
Aboriginal workers. See Indigenous workers

Ace Investigations, 153

Adams, Alfred, 120

Agricultural Compliance Team (ACT), 253, 276

Ainsworth, Jackie, 199, 200–202

Alberni Plywood, 115

Alberta Federation of Labour, 275

Alcan, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194

Alert Bay, 23

Alexander, Therese, 272

Alien Labour Act, 27

All-Canadian Congress of Labour (ACCL), 99, 108

Allevato, Carmen, 248

Allnutt, Chris, 255–58

Alsbury, Stewart, 132–33

Amalgamated Society of Carpenters and Joiners, 25

Amchitka Island nuclear test, 169

American Brotherhood of Carpenters, 24

American Federation of Labor (AFL), 41, 98, 128–30, 134, 141, 170–72

American Newspaper Guild, 178

Anaconda copper mine, 155

Anderson, Luis Retes, 283

Andstein, Cliff, 228, 239–41

Anthes Equipment Supply, 210

Anti-Inflation Board (AIB), 189–92

anti-scab law, 248, 252, 271

Anyox, 90

Archie, George, 74

Aristocratic Restaurant, 127

Arnett, John, 147

Arvay, Joseph, 265

asbestos, 280–82

Asbestos Research, Education and Advocacy Fund, 280

Asiatic Exclusion League, 71

Association of University and College Employees (AUCE), 203–4

Assu, Billy, 97

Assu, Harry, 97

Atkinson, Norm, 144, 146, 147

Austin, Gordon, 247

Ayukawa, Michiko, 74

Babine Forest Products, 273, 274

back-to-work order. See Bill 37; Bill 146

Baigent, John, 193, 248

Baird, Irene, 77

Bakers’ Society, 20

Bal, Amarjit Kaur, 276–77

Bal, Harsharan, 277

Baldrey, Keith, 258

Banks, Hal, 129–30

Barkerville, 7

Barnet, 36

Barrett, Dave, 174, 175, 182, 183, 187–88, 197–99, 205, 215–16, 222, 249

Barron, Susan, 258

Bartenders Union, 236

Baskin, Pen, 132

Battle of Ballantyne Pier, 9395

Bauman, Robert, 258

BC and Yukon Building Trades Council, 210, 231–32

BC Civil Service Commission, 142

BC Communist Party, 134

BC Court of Appeal, 146, 165, 256, 269, 279

BC Electric Company, 110, 142

BC Employers’ Council, 176–78, 186, 197, 258

BC Federation of Labor (later Labour) (the Fed), viii, 43, 48, 49, 53, 57–60, 65–68, 99, 110, 126–27, 128, 131, 141, 142, 146, 148, 153–58, 162, 165–67, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174–88, 190, 194–95, 196, 198, 207, 209, 216, 222, 225, 228–29, 237–40, 241, 246, 249, 252, 260, 264–65, 269, 271, 274–78, 280, 282–84, 287, 288

BC Federation of Police Officers, 220

BC Ferry and Marine Workers Union, 198–99

BC Ferry Corporation, 198, 199

BC Fisheries Association, 22

BC Fishermen’s Union, 31–33

BC Forest Products, 237

BC Government and Service Employees’ Union (BCGEU), 242–43, 249, 252, 267, 289

BC Government Employees’ Association (BCGEA), 125, 142, 171, 178, 218

BC Government Employees’ Union (BCGEU), 172, 187, 203–4, 215, 217, 220, 222, 224, 227–28, 242

BC Human Rights Tribunal, 284

BC Labour Code, 188, 238

BC Labour Relations Board, 191

BC Lumber Worker, 111

BC Miners Liberation League, 53, 54, 55

BC Nurses’ Union (BCNU), 152, 244, 24546, 247

BC Packers Association, 35

BC Packers Ltd., 95

BC Rail, 187

BC Steamshipmen’s Society, 38

BC Supreme Court, 146, 154, 158, 165, 179, 186, 191, 193, 213, 237, 241, 256, 258, 261, 266, 279

BC Teachers’ Federation (BCTF), 125, 142, 174, 181, 182–83, 188, 213, 225, 226, 227–29, 239, 240, 241, 249, 252, 259–61, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 268–69, 270, 288

BC Teamsters Union, 168, 178, 182, 240

BC Telephone Company, 40, 67

BC Telephone Company (BC Tel, later Telus), 156, 175, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209

Bell, Pat, 277

Bell Farms, 212

Bell-Irving, Henry Ogle, 22, 32

Bengough, Percy, 129–30

Bennett, Bill, 188, 196–99, 205, 214–16, 220, 224–32, 235, 238, 255

Bennett, Keith, 236

Bennett, R.B., 75, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85–87, 102

Bennett, W.A.C., 136–37, 138, 142, 149, 154, 168, 171, 175, 181–82, 188, 231–32, 255

Bentall Tower IV, 209–11

Berger, Beverley, 175

Berger, Thomas (Tom), 146, 149, 174, 176, 182

Bergren, Myrtle, 111

Bernard, Elaine, 66

Berton, Pierre, 75

Bhatti, Mohinder, 278

Bill 2, 216, 224–29

Bill 3, 216, 224–29

Bill 12, 261–63

Bill 19 and Bill 20, 238, 240, 241, 242, 248

Bill 22, 266–69

Bill 27, 260

Bill 28, 260, 266–68

Bill 29, 254–56, 260, 264–66

Bill 33, 170, 179

Bill 37, 257–58, 259, 279–80

Bill 39, 100–101, 106, 126–27, 128

Bill 146, 187–89

Billings, John, 177

Bishop, Billy, 93

Black, Bill, 174

Black, George, 85

Black, Wesley, 178

Blakeney, Allan, 190

Bloody Sunday, 102, 103, 104, 105

Blubber Bay, Texada Island, 98, 100101, 102

Boal, Sarwan, 211

Boeing, 107, 108, 114

Boilermakers and Iron Shipbuilders’ Union of Canada, 108–10, 113, 158

Bond, Shirley, 274

Bonner, Robert, 167

Bouchette, Bob, 92

Bowcott, Matthew, 275

Bowen Island, 63

Bows and Arrows Union, 2, 10, 41, 120

Bowser, William J., 43, 53

Boyce, Ed, 27

Boyce, Tully, 19–20

Braaten, Orville, 150–51, 154

Braid, Kate, 203

Brar, Jasweer Kaur, 213

Britannia Beach, 155

British American Oil, 166

British Colonist, 18

The British Columbia Federationist, 43, 49, 57, 62, 66

The British Columbian, 88

Broadfoot, Barry, 119

Brodie, Steve, 79, 103–5

Brown, Brenda, 261–62

Brown, George, 92, 156–58

Brown, Rosemary, 185

Bryant, Bill, 209

“bugging caper,” 153, 154

Bulfone, Eno, 280

Bulfone, Loretta, 280

Burke, John “Paddy,” 150

Burnaby Now, 211

Burrard Dry Dock, ix, 114

Burton, Peter, 191–93

Butt, Sheree, 200

Cabico, Jade, 258

Calder, Frank, 121

Calgary, 83

Calgary Albertan, 83

Cambie, Henry, 15

Cameron, Peter, 246, 247, 267

Campagnolo, Iona, 165

Campbell, Gordon, 252–55, 260, 263–66, 271

Campbell, Kim, 227

Campbell, Lucy, 274

Canada Fish Company, 204

Canada Labour Code, 162–63

Canada Labour Relations Board (CLRB), 199–202

Canada Line, 283, 284

Canada Rice Mills, 166

Canadian Association of Industrial, Mechanical and Allied Workers (CAIMAW), 149, 152, 153, 159, 238, 240, 267, 282

