, 58, 60–61, 72–75
and dementia, 22
determinants of, xv
and healthy mouth ecosystem, xx–xxi
in history of dentistry, 1
and ideas about nutrition, 67
infection on toothbrushes influencing, 35–37
link between general health and, xv, 17–18, 20–27, measuring. See tests and testing
new understanding about, 54–55
and nurturing good bacteria, 4–5
and nutritional supplements, 68
people rating the status of their, 164
of pregnant mother, influence on baby, 129–30, 133–34
and risk factors, 12
shift in thinking about, 54–55
testing. See tests and testing
oral health, improving
and bacterial transmission, 35–37, 150–51
care and storage of toothbrushes, 35–37
and diversity of healthy bacteria, 33–35, 46
oral probiotics, 53–54, 70–71, 129
Oral Systemic Health Challenge, xvi–xvii, xx, 33, 77
Oral Wellness Consultants, United Concordia, 153
osteoporosis and xylitol, 115
pancreatic cancer, gum disease linked to, 23
papaya, 59
Pasteur, Louis, 101
patients. See dental patients
“Patient Stratification for Preventive Care in Dentistry,” 6
pellicle, 100
peri-implantitis, 10
periodontal disease
association between preterm birth and, 26
baking soda and peroxide as treatment for, 99–100
and cortisol, 104
cutting the gums to treat, 42
dental implants following, 10
identifying, 32
past treatments for, 42
and toothbrush cleanliness, 112–13
transmissible nature of, 42
unresolved, 41
periodontal pathogens
controlling, 24
and coronary heart disease, 25–26
and flossing, 22
involved in chronic inflammatory conditions, 20–21
killing and removing, 25
as opportunistic bacteria, 21–22
Oral DNA testing identifying, 154
and periodontal disease, 40–41
pre-brushing rinse targeting, 168
salivary tests to determine levels of, 27, 155
and toothbrush cleanliness, 112–13
periodontal pockets
bacteria in, 34
computing length of, 22
and dental examinations, 32
and flossing, 22
and periodontal pathogens, 21
reducing depth of, 42
and xylitol, 120
periodontal specialists, 10
peroxide, 172
killing mouth bacteria, 55
odontoblasts damaged by, 44
for periodontal treatment, 10, 24
and root sensitivity, 43
used with baking soda for gum disease, 99
Petersson, Joel, 156
pharyngeal cancer, 26
pH levels
in milk, 66
and oral health, 38
in rinses, 111
pineapple, 59
placenta, bacteria from mother reaching the, 27
planktonic microbes, 35
plant-based foods, 58
anaerobic plaque, 66, 79–80, 94, 134
approaches to ridding the mouth of, 18–19
and breastfeeding, 134
and brushing techniques, 105
in carotid arteries, 17–18, 25, 79, xvi–xvii
and dental cleanings, 11, 13, 125, 161
explained, 94
formation of, 48
viewed as the enemy, 27
xylitol preventing/reducing, 95, 110, 113, 115, 116, 118, 128
See also biofilm
Pollan, Michael, 57
polyphenols, 64
Porphyromonas gingivalis (P. gingivalis), 25–26
and acidic dry mouth, 98
poor oral health during, 26
preventive care during, 133–34
studies on dental care and oral health during, 26–27
xylitol chewing gum given to pregnant women, 129–30
preterm birth, 23
and poor oral health, 17
preventive approach to dental care, 78–79, 133–35
probiotics, 29
oral probiotics, 53–54, 70–71, 129
probiotic supplements, 69. See also oral probiotics
processed foods, 3, 29, 58, 65
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 36
pulp of the tooth, 43, 45, 90, 91
Purdue University, 61
Qubein, Nido, 165
quercetin, 64
quorum sensing, 47
radiation exposure from X-rays, 158
raw-milk cheese, 70
reactive approach to dental care, 78, 86
recession. See gum recession
remineralization, xx
acid-alkaline influences, 100–101
and alkaline saliva, 100
and glycerin, 105
sodium fluoride used for, 86–87, 95, 96–97
and xylitol water, 120
respiratory problems and oral health, 23
restoration-focused dentistry, 2–3
rheumatoid arthritis, 21
Ribbeck, Katharina, 52
with acidified essential oils, 170–71
CAMBRA approach, 153
for children, 137
fluoride rinsing for children, 140–41
increasing the benefit of saliva, 157
“natural” rinses, 111
with sodium fluoride, 86–87, 111, 171–72
with whole milk, 66
root filling, 92
root sensitivity, 43
Rugg-Gunn, Andrew, 61
saccharine, 71
salami, 70
saliva, 60
alkaline, 60, 81, 83, 95, 100, 133, 155
as ally for improving oral health, 80–81
and bacterial transmission, 35
cavity-forming bacteria in, 85
composition of, 80
coral reef analogy, 31, 68, 84, 122
cortisol’s influence on, 104
and demineralization, 82
dental cleanings not changing your, 38
and digestive health, 60
and disease transmission, 18
function of, 80
and healthy biofilm, 51
influences on quality of, 74
and mineralization, 82
periodontal pathogens in, 21
production of, 80
and remineralization, 87
sipping drinks and mineralization, 98–99
test measuring periodontal bacteria in, 154
salivary tests
checking levels of mouth bacteria, 17
dentists not trained for, 79
to determine levels of periodontal pathogens, 22, 24, 27, 109
and flossing, 109
See also tests and testing
sauerkraut, 70
scorched-earth tactics, 106, 122
scraping the tongue, 122
sealants, xxiii, 9, 29, 34–35, 52, 71, 79, 93, 94, 125, 135–36, 140, 142, 159
