Here’s a cheap trick that will give you more stability for low light and long telephoto shots whether your lenses have image stabilization or not.
You will need a ¼×20 (thread count) O-bolt from your local hardware and a dog leash. You won’t need a very long one, just one that’s close to your height.
Screw the O-bolt into the tripod socket of your camera or lens. O-bolts come with a ¼-inch nut, which you can use to snug the bolt to the camera after screwing in the bolt as far as it will go.
Attach the leash to the bolt.
Bring the camera up to your eye and step on the leash. When you apply upward pressure to the leash, the camera becomes more stable. It’s also easier to shoot panoramas with this device because it tends to hold the horizon in place from shot to shot.