Canadian Association of Smelter and Allied Workers (CASAW), 153, 181, 191–94

Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), 287

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 279

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 256, 265

Canadian Collieries, 50–51

Canadian Congress of Labour (CCL), 108–10, 127–30, 131, 132–35, 138, 141, 142

Canadian Electrical Workers (CEW), 158–59

Canadian Farmworkers’ Union (CFU), 211, 21213, 278

Canadian Intelligence Corps, 119

Canadian Ironworkers Union, 148, 149–50

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), 90, 14849, 150–52, 155, 165, 171–74, 190, 194, 202, 211, 236–38, 260, 275, 282, 286–87

Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre, 238

Canadian Labour Party, 137

Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, 124, 167

Canadian Merchant Service Guild (CMSG), 178, 179

Canadian Northern Railway, 43, 45, 50

Canadian Pacific Railway, 1415, 16, 39

Canadian Paperworkers Union (CPU), 154, 186–89, 229, 250

Canadian Seamen’s Union (CSU), 129, 130, 148

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), 125, 130, 172, 173, 174, 177, 204, 218, 220, 222, 236, 242, 257, 258, 259–61–64, 268, 275

Canadian White Pine Company, 162

canning industry, 22–24, 31–33

Capilano, Chief Joe, 2, 10, 41

capitalism, 56, 58, 89, 128

Carr, Shirley, 236

Carvell Hall Cooperative, 62

Casey, Tommy Joe, 153

Casselton, Val, 253

Castlegar, 151

Cavanaugh, Judy, 211

Ceraldi, Tony, 282

Chan, Jimmy, 278

Chaplin, Ralph, 289

Chapman, Dave, 167

Charlie, Carl, 272, 274

Chavez, Cesar, 168, 169, 212

Chelohsin (steamship), 102

Chemainus mill, 111

child workers, 279–80

Chilliwack prison camp, 163

Chinatown Riot, 21

Chinese Exclusion Act (1923), 73, 121

Chinese workers, 2, 7, 10, 12, 14, 14, 15–16, 18, 20–22, 30, 31, 60, 65–66; cannery workers, 96; immigration restrictions, 73; limestone workers, 100101, 102; lumber mill workers, 71, 87, 89; miners, 51–52; prejudice against, 117

Choi Mushroom, 213

Chouhan, Raj, 211–12

Christian Labour Association, 185

Chudnovsky, David, 252, 260

Citizenship Act, 121

Clark, Bill, 207, 208

Clark, Christy, 260, 267, 268

Clark, Glen, 252–53

Clarke, Tom, 158

Coal Creek Mine, 28

Coalminers’ Mutual Protective Society, 13

Cold War, 128, 135

Collective Bargaining Rights Day, 265

College of Teachers, 239, 261

Cominco, 196

Common Good Credit Union, x

Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union, 287

Communist International (Comintern), 76, 98

Communist Party of Canada (CP), 60, 76, 89, 108, 128, 130–32, 135–37

Community Savings, x

Community Savings Credit Union, xi

Comox, 88

company unions, 71, 95

Compensation Stabilization Program (CSP), 214

Confederation of Canadian Unions, 153, 240

Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), 69, 99–100, 108, 110, 134, 141, 170–72

Connaghan, Chuck, 176

Connors, Stompin’ Tom, 145

Conroy, Pat, 131

conscription, 57, 58, 60, 65, 119

Conservative Party, 136

Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company, 109, 125

Constable, Tom, 157

Constitution Act, 143

Construction Industry Safety Inquiry, 210

Construction Labour Relations Association (CLRA), 176, 177

Construction Safety Advisory Council, 211

Continental Times. See Tairiku Nippo (Continental Times)

Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF), 60, 68, 89, 90, 91, 106–10, 128–30, 135–36, 139, 142, 14849

Coote, Lillian, 64

Copeland, Leona, 67

Coquitlam, 88

Corbin, 90

Corbin Miners’ Association, 90

Cordero, German, 283

Corporate Tax Freedom Day, 252, 253

Cosgrove, Jack, 84

Country Farms Natural Foods, 213

Couvreux, Gunther, 209–10

Cowichan, 34, 121

Cox, Bill, 151

craft unions, 41, 99, 108, 125, 141, 142

Craig, Lloyd, 153

Craigellachie, 15

credit unions, x, xi

Crofton, 151

Crombie, William Claude David, 71

Crowsnest Pass, 28, 44, 68, 125

Cull, Elizabeth, 247

Cumberland, 50–51, 56, 59, 60

Curtis, Hugh, 216

The Daily People, 74

The Daily Province, 109

Daily Times, 207

Dalskog, Ernie, 90, 133, 134

Dalton, Gordon, 192

Darcy, Judy, 258, 265

Davis, Arnie, 179

Davis, Bill, 205

Davis, Carol, 209

Davis, Donald, 209

Dawson, Isabel, 182

Dean, Jimmy, 145

Deas, John Sullivan, 22

Decaire, John, 275

Deep Sea Fishermen’s Union, 165

Demers, Paul, 280

Denny’s restaurants, 284

Deol, Jarnail Singh, 212

Department of National Defence, 79

De Patie, Corrine, 276

De Patie, Doug, 275, 276

De Patie, Grant, 275, 276

Dewhurst, Violet, 127

Diamond, Sara, 123

Disher, Bruce, 272

Ditchburn, W.E., 74

Dix, Adrian, 267

Dobell, Ken, 263

Dohm, Thomas, 165, 179

Dominion Bridge, 145–49

Dominion Construction, 210

Dominion Police, 58–59

Donald, Ian, 200, 269

Dougan, Mildred, 94–95

Douglas, James, 5–7

Douglas, Tommy, 149

Douglas Treaties, 7

Doust, Leonard, 263

Driedger, Peter, 172

Dumier, Mike, 242

Dunsmuir, James, 17–20, 50

Dunsmuir, Robert, 6–7, 12–14, 18–19, 190

R. Dunsmuir & Sons, 27

East Wellington Coal Company, 19

Eddison, Norm, 146–47

Edward VII, 41

eight- or nine-hour day, 24, 25, 27, 30, 43, 64, 112, 122, 123

elections (BC): 1890, 25; 1894, 26; 1898, 27; 1901 Nanaimo, 29; 1903, 30; 1907, 30; 1916, 59; 1933, 90; 1952, 136, 139; 1953, 138; 1960, 148; 1969, 175, 182; 1972, 181–82, 183; 1975, 188; 1979, 205; 1982 Kamloops, 215; 1986, 235; 1991, 247; 1996, 252–54; 2001, 253–54; 2005, 260, 264; 2013, 267; 2017, 28788; disenfranchisement of immigrants, 37, 62; disenfranchisement of Indigenous peoples, 119; enfranchisement of Indigenous, Chinese, Japanese and South Asian peoples, 121