Semmelweis, Ignaz, 147
seniors, sodium fluoride used by, 97
sensitivity, tooth. See tooth sensitivity
sensitivity toothpaste, 43, 141
septicemia, 25
share-care, 145
silver-mercury-amalgam fillings, 1–2, 9, 29, 45–46, 90
sinusitis and gum disease, 23
sipping of drinks
acidic drinks. See acidic drinks
avoiding, 88
balancing with tooth-safe foods, 89–90, 135
demineralization through, 82–83
dilution of saliva, 88, 98–99, 126, 157
and healthy biofilm, 51
and protecting enamel, 63
and saliva flow, 81
smile presentation, 4
snacks/snacking, 51, 62–63, 81, 83, 128, 135
snoring, 98
sodium fluoride
CAMBRA systems, 153
for children, 139
functions of, 170
hastening mineralization, 136, 137, 139
for remineralization, 86–87, 95–97, 168
rinsing with, 111, 139, 157, 171–72
topical application of, 29
xylitol working with, 87, 95, 119, 140, 169
sorbitol gum, 121
species, of healthy mouth bacteria, 33
staining on artificially whitened teeth, 89
Streptococcus gordonii (S. gordonii), 26
Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), 26, 34, 36, 48, 161, 170
and gum disease, 23
and periodontal pathogens, 41
and poor oral health, 17
sugar(s), 48, 58, 59, 80, 84, 88, 127–28
Swiss dentistry, xvi
systemic inflammation, xvii, xx
Tanzer, J.M., 95
tea tree oil, 172
and interproximal carious lesions, 93
sodium fluoride use, 97
color/whiteness of, 160
coral reef analogy, 31, 68, 84, 122
cracks in, 93
with interproximal caries, 94–95
pain from hot or cold in, 45
rinsing. See rinsing teeth/mouth
sensitivity of. See tooth sensitivity
shapes of, and vulnerability to cavity-forming bacteria, 85
See also molar grooves; molar teeth; tooth enamel
teeth sensitivity. See tooth sensitivity
tempeh, 70
tests and testing
CAMBRA testing, 153
for chronic inflammation, 17–18
contamination levels on toothbrushes, 36
giving dental health warnings, 14–15
measuring periodontal bacteria in saliva, 154
Oral DNA’s My PerioPath®, 154
Oral Systemic Health Challenge, xvi–xvii, xx, 33, 77
See also salivary tests
theobromine, 65
Thompson, M.E., 66
titanium dental implants, 160–62
toddlers, xylitol for, 117
toilet contamination and toothbrush storage, 37, 112, 123, 172
tongue, scraping the, 122
bacteria transferred through, 35–37, 112–13
bad breath and cleaning, 123
battery-operated, 104
caps over brush head, 36
decontaminating, 37
firmness of, 104
and periodontal disease, 41–42
with small heads, 107
soft, 107
transmission of disease through, 18
See also brushing your teeth
toothbrushing. See brushing your teeth
tooth enamel
dental health warnings on, 14
equipment measuring changes in strength of, 158–59
function of healthy, 93
and healthy biofilm, 51
instruments measuring strength of, 154
sodium fluoride for, 96
and staining, 89
and whitening teeth, 89
See also demineralization; remineralization
tooth pain, 44. See also tooth sensitivity
choosing, 125
glycerin in, avoiding, 171
harming biofilm, 50
ideal ingredients in, 124
tooth-protective foods, 61, 62, 63, 65–66, 127–28, 171, 173. See also xylitol
tooth sensitivity, 32, 38, 40, 44–46, 90, 91, 109, 124, 125, 160
topical fluoride, 96–97, 138, 170
travel cases, for toothbrushes, 37
treatments, periodontal disease, 41–42
trigonelline, 65
ultrasoft toothbrush, 104
United Concordia, 153
University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam, 108
University of Buffalo, 122
University of Michigan, 117
University of Michigan Medical School of Dentistry, 6
University of Rochester, 26, 134
UV toothbrush sanitizers, 37, 112
vegan diet, 68
Vipeholm study (1954), 65
Vitamin C, 62
vulnerability to disease, 101
water, fluoridated, 95–96, 138
weak enamel, 53, 89, 91–94, 170
whitening treatments, 4
avoiding products, 43
biofilm harmed by, 50
costs, 91
odontoblasts damaged by chemicals, 44
studies questioning safety of, 91
whole-body health. See bodily health
whole milk, 61, 62, 63, 66, 100
whole-milk cheese, 66
woodwind instruments, transfer of bacteria through, 150
after acidic exposure, 60, 62–63
as alternative to flossing, 108, 109, 110
for babies and children, 134–35
benefits of, 37–38, 57, 113, 114–16, 118–20
and CAMBRA programs, 152
for children and families, 130, 132, 133, 134
Complete Mouth Care System working alongside, 166
controlling acidity with, 73–74
and digestive health, 57, 114, 115, 117
ending meals, snack, or drink with, 61, 63, 65, 70, 88
given to pregnant mothers, 129–30
for healthy biofilm, 49
help limit demineralization, 83
historic use of, 114
kept away from animals, 120
looks and tastes of, 114
oral probiotics sweetened with, 54
and periodontal pathogens, 120
plaque bacteria controlled with, 95, 110, 113, 115, 118, 128
recommended daily amount of, 116–17
reversing cavities with, 87, 88
ridding mouth of cavity-forming bacteria, 128
and saliva, 74
sodium fluoride used with, 87, 97
for staining, 89
used with Complete Mouth Care System, 170
used with dilute sodium fluoride, 95, 119, 140
xylitol gum/mints, 39, 67, 90, 113–14, 116, 117, 120
yoga inversions, 107
yogurt, 57, 59, 61, 63, 69, 70, 88, 156
Zellie’s mint, 152