Appendix C



Here are some testimonials by individuals who have benefited from the Choose Again Six-Step Process:


I was a classic workaholic. My work kept me from thinking about the emptiness I felt inside... I had an outwardly perfect life — a wife and two children, a house in a desirable neighborhood, high income from a well-paying job, a member of senior leadership in multinational professional services firm in Canada and a well-respected member of the community. In order to maintain this façade I worked long hours at the office, and then brought more work home every evening and at weekends. I was chronically late home for dinner and missed my children’s school performances.

When my children became teenagers all of the veneer started to peel off. My stress levels were through the roof and I could not cope with the added stress of parenting teens. I blamed my job, my co-workers, and my upbringing, and became increasingly miserable. Fortunately I met Diederik Wolsak and spent a week at the Choose Again Center in Costa Rica.

In a very short time I was able to understand where my problems were coming from, take responsibility for my experience in life, and change my way of thinking. The results of using the Six-Step Process regularly were extraordinary. I became happier than I ever imagined I could be. All my relationships improved tremendously — with my wife, my children, parents, friends, and clients. My stress level came down to close to zero. I was able to effortlessly take on a more senior, global position in the firm, and when a sudden reorganization occurred I was able to take it in stride — a very challenging situation for anyone. My only wish is that I could have learned these techniques sooner in my life, but better late than never!” ~ Eric Andrew


Looking back at my life ten years ago, when I was first introduced to the teachings of Diederik and Choose Again and now seeing who I am today... I am so grateful for the Six-Step Process. It is a technique that has empowered me to withstand life’s hardest moments with such peace, yet also allows me to fully embrace the exquisite moments of joy my life equally includes. This book offers the means to transform who we believe we are into who we are in truth... infinitely powerful and loving! Diederik and his work have truly been a gift to me and countless others and I look forward to sharing his latest publication with those who desire change in their lives.” ~ Dr. David Vass


I have been working with the Six-Step Process for about fifteen years now, and it has become my automatic response to my upsets. What I love about it is that it is so brilliantly clear: I am upset, my upset is about me, and I am responsible for correcting the negative belief that triggered the upset. Then I get to be happy again. Thank you for introducing this simple way of problem solving!” ~ Donna Hone


The Six-Step Process is an incredible tool for total life transformation and taking responsibility for one’s own experience. Before I learned how to work the Process, I had tended to “keep the crazy going” by rehashing my painful experiences, talking about them to a traditional psychotherapist. The Process gave me a powerful tool to empower myself and change the beliefs at the root of the upsets instead. It is a simple step-by-step process for identifying the underlying beliefs about oneself that are subconsciously triggered by various circumstances that one encounters. One is then empowered to “choose again.” To literally choose new beliefs about oneself that are in alignment with who each of us is on the deepest level (Spirit, whole, infinite, one with all of life and Source).” ~ Sharon Chen


Diederik Wolsak’s Choose Again Process has single-handedly changed the way I handle every upset that comes my way. Before learning this technique, I would ruminate over things constantly, viciously caught up in self loathing. Now, if I get stuck, I go through the Six Steps and remember the truth of who I am, which is pure love. This process really is the way out of all suffering. Thank you Diederik.” ~ Judy Morton


Last week I had a school program with 25 kids about the age of 12. A boy told me that no one liked him. He had no friends and only felt safe behind the computer. I asked him “Who is choosing to be like this?” and his answer was, “I am.” Then I asked when he had felt like this for the first time. After a while he said his parents always called him a nerd when he was little. I asked him what he started to believe about himself, and he said, “I am worthless.” I asked if the class believed that and everyone said no. I asked him what the truth must be. “I am valuable,” and the whole group confirmed that it was the truth. I asked him how he felt now and he said: “I’m crying inside with happiness.” Thank you so much Diederik! ~ Tamara Hillebrandt