Elliott, Dave, 46

Emery, Ivan, 92–94

Employment Security Agreement, 248

Employment Standards Act, 249, 279

Employment Standards Branch, 235

environmentalists, 250, 251

Evans, Arthur H. “Slim,” 77–81, 84, 85, 103

Ewen, Alexander, 22

Ewens cannery, 35

Expo 86, 231, 232, 233

The Express, 178

Extension, 50–54

Fadling, James, 132

Farkas, Mike, 133

Farm Workers Organizing Committee (FWOC), 211

Farris, Wendell Burpee, 139

Fassbender, Peter, 267

the Fed. See BC Federation of Labor (later Labour)

Federated Labour Party, 137

Federated Timber Mills, 89

The Federationist, 67–68

Federation of Telephone Workers, 175

Feltis, Bob, 192

feminism, 199, 204

Ferguson, 27

Fernie, 28, 136, 137

Findlay, James, 44

Finlayson, Judith, 117

First Nations: Kwagiulth subgroup, 6; Kwakwaka’wakw, 6; Nahwitti subgroup, 6; Nlaka’pamux, 7; Nuu-chah-nulth, 47; Secwepemc, 74; Snuneymuxw subgroup, 6, 7; Squamish, 9, 71; Tsleil-Waututh, 9, 71; Vancouver Island, 7

First Nations workers. See Indigenous workers

The Fisherman, 117–18, 146, 147, 196, 274

Fishermen and Cannery Workers Industrial Union, 96

Fishermen’s Industrial Union (FIU), 96

Fishermen’s Union, 35

fishing industry, 9, 10, 22–24, 31, 46–48, 95–97, 164, 196, 243

Fitzpatrick, Erin, 262

Floralia Plant Growers, 279

Ford, Doug, 280

Ford, Lesley, 280

Ford, Tracy, 280

Forest Industrial Relations (FIR), 177, 236–37

forest industry, 8–9, 36, 37, 46, 66, 71, 87–90, 112, 122, 180, 186–87, 235, 250, 272

Forest Practices Code, 251

Forest Renewal BC, 251

Forster, Thomas, 25

Fort Rupert, 6

Foster, William, 93–94

Fotheringham, Allan, 191

Foxcroft, Frances, 61

Framework Agreement, 256–57

Frank, David, 69

Fraser Institute, 252, 253

Fraser Mills, 87, 12324

Fraser River Canneries Association, 31

Fraser River Fishermen’s Protective and Benevolent Association, 23–24

Fraser Valley, 211

free trade, 243

French, Diana, 259

Friedman, Milton, 216

Frontier College, 213

Fruit and Vegetable Workers, 109

Fryer, John, 172, 178, 215

fur seal hunt, 47

fur trade, 5

Fur Workers, 135

Gabelmann, Colin, 182–85

Gaglardi, Phil (“Flyin’ Phil”), 143, 182

Gainor, Chris, 252

Gardiner, Jimmy, 84–86

Gardiner, Ray, 175

Gardner, Bob, 102

Gardner, Ethel, 201

Gautier, Roy, 210, 231–34

Geddes, Jack, 86

Gee, George, 156

Gee, Marcus, 186

Gehring, Ron, 253

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), 243

George, Chief Dan, 10

Georgetti, Ken, 238–40, 241, 246, 249

Gerbrand, Diedrich, 235

Gill, Charan, 211, 276

The Globe and Mail, 177, 181, 255, 269, 275

Godley, Elizabeth, 199

Goeldner, Dieter, 209

Golden, 82

The Golden Tree (sculpture), 277

gold rush, 7, 8

Gompers, Samuel, 20, 41–42

Goodwin, Albert “Ginger,” 5859, 60, 61

Grafton, George, 111

Graham, Bud, 154

Graham, Deanna, 256

Grand Lodge of BC Fishermen, 34

Granduc copper mine, 155

Grant’s Law, 276

the Great Depression, 75–98, 105, 137

Great Northern Railway, 70

Great Vancouver Island Coal Strike, 50–56

Greenall, Thomas, 55

Green Party, 289

Greenpeace, 169, 251

Greenway Farms, 279

Grewal, Jawala Singh, 211

Griffin, Susan, 266–69

Gruntman, Art, 186–88, 229

Guadalupe, Jose, 279

Guardian (HEU), 256

Gulf of Georgia Cannery, 33

Gutteridge, Helena, 62, 63–64, 68, 90

Guttman, Eric, 146

Guy, Len, 170, 186–88, 195, 196, 198, 207

Gwynn, Hugh, 179

Haggard, Dave, 134, 251

Haida Gwaii. See Queen Charlotte Islands

Hamilton, Bill, 197

Hamilton, Nancy, 143

Hansen, Colin, 255

Hansen, Leif, 228

Hansman, Glen, 270

Hanson, John, 97

Hanson, Lyall, 238–40

Haraga, Mary, 119

Harcourt, Mike, 239, 244, 247–49, 252

Hare Krishnas, 185

Harmac, 153–54, 209

Harper, Stephen, 282

Hartman, Grace, 218

Harvey, James, 171

Hastings Park, 118

Hawthornthwaite, James W., 29, 30

Haynes, Ray, 162, 165–66, 168, 169, 170, 171, 177–83, 186

Haywood, Big Bill, 38

HD Mining, 284

Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act. See Bill 29

Health Labour Accord, 248, 254

Health Labour Adjustment Agency, 248, 254

Health Labour Relations Association (HLRA), 245–48

Health Sciences Association, 24546, 247

Heat and Frost Insulators and Asbestos Workers, 282

Hedley Mascot gold mine, 125

Heinrich, Jack, 210

Henry, Chief Jimmy, 34

Hewer, Lyle, 272

Hewison, George, 164, 216

Hill, Cecil Henry, 104

Hill, Joe, 43

Hinde, John R., 55

Hitler, Adolf, 79

Hodgson, Stuart, 237

“Hold the Fort,” 85

Hole, Jack, 100

Holt, Danny, 133

Holt, Simma, 194

Home, George, 132

Home and Domestic Employees Union (HDEU) of British Columbia, 63

Hoop, W.H., 64

Hope, Allan, 209

Horbry, Ben, 59

Horgan, John, 287

Horne, George, 148

Hospital Employees’ Union (HEU), 174, 199, 204, 218, 222, 24546, 247–48, 252, 254–55, 25657, 258, 259, 264–65

Hoss Farms, 213

“house of labour,” 130

Hovi, Ted, 94

Howard, Stephen, 254

Howay, Frederic William, 43, 54

Hudson’s Bay Company, 6, 7, 162

Human Rights Commission, 216, 221

Hunt, Stephen, 271–74

Hunter, Bob, 169

Hunter, Justine, 275

Hutcheon, Henry, 186–87, 193, 237

Hutcheson, “Big Bill,” 98

Hutchison, Bruce, 136

Hutton, Jim, 179

Hyoto, Hide, 118

Iker, Jim, 266–68

Ilich, Olga, 277

Imperial Oil, 167

Inco, 156

Independent Canadian Transit Union (ICTU), 153

Independent Lumber Handlers’ Association (ILHA), 71

The Indian Voice, 201

Indigenous issues, 250–52

Indigenous workers, 4; cannery workers, 23, 24, 96; coal miners, 6, 7; fishermen, 9, 10–11, 22, 31–36, 46, 48, 97, 119; fur seal hunters, 47, 74; fur trappers, 5, 74; gold miners, 8; lumber handlers, 2, 41, 71; restaurant employees, 201; unions, 120

