To my husband for everything, and I mean everything. I couldn’t do this without your support and encouragement. You never let me give up, and I am so grateful for you, even when you’re making me run Runyon.

To my agent, Kimberly Brower, thank you for being my compass on this journey. I’d be lost without your guidance. I can’t express how much I appreciate all you do.

To Leah Hultenschmidt, my editor, thank you for your enthusiasm, your positivity and your skills. Dixie and Eli are smarter and sassier thanks to your input. To Lexi, Michelle, Estelle, Monisha and the rest of the crew at Forever who have helped with this series, you make it look easy and I know it’s not. Thank you for all you do!

Thank you Jenn Watson and Social Butterfly for your magical marketing skills and being my advertising gurus. Also my freelance graphic artist extraordinaire, Michele Catalano, your beautiful graphics, banners and teasers are much appreciated.

To my fiesta siblings, because you’re more like blood than just plain old friends, thank you for your support and love. Ray, Mel, Peter, Ari, Sue Stalker, Ruthe, Devon, Joe D, Carlos and the rest of you amazing humans. I never write in July because I’m recharging my batteries with you all, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. YFM.

DeAnna Zankich, my soul sister and fellow author, thank you for getting me like no one else does.

To my fellow authors who have been so kind and generous—Melissa Marino, Parker Swift, Amy Reichert—I’m an anxiety-filled ball of awkward at signings and conferences and you ladies keep me from imploding (although next time, someone stop me from throwing chili at people, okay?). Helena Hunting, Lex Martin and the rest of “Kimberly’s Kids,” thank you for always being so generous with advice and support and promotion. Stephanie Kay, Kat Mizera, Kate Willoughby and all the other talented ladies in our little hockey author support group (you know who you are), I’m so grateful I’m a part of such a supportive, informative group. Also loved meeting a bunch of you in Atlanta!

Bloggers and readers who gave this book, or any of my books, a spot on your e-reader or bookshelf, thank you so much.