The Six Step Process was for me a key missing link. I was intellectually a proficient and curious student of metaphysics, but I learned you got to feel it to heal it. Also, I was increasingly able to gain a holographic experience utilizing the Six Step Process, especially in The Circle in Costa Rica. Having learned the body is a neutral communication tool for the Higher Self, but never having experienced such a thing, the Six Step Process with The Circle culminated in the experience of feeling infinite waves of Love pulsating through my heart chakra. It was a glimpse into the Truth of me, a very direct experience. Deep gratitude, for I believe the Six Step Process helped facilitate what has been for me a healing process.” ~ Sunny Yoon


I was at a low point in my life when I first attended a Choose Again five-day workshop in 2011. It’s fair to say that the teachings and methodology offered in the Six Step Process had a profoundly positive and transformative effect on the course of my life. So helpful has this practical process been that in my role as a secondary school counsellor, I routinely teach the Six Step Process to students who are amazed by both the simplicity and radicalness of what they learn. It’s like they are finally hearing what they’ve been longing for. These teachings will change your life as they changed mine.” ~ Sean Smith


The first thought that comes to mind when I consider the six weeks I spent at El Cielo is the love that permeates the place. No ooey-gooey kind of touchy-feely thing, the love is hard and real and worth the effort. The love Diederik and his staff practice is grueling work. Peeling back years of self-deception, and discovering who you are is as terrifying as it is bliss-filled, by no stretch of the imagination an easy job. Besides possessing a heart as big as all outdoors, Diederik’s rapier wit insures that no one spends much time wallowing in a morass of self-pity. A trailblazer in this frontier of self-discovery, he uses his six steps tirelessly on himself, then brings the fruits of his labor to share in the daily therapeutic circles with any and all that have ears to hear and a heart desiring the way home.” ~ Mary Morony


The Six Step Process is an outstanding psychospiritual tool both for resolving psychological conflicts and doing transformational work. Based on the assumption that every human being is intrinsically loving and beloved, the Six Step Process helps to uncover the resistances to this state of being. The resistance is based on unconscious beliefs. In principle this process is simple, but there is a certain discipline needed to apply it in daily life. Since this discipline became part of my psycho-spiritual exercising, my levels of joy, love, and vitality have increased considerably. I wish everyone on this planet could come to know this excellent method of inner growth and wealth.” ~ Dr. Rodolfo Roth


Diederik’s pioneering work, process, and unconditional love has helped me to regain and sustain my original state of heart and mind.” ~ Simon Reilly, Leading Advisor Inc.


I found Diederik on YouTube and practiced the six steps alone for a few months before doing a week’s retreat in France with him. For me the process has been mind and life changing. The Six Step method is a direct, quick way of identifying and healing old beliefs which keep us from knowing who we really are, which is love. I can say it’s the most effective healing process I’ve ever done. It can be challenging work at times as old beliefs can be stuck but I’ve found, with willingness to heal, it gets easier. I am so grateful for this teaching as I feel more peace and joy in my life. I don’t sweat the small stuff anymore! With eternal thanks to your dedication to heal Diederik as you heal us all with you!” ~ Angela Clocherty


I never entertained the thought that the truth of who I am is pure love until I started attending the Choose Again Circles and several of the workshops. It was unfamiliar to me. It has been a great gift that gives me much more peace and joy in my life. I am truly grateful to those at Choose Again for the work they are doing. With gratitude.” ~ Leslie Vander Haegen


I had the blessed opportunity to be at one of your circle gatherings in BC a few years ago. I embraced your Six Steps immediately because my mind was able to grasp it so easily. Whenever I get triggered I am able to stop the negative judgments by telling myself that “the feeling is in me”. That step is my favourite because it reminds me that I am responsible for how I feel, and my upset is caused by me and nobody else. I then feel the freedom and empowerment. It reminds me that I have the power and the choice is mine in deciding the quality of the moment. Thank you D for your simple, powerful, and life-enhancing teachings.” ~ Geri Savage


I was first introduced to the work through daily emails and YouTube. I was inspired by the video titled Relationships and Marriage to attend a week-long retreat to go deeper. I had never experienced spiritual work that could not only diffuse an upset quickly, but also beautifully designed to realign me to the truth of my being. I have been practicing and sharing the Six Steps for 4 years and it truly is a simple process to return home to freedom anytime I choose.” ~ Sandy Shuler


