No one spoke. Silence hung over the landscape as they watched Albert’s distant figure disappear into the lengthening twilight, an empty petrol can in one hand.
Tim ran a finger over the bonnet of the black Cadillac as a fine grit from the explosion settled on it like a dusting of talcum powder. He glanced at his sister. Coral bit her lip. They both knew that amidst those blasted atoms were the remains of their friends’ spaceship.
The Eltherians hadn’t moved. Alkemy clung to her brother, her face buried against his chest, crying quietly. Ludokrus stared towards the reserve, his face expressionless.
A tui settled on a power line overhead. The white ruff of feathers round its neck glowed orange in the setting sun. It trilled a string of melodious notes before concluding with a harsh Crrrrrhh, a sound like an echo of the explosion. Alkemy looked up at it and bit her lip.
Coral nudged Tim. He followed her gaze in the direction of the farm. The direction Albert was heading. Across the open fields he caught sight of their uncle’s ute heading towards them.
‘What are we going to tell the grown-ups?’ Coral said.