Tap on your FIVE senses to live life fully.
Your five senses are always with you. Engage with your senses in a step-
by-step manner to increase your Sense Superpower. By doing so, you
can enjoy more of life.
Let’s practise together with this practice called Mindful Perception:
: Close your eyes and walk around the house by using your
sense of touch. As you touch the items, describe them in detail to
your parents or siblings or in your own mind.
: Continue walking around the house and pretend that you are
a bear. Try to smell as many things as possible such as your clothes,
books, wall, flowers, toys, etc. And notice the difference in each
smell. Fun fact: Bears can smell 2,000 times better than humans.
: Now use your elephant ears to listen to the sounds around
your home. Listen to the fan, the washing machine or the water
running from the tap. Or perhaps when you go to the park or the
playground, close your eyes and listen to as many sounds as possible
and label them.
: Now, open your eyes for 30 seconds. Use your samurai eyes
to look around the room and memorise what everything looks like.
Next, close your eyes and visualise the scene in your mind. And
now look again. What did you notice? What did you miss?
: Walk over to your kitchen and take a glass of your favourite
drink or milk or perhaps water. Now drink as slowly as you can
and focus on the taste. Or eat a snack and chew as slowly as you
can like a cow and notice every single taste in your food like you
learned in Mindful Eating (
page 41).