The wonder of hydroponics
What motivates a Gardener to explore new methods of growing plants?
From our point of view this was a very important question, which we researched, in order to target the potential grower with the right information, to assist the Grower to make the most appropriate decisions regarding equipment and system needs. Also to provide sufficient operating information in an easily digestible form, to allow the grower to gain the very best performance out of their Hydroponic growing system.
Successful, sustained hydroponic gardening is still a relatively new Industry and, there is still a tremendous amount of Hydroponic misinformation circulating. This inevitably leads to misconceptions, couple this with those, who through fear, and/or ignorance, continue to dogmatically rubbish the whole concept of Hydroponics, and it is obvious that a considerable amount of education is still required.
We produced this book in 1983 and after significant fine tuning had it published in 1984, as our effort to increase the general knowledge of the subject to our fellow countrymen. The result has been a book which has now sold thousands of copies, in many countries and, continuing sales had encouraged us to update various aspects of the book. In editing this revised ePub edition of the book (2013) it was obvious to me that the passage of time, manifested in improvements to both materials and construction methods played an important part in making some of the necessary changes.
It was always our desire to retain the 'down to earth ’ style of the presentation and, I feel confident that the new photographs and text amendments which describe updated systems and methods will further assist the reader in a better understanding of the subject.
Rob & on behalf of the late Lon Dalton
You will be smiling too when you have your hydroponic system running and producing top quality plants which have never lacked any of the requirements necessary for quick, strong and healthy growth.