→ 19 DAYS left on my beloved Planet Earth.
This is it! Kissing Day! The day all my dreams come true. I decided that break time would be the best time to kiss Mbali.
That meant I just needed to get through double maths – yawn fest! And double Drama – my favourite subject! (It's practically a free period.)
It took forever for break to arrive.
Mrs SnoreMore's double maths fractions lesson was even more boring than I thought possible.
Thank goodness, I'll have left for Mars when she tests the subject, as I hadn't a clue what she was talking about. I mean, in all honesty, who (besides Zen) cares what fractions are?
Drama was no better. In fact, I think it was a little worse than Maths. It was totally traumatising, although I kinda dig Mr Weirdo.
Mr Weirdo decided to hold auditions for the school play, Annie.
Even though I'm going to be on Mars when the play takes place, he didn't want me to feel left out, so I too had to sing one verse from, "The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow". Oh no!
One by one we trudged up to the stage, where we were forced to sing unaccompanied.
Kids were trying all sorts of things to get out of the humiliation.
Kurt pretended to cry, so he was excused.
That was actually my trick, which I had stupidly shared with him.
Eventually, break arrived. Thank goodness!
I planned to quickly gobble down my lunch (as I was starving to death) and then go kiss Mbali.
Distracted, I bit into my sandwich, only to discover that Tata had put FISH PASTE on it!
There was absolutely no way I could possibly kiss Mbali with fish breath, so I heaved a heavy sigh and continued eating.
I have to remember to pack my own non-breath-stinking lunch for tomorrow.