There are two main methods of growing hydroponically. The NFT system developed by Dr Alan Cooper involves a system of covered plastic channels, the plants growing through holes in the covers with their roots in the nutrient solution. The other method involves using containers filled with an inert substance such as sand, pumice or gravel. The nutrient solution is pumped into the containers through a system of pipes or tubes, the excess being cycled back around, more water, air (oxygen) and nutrients being added when needed as with the NFT system. You will discover the numerous advantages that growing hydroponically offers over conventional growing practices when you set up your first system.
The Advantages of Hydroponic Growing
Hydroponic systems can drastically reduce the amount of time needed to produce good plants, crops and fruit. Any vegetable, flower, shrub and even trees can be grown without the need to cultivate, weed, and mulch, while watering and fertilizing can be taken care of by automatic systems. The time saved by using a hydroponic system will allow you to concentrate on pruning and training plants, as well as providing you with more time to spend outside on other gardening activities. No longer will the quality of your soil dictate the results you will get from your crops. Hydroponic gardens can be established anywhere, irrespective of the soil or climate. You will find that vegetables and fruit produced hydroponically have a superb flavour and texture. The plants have no need to waste energy developing large root systems as all the nutrients they require are brought to them. Because the plants will not be lacking in any nutrients you will find that they develop faster, and are healthier with more resistance to disease than plants grown in the soil. You can also speed growth up by using techniques such as heating the nutrient solution to the optimum temperature for the plants’ roots. You will be able to grow a large number of plants in a small area producing a far higher yield than normally possible. When plants are removed from a hydroponic system, new seedlings can replace them immediately. There is no time lag as there is no soil to be sterilised making it possible for you to have continuous production.
You will find that only a small number of seedlings are required to produce what you need, as losses from pests and disease are greatly reduced when you grow hydroponically, especially if the plants are in a greenhouse or some other structure. Without dirt in the system it is easy to keep everything clean enabling you to eliminate problems caused by many soil borne diseases.
For the commercial grower hydroponic systems are ideal, they are highly efficient, requiring a low capital cost while producing high yields with less labour input. These same advantages apply to the home grower who can cheaply and easily produce quality vegetables and fruit almost all year round. Whatever your preferences are, Hydroponics will provide you with a challenging and exciting hobby or vocation. This book will explain to you in practical terms how to get started in this fascinating field.
Hydroponic systems are extremely versatile You can adapt a system to almost any situation. A hydroponic garden is ideal for the home owner with limited space as fresh lettuce tomatoes and perhaps a herb garden could be kept growing in a small area such as a window box You can produce enough vegetables for a family all year round by setting up an outdoor growing area coupled with an additional area in a greenhouse or enclosed well lit porch.