Industrial Conciliation and Arbitration Act (ICA). See Bill 39

Industrial News, 21

Industrial Relations Act. See Bill 19 and Bill 20

Industrial Relations Council (IRC), 238–41, 245, 247–48

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 31, 41, 42, 43–46, 55, 66, 289

Ingledew’s shoe store, 64

Insurance Corporation of British Columbia (ICBC), 227

International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, 289

International Association of Bridge, Structural and Ornamental Ironworkers, 144, 145, 146–49

International Association of Machinists, 114, 167

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), 40, 67, 156–58, 167, 169

International Brotherhood of Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers (Pulp Sulphite), 102, 125, 150–53, 154, 177, 180

International Labour Organization, 63

International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union (ILWU), 110, 162, 163

International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), 69, 70, 71, 92

International Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers’ Union (Mine Mill), 109, 110, 125, 131, 134, 135, 155–56, 224

International Telecommunication Union (ITU), 67

International Transport Workers’ Federation, 148

International Typographical Union (ITU), 126, 170

International Union of Operating Engineers, 284

International Woodworkers of America (IWA), x, xi, 2, 98, 99, 100–101, 105, 110–12, 114, 121–22, 124, 128, 131–32, 13334, 138–39, 148, 152–54, 158, 159, 160, 169, 170, 177–80, 186–89, 195, 196, 222–24, 228–29, 235, 236, 237

International Woodworkers of America – Canada (IWA–Canada), 238, 25051, 268, 287

Iron River, 133

Ironworkers Memorial Second Narrows Crossing, 145

Ison, Terry, 186–88, 196–97

IWA Credit Union, x, xi

Jago, Charles, 266

James, Carole, 264

Jansema, Dirk, 280

Japanese Camp and Mill Worker’ Union (JCMWU), 74, 97

Japanese Fishermen’s Benevolent Society, 31–33

Japanese Fishermen’s Union, 117

Japanese workers. See Nikkei (Japanese) workers

Japanese Workers’ Union (JWU), 74

J.C. Kerkhoff and Sons, 231

Jensen Mushroom Farm, 211–12

Jingle Pot Mine, 52

Jobs and Timber Accord, 251

Johnson, Charlotte, 199

Johnson, Ron, 184–85

Johnston, George, 167, 170, 186, 196

Johnston, Mary, 263

Jones, “Mother” Mary Harris, 5556

Journeymen Tailors’ Union of America, 62

Kamloops, 82

Kato, Shigeo, 73

Kaur, Pritam, 212

Kavanagh, Jack, 53, 68

Keith, Thomas, 25

Kelleher, Stephen, 227, 267

Kelly, Bill, 179, 208

Kelly’s Cut, 42

Kelowna Accord, 228–29, 238

Kennedy, Bill, 114

Kennedy, Peggy, 114–15

Kennelly, Brian, 259

Kenney, Jason, 284

Kerkhoff, Bill, 231, 234

Khatsalano, August Jack, 9

Ki-et-sa-kun, Chief, 6

King, Al, 156, 184

King, Bill, 183, 185–87, 248

King, Verna, 173

King, William Lyon Mackenzie, 27, 75, 87, 104

Kinnaird, Jim, viii, 207–9, 214–16

Kirk, Bernice, 242

Kitimat, 180, 190–93

Klein, Phil, 83

Klein, Ralph, 83

Knight, Rolf, 10

Knights of Labor, 21–22

Knox, Paul, 128

Koerner, Steve, 218

Komagata Maru, 37

Kootenay Forest Products, 159

Kramer, Mike, 225–29

Krickan, Rudy, 183

Krieger, Kit, 252

Kristian, Kelsey Ann, 274

Kristiansen, Lyle, 188

Kruzic, Alice, 113–14

Kube, Art, 195, 216–18, 219, 222–23, 224, 225–29, 238, 286

Ku Klux Klan, 79

Labor Temple, Vancouver, 53, 56, 61, 64, 68

labour cartoons, 67

Labour Day, 25

Labourers’ International Union, 252, 283, 284

Labour Party, 55

labour pins, 68

Labour Progressive Party (LPP), 108–12, 130

Labour Relations Act, 138

Labour Relations Board (LRB), 128, 132–33, 138, 149, 153–54, 159, 184–86, 193–94, 197–99, 201, 207, 224, 227, 238, 241, 248, 259–61, 279, 283

