→  25 DAYS left on Earth and counting. Hmmm.

I think my parents have started to feel a little bit sorry about making me move to Mars. (Quite rightly so.)

Mama didn't yell when I burped during supper, and Tata took over my dishwashing chore.

I, of course, being the genius that I am, used this to my full advantage. I walked around the house sighing a lot, and spent time lovingly touching every object in our home.

I hugged each cushion goodbye, kissed Gogo's antique vase and patted the coffee table. I even sang a little song to the side lamp: "Oh lampie dear, oh lampie dear, I'll miss your pretty sparkle."


My sad act worked! Mama and Tata decided that I could take a pet aboard the space shuttle.

A pet! WAHOO! I've always wanted a pet. My parents wouldn't allow me to have one before, because Gogo has all sorts of allergies.

But, apparently, they'd rather have Gogo sneeze herself silly than see me so sad.