I struggled with alcoholism, severe depression and couldn’t find a way out of the continuous dark story I was telling myself. Never have I encountered a more effective process in dealing with core beliefs and how they shape my view of the world. Choose the loving thing to do and you will experience miracles.” ~ Nathan Markee


Authentic! Authentic! Authentic! This is not instant transformation. Being a cook, I think of this process as taking off one layer of the phyllo dough darkening my mind each time I use it. I have a lifetime of ‘cooking’ ahead of me.” ~ Dianne Westfall


I met Diederik in 2012 after struggling with depression for years — a byproduct of my Type A personality where good was never close to good enough. His insight and the Six Step process changed my life and taught me that if I’m ever upset, I have the choice to change my mind about whatever I think is preventing me from feeling at peace. As a result, I’m happier in my relationships with my family and friends, I’m a better, more loving parent, and ironically, I’m more effective at work. Diederik is one of the most profound teachers I’ve ever known and I’m grateful for the impact he has had on my life.” ~ Daniel Andrew


From someone who often couldn’t resist the temptation, at times even felt an urge to engage in intellectual skirmishes with you, whom you sometimes called your twin brother (because of that?), and who to this day can’t get himself to fully assimilate the “I am / You are Love, thank God that is the Truth” line, I have to admit that the concept of taking full authorship of whatever I may feel has radically changed my outlook on life and those that I engage with, and where my still haphazard and not always wholly successful attempts at applying this has and continues to change my emotional well-being. For the better…” ~ Love, Tobias


This process and work has saved my life and sanity. Since I started my conscious process of healing over 15 years ago, this has been the most transformative journey I have had so far — because it continues as an ongoing invitation to return to Love and Self all the time. I have shared this process with those who are interested and will continue doing so as I see the miracles that are unfolding in my life. A true gift!

I am so grateful that Spirit has led me to the process and how my vision has changed since then and continues to open to more and more beauty and goodness. My intention for this work is that it touches as many souls open to true radical transformation as possible so that Spirit can do the work through us. As I go along, I trust that my deepening will allow me one day to bring this to the younger generations to support a guilt-free and joyful life! May the work flourish and expand.... !” ~ Priya Beate Laasch


For me personally, it was a big ‘awakening’ that at the core of my being, who I am is; perfect, whole and complete. And, although I’d been studying Vedic philosophy, psychology, Yoga and Buddhist teachings and many practices of self help and healing over many years, the Choose Again work and Six Step process helped me solidify and live this truth from an awaken heart. There is still work to do, and I am humble and grateful for it. The Six Step process is the easiest, most effective process that I personally have ever used and shared. Within a few minutes any upset and conflict I am experiencing becomes an opportunity for health and healing and is for me. It’s actually quite exciting as I pull back the layers of beliefs, habits, behaviours, and addictions and see truth. I am Love.From my heart.” ~ Tara Pilling


Not to get all mushy about it, but Diederik and El Cielo changed my life. Step Two of the Six Step process (“it’s all about me”) annoyed me right from the start. But ultimately, it’s the most important one. Seeing that it was my responses to things that were driving me nuts — rather than the things themselves — was tremendously helpful. It provided a way in to look at deep, deep stuff. The daily circles at El Cielo also are very powerful. Watching other people go through the process of wrestling with their heaviest issues as Diederik drills down (which can take 45 minutes) helped me to see the commonalities in all our struggles. Thanks Diederik!” ~ Michael Churchill


I discovered the Six Steps on YouTube and immediately sensed the potential. It became almost like a mantra for me and I got to the point where I could run the Six Steps in my mind with great ease. Then I began using it with people I am coaching and found that it works just as well for others. I have experienced a lot of new-found peace that was missing in my life. And, I know this process will be a part of my life and work from now on. Many thanks to Diederik for generously sharing this powerful transformational tool.” ~ David Chard, President, Engaging Minds