The Labour Weekly, 74

Ladner, T.E., 22

Ladyman, William, 157, 167

Ladysmith, 51, 52, 53, 5455

Lake Cowichan, 123

Lakeland Mills, 273, 274

Lambert, Colin, 275

Lambert, Susan, 266

Lamont, George, 89

Lang, Ron, 190

Langan, Joy, 228, 286

Langevin, Lisa, 203

Lanzinger, Irene, 274, 287, 288

LaPlante, Mary, 255

Lapointe, Marc, 202

Lary, Anna, 203

Laski, Harold, 89

Laur Wayne (boat), 111

LaVigne, Roy, 143

Lawson, Ed, 168, 178, 182

Lawson, Percy, 127

Lenkurt Electric, 156–57, 158

Lennon, Elizabeth J. Shilton, 202

Leslie, Graham, 234, 238–39

Lett, Sherwood, 145

Leung, 16

Levine, Gil, 172

Lewis, David, 90, 108

Lewis, John L., 98–99

Liberal Party (BC), 136, 189, 190, 253–55, 257, 260, 264–65, 271, 276

Linglei Lu, 14

Linsley, Harry, 86

List, Wilf, 181

Little, Alan, 273

Little, Stanley, 174

Loftus, Lee, 282

Loggers’ Navy, 111, 112

Long, Ed, 9

Longshoremen and Water Transport Workers of Canada, 92

Longshoremen’s Hall, Vancouver, 61

Loosmore, Thomas, 21

Lorrain, Henry, 151

Lower Mainland Budget Coalition, 222

Lower Mainland Solidarity Coalition, 222, 228

Luggi, Maureen, 274

Luggi, Robert, 272–74

Lumber Worker, 132

Lumber Workers Industrial Union (LWIU), 66–68, 69, 87–89, 99

Luna, Lucy, 279

Lutz, John, 10

MacDiarmid, Margaret, 273

MacDonald, Angus, 156–57

MacDonald, James, 158

Macdonald, John A., 16, 20

MacFarlan, Jim, 188

Machi, Sakhdarshanpar, 213

MacInnes, W.E., 142

MacInnis, Angus, 89, 90

MacInnis, Grace (née Woodsworth), 89, 90

Mackenzie, William Lyon, 104

Mackenzie-Papineau Battalion, 86

Mackin, Henry, 88

MacLean, Gordie, 144–45

MacLellan, Norm, 250

MacMillan, H.R., 9

MacNeil, Pat, 148

Macphee, Angus, 150, 151, 153

Madhar, Sukhdeep, 212

Mah, Roy, 2, 121

Mahil, Harinder, 211

Mahoney, Bill, 130, 131, 132–34

Maillardville, 87

Mairs, Joseph, 54, 55

Mancinelli, Joseph, 252

Manson, Alexander Malcolm M., 146, 147

Marabella Pacific Enterprises, 234

“Marching Mothers,” 165

Marine Workers and Boilermakers Union, ix, 139, 184

Martin, Tony, 84

Mathews, George, 70

Mathieson, Shirley, 198

Matkin, Jim, 238

May, Dorothy, 143

May Day, 79

McBride, Richard, 46, 51, 55

McCarthyism, 163

McCauley, Mike, 84

McClelland, Bob, 215

McCuish, John, 101, 111, 112

McDonald, Les, 157–58

McDonald, Murray, 145

McGeer, Gerry, 70, 79, 81, 91–94

McGeer, Pat, 197

McGrath, Tom, 146–47, 148, 149–50

McGuire, Alf, 207

McKee, Clive, 199

McKenzie, C.C., 25

McKenzie, Ken, 237

McKibbin, John, 145

McKinnon, Alex, 52

McLean, Bruce, 142

McMaster, Bob, 171

McMurphy, Elsie, 239, 240

McPherson, Debra, 246–47

Meatcutters’ Union, 170

Mediation Commission, 171, 174, 178, 18081, 182–83, 241

Mediation Commission Act. See Bill 33

Mendoza, Magusig, 283

Michael, Jules, 17

Midgley, Victor, 61, 68

migrant farm workers, 278–79

militia, 53, 54

Millar, Charles, 85

Millard, Charles, 108

Mineoka, Tsuguo, 7

Miners’ and Mine Laborers’ Protective Association (MMLPA), 19–20

Mine Workers’ Union of Canada (MWOC), 90

Minimum Wage Board, 63–64

minimum-wage law, 62–64, 249, 288

mining disasters, 17, 18, 28, 50, 271–72

mining industry, iv, 6–7, 12, 13, 25, 27, 44, 68, 90, 100, 125

Ministry of Transport, 197

Mitchell, Ellen, xi

Mitrunen, Yrjo, 209

Miyazawa, Joe, 2, 121

Molson, John, 131

Money’s Mushrooms, 213

Moodyville Sawmill, 2

Moore, Arthur, 282

Moore, Jack, 157, 170, 179

Moose Jaw, 83

Mora, Franklin, 283

Morgan, Nigel, 112

Morning Leader, 58

Morris, Joe, 148, 190

Morrison, Brent, 194

Morrison, Hugh, 142

Morrison, John, 156

Morton, Desmond, 173

Mosher, Aaron, 108–9, 131

The Mothers’ Council, 79, 80

Mottishaw, Oscar, 50–51

Mouat, Jeremy, 19

Moyie silver mine, 38

Muckamuck Restaurant, 201

Muir, Archibald, 17

Mukhtiar Growers, 211

Mulroney, Brian, 243

Munro, Jack, xi, 159, 160, 186–88, 195, 196, 208, 224, 227–29, 235, 236, 237–39, 250, 286

Munro, John, 190

Munroe, Don, 237, 247

Munson, Veralynn, 264

Murphy, Harvey, 109, 110, 125, 131, 135, 156

Muzin, Fred, 255

Myers, Sam, 21

Nahanee, Ed, 120

Nahanee, William, 2

Nakusp, 183

Nanaimo, 6, 13, 18, 19–20, 52–54, 208

Nanaimo Laundry Workers’ Union, 127

Nasseri, Matthew, 278

National Day of Mourning, 274, 275

National Unemployed Workers’ Association, 88

National Union of Public Employees (NUPE), 125, 172–73

National Union of Public Service Employees (NUPSE), 172

Native Brotherhood of BC, 2, 119, 120

Native Sisterhood of BC, 120

Naylor, Joe, 60

Neale, Paddy, 157, 158, 161, 165, 171

Neilson, Peter, 86

Nelson, 160

Nelson, Ike, 171

Nelson, Peter, 84

Nelson Daily News, 159

New Democratic Party (NDP), 89–90, 109, 149, 150, 167, 174, 175, 181, 182, 183, 184–90, 195, 19697, 199, 205, 215, 235, 239, 241, 244, 247–49, 250, 251, 253, 254, 259–60, 264, 271, 276, 282, 28788, 289

Newspaper Guild, 289

New Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company (NVCMLC), 19–20

The New York Times, 55

Nga, Trieu Thi, 278

Nichol, Jack, 164, 165, 243, 250

Nichol, Jan, 203

Nicholson, Jack, 163

Nicol, James, 12

Niehaus, Sheil, 259

Nikkei (Japanese) workers: branded “enemy aliens,” 117; cannery workers, 96; fishermen, 23–24, 31–34, 35, 36, 73, 118, 119; immigration restrictions, 73; internment during the war, 118; loggers, 73; lumber mill workers, 87, 89, 97; lumber workers, 2; teachers, 118

Nimpkish River, 9

Nimsick, Leo, 109

Nisga, 121

Nisga’a Treaty, 252

North, George, 146, 147

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 243

North Pacific Fur Seal Convention, 47

North Pacific Lumber Company, 36

Notre Dame University, Nelson, 197

Nuytten, Phil, 145

Oakalla prison, 54, 55, 94, 102, 146, 147, 165

O’Brien, Dan, 110, 126–27

O’Connor, Ed, 142–43, 171

O’Flynn, Sean, 246

Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union (OCAW), 166, 167–68, 171

O’Keeffe, Art, 157, 158

Onderdonk, Andrew, 14–16

O’Neal, Edward Patrick, 153

O’Neal, Pat, 148, 153, 154, 162, 177

One Big Union (OBU), 60, 65–74, 90, 110, 137, 156

O’Neil, Paddy, 84, 86

O’Neill, Barry, 264

Ontario Steelworkers, 108

On-to-Ottawa Trek, 81, 8283, 103

Operation Engineers, 231

Operation Solidarity, 205, 206, 207–9, 214–29, 224, 235, 258, 286

O’Rourke, Michael J. “Mickey,” 93, 94, 95

Orris, Glen, 272

Pacific Coast Coal Colliery, 52

Pacific Coast Native Fishermen’s Association, 97, 119

Pacific Great Eastern Railway, 138

Pacific Institute of Public Policy, 238–39

Pacific Lime Company, 100–102

Papenbrock, Wiho, 192

Parks, John, 223

Paton, Nora, 244

Patterson, Scott, 274

Pattison, Jimmy, 232–34

Pattullo, Thomas Dufferin “Duff,” 100–102, 105–6

Paull, Andy, 120

Paystreak, 28

PC 1003 (order-in-council), 107

Peace Arch concert, 135

“Peace in the Woods,” 250

Pearl Harbour, 117

Pearse, Peter, 237

Pearson, George, 106, 109, 125, 128

Peck, Ed, 205–8, 214, 238–39

Pennyfarthing condominium, 231, 232

Pepin, Jean-Luc, 192

Perry, Clay, 222

Peskett, Tony, 176–78

Peterson, Leslie, 167, 179–80

Pettipiece, Parm, 45

Pham, Han, 278

Pham, Michael, 278

Phan, Tracey, 278

Phillips, Jack, 130

Phillips, Paul, ix, 138

Phillips Cable, 158

Pioneer Laundry, 63

Plumbers’ Union, 181

“the Plywood Girls,” 115

Poje, Tony, 138–39

police, 28, 34, 42–45, 52, 59, 68–69, 88–92, 9394, 96, 100–102, 1045, 126, 133, 153. See also BC Federation of Police Officers; Dominion Police; Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Poole, David, 241

