Behind the Scenes

Robert’s Thanks

Thank you, as always, to my friends and family for your continued support while I run hither and thither and yon. Special thanks to Karin, for sharing your love of Seattle with me and setting me off on the right foot, and to Lynae for the wonderful home away from home where I made many great memories.


Cover photograph: Pike Place Market at sunset, Stefano Politi Markovina/AWL Images ©

This Book

This second edition of Lonely Planet’s Pocket Seattle guidebook was researched, written and curated by Robert Balkovich. The previous edition was researched and written by Brendan Sainsbury. This guidebook was produced by the following:

Destination Editor Ben Buckner

Senior Product Editors Grace Dobell, Martine Power

Regional Senior Cartographer Alison Lyall

Product Editors Barbara Delissen, Kathryn Rowan

Book Designer Fergal Condon

Assisting Editors Carly Hall, Gabrielle Innes, Lou McGregor, Monique Perrin

Cartographer Valentina Kremenchutskaya

Cover Researcher Meri Blazevski

Assistant Book Designers Hannah Blackie, Virginia Moreno, Wibowo Rusli

Thanks to Andi Jones, Amy Lynch, Lauren O’Connell, Charlotte Orr

eBook thanks to Julie J. Dodkins, Craig Kilburn, Wayne Murphy, John Taufa and Juan Winata.