Activity 2:
Befriend your emotions so that they do not have a strong hold over you.
Accept them as part of your life. Emotions are not good or bad. They
are just emotions. Emotions give you an idea of what is important to
you. You need not fight them or fear them. Hug them and accept them.
And when you are calmer, reflect on your emotions.
How do you REFLECT on your emotions? Perhaps use a past negative
incident to do this.
Incident: What happened? Who was there?
Name the emotion: What were you feeling? Were you feeling sad,
mad, angry, frustrated or disappointed? Let’s give this emotion a
name. Don’t rush through it. Take your time to decide what you
were really feeling. Remember it’s just an emotion.
Action: What did you feel like doing when you were sad or angry
or any other emotion? What did you do in this incident? How
was your energy level after you had done that?
Helpfulness: How did that action help you? Did you feel calmer
or more relaxed?
Reason: Why did you feel this way? Think of the real reason for
being angry or sad.
Hurtfulness: Who was hurt in this process? What happened to
your relationship with the person?
Resolve: How would you like to repair or reconnect with this
person? What are you willing to do? How will that help?
Future: What can you do in future when something similar
happens again? Who can support you in this journey?