Pooley, R.W., 88

“porkchopper,” 152

Port Simpson, 34

potlatch, 10

Potts, Lionel Beevor, 127

Powell, Israel Wood, 11

Power, Jeff, 158

Press, John, 90

Prince George Pulp and Paper, 154

Prince Rupert, 151, 153, 16465, 175

Princess Patricia (steamer), 53

Pritchard, William (Bill), 68, 71, 72

Pritchett, Harold, 88, 99, 100, 110, 128, 131–34

Public Education Advocacy Fund, 260

Public Education Flexibility and Choice Act. See Bill 28

Public Education Labour Relations Act, 249

Public School Act, 181

Public Sector Labour Relations Act. See Bill 2

Public Sector Restraint Act. See Bill 3

Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), 204

Pulp, Paper and Woodworkers of Canada (PPWC), 151, 152–53, 154, 158, 180, 186–89, 209, 250

Pulp and Paperworkers of Canada (PPWC), 151

Punia, Sukwinder Kaur, 276

Queen Charlotte Islands, 112

racism, 22–23, 31–37, 46, 71–73, 106, 117, 121

Radford, Dan, 127

Ralston, Keith, 33

Rand formula, 137

Rankin, Jonnie, 113–15, 123

Ready, Vince, 155, 224, 227, 247–48, 263, 267

red bloc, 134

Regan, Gerald, 208

Regina Manifesto, 89

Regina Riot, 83–85

Registered Nurses Association of BC (RNABC), 174, 244

relief camps, 77, 79, 87

Relief Camp Worker, 77

Relief Camp Workers’ Union, 77–79, 80

Rempel, Ewald, 231, 234

Retail Clerks International Protective Association (RCIPA), 64

Retail Clerks’ Union, 183, 187

Retail Merchants’ Association, 71

Retail Wholesale and Department Store Union, 162

Revelstoke, 15

Rezac, Darcy, 238

RHA Enterprises, 276–77

Rhodes, Cecil, 178

Richmond, Claude, 215, 231–34

right-to-work legislation, 230–31

Riordan, John H., 41

Riot Act, 20, 79

Roberts, Father Jim, 222, 224

Roberts, Thelma, 173

Robertson, Will, 28

Robeson, Paul, 135

Robideau, Henri, 231

Robin, Martin, 8

Robinson, Reid, 131

Roche, Glenn, 273

Roddan, Andrew, 76

Rogers, Frank, 31–35, 3839

Rooney, Kevin, 192

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 75, 99

Roper, Tom, 248

Rosenthal, Stan, 62

“Rosie the Riveter,” 113, 114

Ross, Geraldine, 257

Ross, Jack, 156–57

Rossland, 27

Royal Canadian Garrison Artillery, 53

Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), 60, 83–86, 94, 117, 164, 181, 182, 192, 193

Royal Commission on Health Care and Costs, 247

Royal Commission on union bugging caper, 154

Rush, Maurice, 134

Safeway, 168

Sagoo, Jasbir Kaur, 213

St. Laurent, Louis, 129

Salmon, Thomas, 20

Salmon Purse Seiners’ Union, 96

Salonen, Oscar, 92–94

Sandringham Hospital, Victoria, 181, 184, 185

Sangha, Darshan Singh, 2, 121

Sargeant, R.A., 154

Savage, Bob “Doc,” 84

Savage, Pat, 245, 246

Schaak, Nick, 86

Schreyer, Ed, 190

Scott, Gerry, 222, 228

Scouten, Sarah Jane, 155

Seafarers’ International Union (SIU), 128, 129, 130, 148, 163

Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program (SAWP), 278–79

Second Narrows Bridge, 14446, 147–49

SELI Canada Inc., 284

Sentes, Ray, 275

Service, Office and Retail Workers Union of Canada (SORWUC), 3, 199, 200, 201, 202–3, 269

Seto, Sylvia, 262

Shaparla, Willis, 82, 85, 86

Shearer, Renate, 222, 224, 228

Shelford, Cyril, 182

Shewaga, Stan, 152, 187, 250

Shields, John, 242, 249

Shipping Federation, 69–71, 92, 95

Shipyard Workers, 131

Sidhu, Sarbjit Kaur, 276

Sidhu and Sons Nursery, 279

Sihota, Moe, 247–51

silicosis, 140

Sims, Jinny, 261–64, 265

Sinclair, James, 119

Sinclair, Jim, 258, 262, 274–78, 280, 282, 288

Singh, Gurdit, 37

six-hour day, 66

Skelly, Bob, 235

Sloan, Gordon, 122–25, 139

Smith, Al, 150

Smith, Brian, 240

Smith, Mary Ellen, 25, 62

Smith, Nick, 269

Smith, Ralph, 25, 27, 62

Smith, Roy, 163

Smith, Sidney W., 109

Smith, Sir Donald, 15

Smith, Stephanie, 243

Smith, Tom, 173

Smyth, Mike, 255

Social Credit Party (Socreds), 136–43, 167, 170, 174–75, 181–83, 188, 195, 19798, 199, 205, 211, 212, 215, 219, 222, 223, 224, 235–39, 244–50, 253, 254, 282

socialism, 29, 60, 66, 89

Socialist Party of BC, 30, 59, 72

Socialist Party of Canada, 30

Society Promoting Environmental Cooperation (SPEC), 119

Solidarity Coalition, 222–23, 224, 227–28

“Solidarity Forever” (song), 289

Southam newspapers, 126

South Asian workers: exclusion from unions, 65–66; farm workers, 211; lumber mill workers, 2, 36, 37, 87–89

Soviet Union, 128, 135–37

Spanish Civil War, 86

Spector, Norman, 224, 227–28

Spencer’s Department Store, 64

SS Riverside, 129

Staley, Ed, 170

Stanton, John, 101

Stave Lake Quarries, 274

Stavenes, Steve, 165

Steeves, Gary, 217–18

Steinbeck, John, 77

Stevens, Homer, 119–21, 163–64, 165, 179

Stevenson, Brian, 209

Steves, Harold, 185

Steveston, 31, 32

Stewart, Alan, 149

Stewart, Bill, 131

Stewart, Sid, 149

Stewart, William, 184

Stoffman, Larry, 282

Stonebanks, Roger, 178

Stoney, Gerry, 169, 188, 196

Strachan, Bob, 148, 149, 174

Street and Electric Railway Employees, Victoria, 65

strikebreakers, 19–20, 27, 32, 38, 39, 40–43, 51–53, 67–69, 74, 90– 92, 96, 100, 101, 102, 126, 129, 133, 143, 159, 160, 184, 248

