agave a desert plant having a single, tall flower stalk and thin leaves at the base, such as the yucca and century plants.
char a small trout with light-colored spots.
condiment something used to enhance the flavor of food.
deciduous a tree or plant that sheds its leaves annually.
domesticate to adapt a wild plant or animal for human cultivation or use.
ecosystem the complex of a community of organisms and its environment functioning as an ecological unit.
game any wild animal that is hunted for meat.
irrigate to supply with water by artificial means, usually through a system of pipes or trenches.
lichen a complex organism, composed of fungus and algae, that is usually found forming crusty patches on rocks and trees.
manioc a tropical New World plant with a starchy, tuberous root; also called cassava.
mesa an isolated, relatively flat-topped natural elevation of land.
nomadic roaming about from place to place.
tapir a pig-like animal found in the rain forests of Central and South America.
tuber the thick, fleshy underground stem of a flowering plant, such as a potato.
yucca a member of the agave family that has rigid sword-shaped leaves and white flowers in a thick cluster.