strike pay, 51, 55

strikes: Alberta Lumber Co. sawmill, Vancouver, 1920, 74; American Brotherhood of Carpenters, Victoria, 1884, 24; American Newspaper Guild, Vancouver Sun and Vancouver Province, 1971, 178; bakers, meat cutters, clerks, Lower Mainland, 1975, 187; BCGEA, province-wide, 1957 and 1959, 143, 171, 181; BCGEU, province wide 1983, 220, 222, 22526, 227; BCGEU, province wide, 1982, 215; BC Rail, 1975, 187; BCTF, province-wide, 2005, 260–61, 262, 263–64, 265; BCTF, province-wide, 2014, 267–68, 269; BCTF locals, 1988–94, 249; BCTF teachers, province-wide, 1971, 181, 182; BCTF teachers, province-wide, 1987, 239; BCTF teachers, Surrey, 1974, 188; Canada Rice Mills employees, Vancouver, 1967, 166; Canadian Seamen’s Union, Vancouver and worldwide, 1949, 129, 148; CASAW, Alcan Kitimat, 1976, 191, 193; CFU several farms, Fraser Valley, 1982–84, 212–13; CLRA, province wide, 1971, 177; CMSG towboats, province-wide, 1970, 178, 179; coal miners at Crowsnest, 1945, 125; construction unions, province-wide, 1972, 180, 182; Corbin Miners’ Association, 1935, 91; CPU and PPWC pulp workers, province-wide, 1975, 186–87, 195; Crowsnest Pass coal miners, 1919, 68; CUPE, Kamloops, Penticton, Trail, Vancouver, 1969, 174; CUPE women employees, Sandringham Hospital, Victoria, 1970–73, 181, 184, 185; fallers on Vancouver Island, 1934, 90; Federation of Telephone Workers, 1969, 175; ferry workers, province-wide, 1968, 172; ferry workers, province-wide, 1977, 198; first general strike, Vancouver, 1918, 58, 60, 61, 68, 71; Fishermen and Cannery Workers Industrial Union, Rivers Inlet, 1936, 96; Fraser River Fishermen, 1893, 23–24; Fraser River Fishermen, Steveston, 1900, 31, 32, 33; general strike, Amherst, NS, 1919, 66; general strike, Prince Rupert, 1919, 66; general strike, Vancouver, 1919, 66–68, 71, 156; general strike against wage controls, 1976, 194, 195; Grand Lodge of BC Fishermen, 1901, 34; Great Vancouver Island Coal Strike, 1912–14, 50, 52, 58, 60; health care unions, province-wide, 1989, 244, 24546; health care unions, rotating province-wide, 1992–93, 247; Heat and Frost Insulators, Vancouver, 1971, 282; HEU, 1976, 199; HEU, province-wide, 2004, 257, 258; Hudson’s Bay Company coal miners at Fort Rupert, 1850, 12; IBEW at Lenkurt Electric, Burnaby 1966, 156, 15758, 161–62, 167, 171; Indigenous fishermen and cannery workers, Skeena and Nass Rivers, 1904, 35; industrial unionists, Victoria, 1919, 66; International Association of Machinists, Boeing, Vancouver, 1943, 114; International Longshoremen’s Association, Vancouver, 1923, 69, 70, 71, 92; Ironworkers, province-wide Dominion Bridge sites, 1959, 145, 146–47; ITU at Vancouver Province, 1946, 126, 127; ITU at Winnipeg Tribune, 1946, 126; IWA, Blubber Bay, 1938–39, 2, 98, 100101, 102, 113; IWA, coastal forest companies,1952, 138–39; IWA, coastal forest companies, 1986, 235, 23637; IWA in Kootenays and Okanagan, 1967–68, 159, 160; IWA loggers, Skedans Bay, 1943, 112; IWA women shipyard workers, Vancouver, 1943, 114; IWA woodworkers, province-wide, 1946, 122, 12324; IWW CN Railway labourers, 1912, 43, 45; IWW sewer and road workers, Prince Rupert, 1911, 42; laundry workers, Nanaimo, 1946, 127; laundry workers, Vancouver, 1918, 63; Lumber Workers Industrial Union, 1919-20, 68; Mine Mill, province-wide, 1946, 125; Mine Mill at Anaconda, Britannia Beach, 1964–65, 155; miners at Cassiar Asbestos mine, 1970s, 282; miners in Kootenays, 1919, 66; miners in Princeton, 1933, 79, 90; municipal workers, Penticton, 1970, 181; MWOC, Anyox, 1933, 90; newsboys in Rossland, 1890s, 27; OCAW at British American and Imperial Oil refineries, 1965, 166–67; OCAW at oil refineries, 1969, 171; occupation of Vancouver buildings by unemployed, 1938, ii–iii, 1045; one-day general strike, province-wide, 1987, 240, 242; PPWC, pulp mills province-wide, 1970, 180; propane truck drivers, Vancouver Island, 1975, 187; province-wide general strike averted, 1965, 167, 168; PSAC, Vancouver, 1980, viii; Relief Camp Workers Union, Vancouver, 1935, 79–82, 84–86, 90, 92; Salmon Purse Seiners’ Union, Vancouver, 1938, 96, 97; smelter workers’ union, Trail, 1918, 59–60; SORWUC at Ray-Cam centre, Vancouver, 1981, 3; SORWUC restaurant workers, Vancouver, 1978–81, 201; staff at hotel beer parlours, 1971, 178; Steelworkers, Alcan Kitimat, 1970, 180, 191; Steelworkers, Vancouver, 1946, 128; Swanson Bay sawmill, 1920, 73–74; sympathy strikes by coal miners and sawmill workers, Nanaimo, 1946, 127; telephone operators, Vancouver, 1902, 1906, 40; TWU BC Tel, province-wide, 1981, 207–8; UFAWU, Prince Rupert, 1967, 16465; UFCW, province-wide, 1996, 251; UMWA mine workers, Crowsnest Pass, 1911, 44; United Brotherhood of Railway Employees, 1903, 38, 39; United Steelworkers at American Can, Vancouver. 1945, 125; against Vancouver Island coal companies, 12–14, 19–20; against Vancouver Island coal companies, 1861, 1865–66, 1870–71, iv; VCEU, Vancouver, 1966, 174; VDWWA longshoremen, Vancouver, 1935, 92, 9394; Western Canada Lumber, Fraser Mills, 1931, 87, 88, 89, 100; Western Federation of Miners, Rossland, 1901, 27–28; Winnipeg General Strike, 1919, 66, 72, 156; WIUC at MacMillan logging camp, Iron River, 1947, 133

Stringer, Bernadette, 246

Stuart, R.V., 112

Succamore, Jess, 157–58, 240

Sun, Connie, 197

Sunar, Mohindar Kaur, 276

Supreme Court of Canada, 256, 264–65, 269, 270

Suzuki, Tatsuro “Buck,” 118, 119

Suzuki Etsu, 73–74

Swanson, Jean, 222

Swan-Wooster Engineering, 145

T. Buck Suzuki Environmental Foundation, 119

Taft-Hartley Act, 128–30

Tairiku Nippo (Continental Times), 73

Tappage, Mary Augusta, 46

Tax Freedom Day, 252, 253

Taylor, Carole, 264

Tchen, Thang, 278

Teck, Father François-Xavier, 89

Telecommunication Workers Union (TWU), 205, 206, 207, 208, 209

telephone companies, 40

Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP), 282–84

Thatcher, Margaret, 261

thirty-five-hour workweek, 188

Thompson, Mark, 276

Thompson, Syd, 105, 154, 157, 158, 179

“three amigos,” 248–49

“three wise men,” 184

Tieleman, Bill, 252, 253

tin-canners, 79, 103

Tolmie, Simon Fraser, 88

Tonelli, Joseph, 153

Trades and Labor Congress of Canada (TLC), 20, 41, 57, 65, 99, 108, 125–30, 138, 141, 142

Trade Unions Act, 161

Trail, 58–59, 109, 156, 196

Tran, Ut, 278

Tranquille institution, 217, 218

Treacher, H., 69

Truck Loggers’ Association, 237

Trudeau, Justin, 119, 287

Trudeau, Pierre, 165, 189–91

Tsimshian brass band, 34

Tuckfield, F.L., 21

Typo Times, 126

Ukrainian Labor Temple, 105

Underwood, Alan, 174

Unemployment Action Centres, 286

Unifor, 287, 289

union blockades, 231

union cards, 38, 41, 70, 184

union certification, 197, 200, 249, 259

union dues, 110, 132, 137–38, 149, 154, 158, 163, 171–72, 239

union logos, 69

union membership receipts, 69

union membership statistics, 57, 74, 125, 137, 141, 171, 176, 181, 185, 271, 285, 287

union occupation of workplace, 207–8, 217–18

Union of Bank Employees, 202

union protests, 45, 140, 169, 170, 197, 206–209, 212, 218, 219, 221, 223, 228, 233, 239–41, 253–55, 258

union rallies, 251

union solidarity, 38, 56, 59, 63, 66–67, 97, 101, 102, 114, 123–27, 143, 152, 160, 166–68, 179–81, 188, 206–209, 214–29, 236–40, 257–59, 263–64

union strike statistics, 181–82

union walkouts, 258–61

United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, 98–100, 203, 235

United Brotherhood of Railway Employees ((UBRE), 38

United Electrical Workers, 135

United Farm Workers, 168, 169

United Fishermen and Allied Workers’ Union (UFAWU), 119, 120, 130, 163, 164, 165, 175, 216, 243, 250

United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW), 203, 251, 252, 278–79, 282, 287

United Mine Workers, 127, 142

United Mine Workers (UMW), 68

United Mine Workers Journal, 51

United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), 44, 50, 55, 98

United Paper Makers and Paper Workers Union, 151, 154

United Paperworkers International Union (UPIU), 154

United Steelworkers of America, 125, 128–30, 131, 132–35, 152, 156, 172, 177, 180–81, 191, 203, 238, 271–74, 282–84, 287

United Way, 286

Uphill, Tom, 136, 137

Vancouver, ii–iii, 44, 76, 8081, 94, 104, 105, 129, 144, 151, 180, 198, 201, 208

Vancouver and District Labour Council (VDLC), 156–57, 165–67

Vancouver and District Waterfront Workers’ Association (VDWWA), 71, 92–95

Vancouver Civic Employees’ Union (VCEU), 130, 173, 174

Vancouver Coal Mining and Land Company, 17, 18, 19–20, 25

Vancouver Daily World, 59

Vancouver Labour Council, 110, 128–30

Vancouver Plywood, vii

Vancouver Province, 38, 67, 126, 127, 178, 186, 195, 199, 208, 239–41, 255, 280, 286

Vancouver Resources Board, 197

Vancouver Sun, 67, 92, 114, 126–28, 132, 136, 143, 147, 154, 157, 167, 168–69, 178–79, 195, 198, 228, 234, 240, 253, 257–58, 286

Vancouver Trades and Labor Council (VTLC), 19, 26, 43, 49, 61–64, 68, 71, 74, 87, 110

Vander Zalm, Bill, 197, 235–41, 244, 245, 248–49, 261

Verde, Jose, 164

Victoria, 7

Victoria Times, 178

The Voice of the Fishermen, 96

von Dehn, Cecilia, 255

Vowell, A.W., 24

wage controls, 189, 19091, 193–95, 214

wage spiral, 186

Wagner Act, 99–100, 106

Wainwright, Ray, 86

Walker, Cathy, 282

Walker, R.G., 38

Walsh, Red, 83, 84

“the War in the Woods,” 250–51

War Measures Act, 107

Wartime Prices and Trade Board, 125

Webster, Jack, 132, 154, 215

Webster, Peter, 48

Weiler, Joe, 238

Weiler, Paul, 182, 185, 194

Weiman, Dan, 259

Wellington, 13, 17

West, Alice, 114, 204

Western Canada Lumber (WCL), 87–88, 123

Western Clarion, 72

Western Coal Operators’ Association, 68

Western Crown Manufacturing Company, 124

Western Federation of Miners, 27, 38, 156

Western Fuel Mine, 52

Western Labor Conference, 66

Western Miner, 125

The Western Wage Earner. See The British Columbia Federationist

“Westray law,” 272

Weyerhaeuser, 272

whipsawing, 177

White, Bill, 108, 139

White, Kit, 210

white bloc, 131–33, 134

white workers, 33, 36, 46; limestone workers, 100101

Whitmore, Fernie, 146–47

Wicks, Lyle, 140

Wiebe, Andy, 246

wildlife conservation, 47

Williams, Allan, 188, 197–99

Williams, Bob, 72

Williams, Parker, 30

Williams Lake Tribune, 258

Williamson, Andrew, 102

Wilson, William B., 56

Winch, Ernest, 6869, 71, 90

Winch, Harold, 68, 71, 90, 104, 105

Wing, Lila, 207

Winnipeg Tribune, 126

The “Wobblies.” See Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

women: activists, 216, 222, 227; anti-union “Marching Mothers,” 165; co-operatives, 62; CUPE executive, 173; first female MLA, cabinet minister and Speaker, 62; on husbands’ picket lines, 159, 192; Ladies’ Auxiliaries, 51, 94, 122, 123; Mothers’ Council, 79; return to domestic life after the war, 115; rights, 25; sit-down protest, 140; social welfare, 62; suffrage, 20, 30, 51, 62; on union marches, 90, 91, 95

Women Against the Budget, 216, 222

Women in Trades, 203

women workers, 3; acknowledged in name change of WCB, 185; aircraft companies, 114; bank employees, 199, 200–202; building trades, 203; cannery workers, 10, 22, 23, 35–36, 96; domestics, 63; farm workers, 213; forest industry, 115; hospital employees, 254–55; largest mass layoff since WW II, 255; laundry workers, 63, 127; newspaper printers, 286; paid maternity leave, 204; pay equity, 204, 247; on picket lines, 175; retail clerks, 64; shipyard workers, 113, 114; shoreworkers, 204; telephone operators, 40, 67, 156; union heads, 218, 243, 261, 287; union membership, 61–62, 197, 244; union of Indigenous women, 120; university and college employees, 204; waitresses, 63; wartime workforce, 107; workforce statistics, 115–16

Wong Hau-hon, 16

Wood, Stuart, 85

Woodfibre, 151

Woodsworth, J.S., 89, 90

Woodsworth, Lucy, 90

Woodward’s Department Store, 64

Woodworkers Industrial Union of Canada (WIUC), 132–33, 134, 149

Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB), 185, 188, 196, 197, 209–12, 253

Workers’ Unity League (WUL), 76–77, 79, 87–88, 91–99

Workingmen’s Party, 21

Workmen’s Compensation Act (1917), 29, 30, 60, 64, 110

Workmen’s Compensation Board (WCB), 64, 139–40, 145

workplace deaths, 272–78

workplace diseases, 279–82

workplace safety, 271–84

WorkSafeBC, 272–82

World Peace Congress, 137

World War I (The Great War), 57, 61, 63, 65, 93, 95

World War II, 106–21

Yale, 43

Yamazaki, Yasushi, 33–35

Yates, William, 65

Young Worker Summit, 287

Yussuff, Hassan, 268

Zander, Bill, 253

Zerr, Dodie, 199

Zucco, Bea, 140

Zucco, Jack, 140, 141

Zwozdesky, Don, 273